Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2518: The 2518th soldier does not deceive 2

Li Linlin listened to this and shouted her hand and said, "But... even if it is, then you can only kill the reds, why kill so many people!"

"Just kill him one? These are his subordinates, the same race, and the red scorpion is killed. Do these people stop here? Keeping them is a curse!"

"Then you can't kill them, more than a thousand creatures!" Xiaoqing grabbed his collar with both hands and swayed hard.

"Do you think I think? This is the battlefield. If they don't die, you know how many souls will die under their hands! All the sins of today, I have to bear it!"

Xiaoqing stunned and said: "I promised that the red temper will help him! The military division, what are you doing!"

Lin Sansheng ignored him and overlooked the mountain. The red temper has basically stabilized the chaos and assembled the soldiers under his hand to try to break through.

"If you are not afraid of danger, you are indeed a personal talent, and you will not be able to stay with you..." Lin Sansheng muttered, and lit a magical charm, throwing it at the people below the cliff.

This was designed in advance. The soldiers who were ambushing around, saw the fire of the charm, and immediately rushed up, from all directions, standing in front of the railing, cutting the fingers one by one, holding the stakes, using the helium of the blood to strengthen With the power of the array, once there is an attempt to forcibly rush out, the rear row immediately kills the sword with the rune...

Standing in the middle of the school yard, Akasaka looked up and looked up from the top above the cliff. It was only faintly seen. He saw the outermost side of the cliff. A man wearing a silver armor stood there. Wearing a bouquet of purple gold crowns, it looks like awesome. He determined that it was Lin Sansheng, who was running the spiritual power at the moment, and issued a general voice in the mouth: "All the commanders are on the top, and the red-skilled son knows that it is wrong. They all command the gods to be countless. The red-skilled son is willing to worship under the door, the saddle before the horse, the service." Commanding!"

The people standing on the cliff clearly heard these words. Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others immediately looked forward to Lin Sansheng with full expectation, waiting for him to speak.

Lin Sansheng leaned forward slightly and aired Dan Tian. He said, "You are a wolf, you can't afford it. You have to blame me, you have to blame you for being too good, you will never live forever." Under the people...Hesheng Yu Heliang, I will not kill you today, he will die under your hands... All will listen to orders, can kill the red-skilled, and reward Yundan ten!"

As a Daomen North Orthodox, Xingsuhai is good at alchemy. Yundan is a kind of external sacred refining system. Taking refining and chemical refining, it can be cultivated and strengthened. It is at least equal to the effect of cultivation for three or five years. The refining of the dan is rarely given to outsiders. It is rare and rare, and ten clouds are enough to make ordinary people go to work hard.

All the illusions are shattered. Xiaoqing’s heart is desolate, overlooking the mountain, and the melee has begun. Within the school ground, under the influence of the Eight Diagrams Gate, the Ziwei Tianhuo wave is higher than a wave, and more and more people are burned by the flame, even if it is red training. Zi, there is no way to control the situation again, the scene has fallen into chaos... countless meditations, struggling and rolling in the flames, screaming to the sky. The entire school scene looks like **** at the moment.

"Brother, brother..." Li Linlin groaned at him, rubbing his face with his hands, crying and begging him.

The burning fire always rushed to the middle of the mountain, and Lin Sansheng's face shined brightly. His expression was cold or no expression at all. His eyes looked deep into the school ground. No one knew what he was thinking.

Xiaoqing was by his side, looked at this face, and suddenly felt that this person was such a stranger, as if he knew him for the first time. Under the scream of a wave of screams, Xiaoqing bit his teeth, brushed out the Qingfeng sword, and crossed the neck of Lin Sansheng.

"Lin Sansheng!"

Xiaoqing shouted, "I ordered them immediately, or I will let you go!"

"Xiaoqing..." Everyone was stunned by this scene, and they didn't know what to do.

Lin Sansheng slowly turned his head and looked at Xiaoqing. He said faintly: "You want to kill me?"

Xiaoqing’s tears are like rain, saying: “Let them go!!”

"You want to kill me." Lin Sansheng is very calm, "We are brothers, you are pointing at me with a sword, tell me you want to kill me?"

Xiaoqing wiped a tear and felt that she was very disappointing. She tried to suppress her emotions and choked: "I am helping you, military division, we are brothers, I don't want you to make such a big kill! Count brothers. Are you OK?"

Lin Sansheng sighed and said: "This is the battlefield, the battlefield, the rules of the battlefield. If you really want to kill something... I am not afraid."

"Why are you doing this!" Xiaobai cried on the side and cried.

Lin Sansheng looked at the school yard at the foot of the mountain and spit out four words in a cold voice: "The soldiers are not deceived."

The soldiers are not detested!

This is the rule of the battlefield. There is no human condition to speak. There is no room for soft heart. Only the most heart-wrenched person can survive to the end. As soon as it is done, whether it is ancient or contemporary, human beings or other spaces, this is the unchanging truth on the battlefield.

Everyone was shocked and didn't know how to deal with this sentence.

Xiaoqing slowly shook his head and suddenly screamed up in the sky. This shouting included unspeakable disappointment and anger, as well as sadness.

After the tsunami, he looked at Lin Sansheng with a red throat and said slowly: "From now on, you are no longer my brother!"

After that, the long sword in his hand was taken back, and he brushed his hair and cut off his hair. Then he threw the long sword down the mountain and jumped into a huge green snake, hitting it down.

"Brother!" Xiaobai also turned out the real body, flying together, Guagua, Meihua and buns, all flew down.

Xiaoqing directly ran into the position where the red scorpion was, and wanted to save him. As a result, when there was still some distance, in the sky above the school yard, a chapter of the criss-crossing spiritual network suddenly appeared. Xiaoqing slammed into the Above, it sparked countless sparks, but this network did not change except for a few shocks.

In order to ambush these spirits, Lin Sansheng has placed an extremely powerful array here, and has tens of thousands of soldiers to use his own blood as a guide, to add the spiritual power of the array, and to say that a small green, even if the road comes, think It is impossible to tear up this spiritual giant network by the power of one person.

"Brothers..." Red sturdy in the sea of ​​fire, and Xiaoqing looked at each other across a net, the look is very moving, "Brothers do your best, you go, don't get yourself in!"

"You insist, I will go to my boss to help! You must hold on!"

(I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day! The lover's lover is happy! Look at Maoshan, find a lover, not right, find an object!)

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