Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2519: The 2519th soldier does not deceive 3

Xiaoqing turned to his body and flew in the direction of the boundary river. Xiaobai and others heard the conversation and they all followed behind.

Akongko took a deep breath and looked at Lin Sansheng above the cliff. He gnashed his teeth and said, "If I don't die, I will let you suffer ten times of revenge!" Turning around and looking at the crowd, he screamed: "Where is the dead man? Help me break through!!"

The time of a fragrant incense, the struggle in the school field, the movements of the struggle gradually faded down, the screams almost stopped, and the countless savage flies up the cliff, blocking the sight of the mountain people, until these fine The temples are scattered, and Lin Sansheng overlooks the mountain. Among the school yards, there is only one pair of empty armor. Although there is a physical development in the Qing Dynasty, as the ghosts of the world come here, but after all, there is no evil spirit. After the ghost was turned into fine, nothing was gone.

These armor are made of materials from the Qing Dynasty. The Ziwei Tianhuo can't be damaged. Thousands of armor are scattered in the school. A piece of silence, only these armor, proves that something terrible happened just now.

everything is over.

Several sectarian generals came forward and joined hands to make a slap in the face of Lin Sansheng:

"Congratulations to all commanders, to reduce traitors, shock the three army!"

"The command of the commander's prestige will not spread throughout the coalition. Who will dare not accept it?"

In the face of these compliments, Lin Sansheng did not change his expression, and he did not say anything back: "General Li, pass on the order, go to the school to search for gold armor, and the winners will reward Yundan five!"

The gold armor is the armor worn by the red scorpion. It is unique. If you find the gold armor, it is equivalent to determining that the red scorpion has been smashed before it dies. It is impossible to see the situation below. Lin Sansheng is not sure whether there is any red cultivator. Breakthrough success. If the red scorpion does not die, it will be a great scourge.

General Lee immediately went on to arrange.

Lin Sansheng turned back and looked at the generals sent by several other sects. These people were watched by him. Immediately, there was a feeling of sitting on a needle, and the look did not change.

This kind of look is not there until the school is burned.

Lin Sansheng is very satisfied with their performance. He first came to the top, and he was crowned high. He commanded the three armed forces. Although he played a lot of beautiful shackles and convinced people, he always lacked something. After all, because everyone knows that he is a scholar, whether it is human or empty, he is a scholar. There is a stereotype that is weak.

Today, the school is burning, and the slaying of the swindlers, in addition to the reasons that have been said before, is also for the sake of Li Wei.

Now, the purpose has been achieved.

"You, the means of the ambassador, you have all seen it. In the future, we will work together, and this will make the rewards and punishments clear, and naturally will not treat you badly."

"Dare to be killed!" Several generals bowed from the heart.

"General Liu, you go to the people to write a document, sue the three armies, and the red-removed swindlers of the Red Mountain have been suppressed by the ambassadors. In the future, they will dare to defect, and they will treat them in such a way, and they will never be soft!"

"Follow!" General Liu trembled with trepidation.

"General Li, you go to the 20 scouts, mix them into the various parts of the spirits, observe their reactions, and if there is any change, immediately report!"

"Follow!" General Lee also went.

"Chen General, you are going to prepare some incense sticks, and reward the soldiers who participated in the operation today, General Wu, you go to the big account, report the source of the matter to several masters, and ask them for the next move, the rest will go down the mountain together. Look for the armor of the red trainer!"

Everyone was ordered to retreat, leaving only one team of soldiers, standing far away to protect the safety of Lin Sansheng.

Li Linlin had already stopped crying, standing behind Lin Sansheng, staring at him, the expression, like watching a stranger.

Lin Sansheng sighed and went to Li Linlin. One hand reached her face and wiped the tear marks on it. She said softly: "Is it cruel?"

Li Linlin shook her head.

"The battlefield, that's it. Since I am in charge of the military power, I must focus on the overall situation... Linlin, I don't want to do this, but I have no choice."

Li Linlin still shook her head.

Lin Sansheng still wants to say something. Li Linlin suddenly spoke up and said coldly: "I don't know anything about military affairs. I only know that you have killed thousands of lives! This is not a battlefield. They are being attacked without any help." You kill, don't you think that your body is dirty? Really, you are dirty and dirty!!"

After talking about this in anger, Li Linlin ran wildly down the mountain.

Lin Sansheng held out a hand and tried to keep her, but after all, he said nothing. He just stretched his hand and looked at him with a lost look. He stood for a long time, and a soldier ran up the mountain, half a mile away. On the ground, he said: "The obituary has commanded, and Maoshan teaches Ye Shaoyang to come. We dare not stop it. It has already passed the door. This is coming up!"

Ye Shaoyang is coming...

Lin Sansheng snorted and slowly nodded. "Know, you can retire."

The man’s forefoot just left, Ye Shaoyang came, sitting on his shoulders, and the rest were not there.

The two looked far away, and Lin Sansheng looked away and said, "Are you coming to ask for sin?"

"I came to listen to you. After they have said everything, I just want to hear from you. You better give me a reason not to turn your face!"

Ye Shaoyang is angry.

I have been living in the master's house for a few days in the past few days. I have been living with the elderly for a few days. I was planning to say goodbye today. Xiaobai suddenly came to the house and told him about it... it was a blue sky!

Ye Shaoyang did not say anything, and he confessed to the old man, and immediately passed through the void and came to the air.

Xiao Bai, of course, they will not lie, but Ye Shaoyang still wants Lin Sansheng to see one side, listen to him personally explain... He does not believe that his life and death brothers will do this kind of thing.

Lin Sansheng bowed his head and sighed: "I have nothing to explain. Shaoyang, the war is like this. If you don't want to be a soldier, you don't have money. I have no choice."

Ye Shaoyang angered: "You don't always use this as an excuse! I understand that all of your reasons are true, but what about it, then thousands of creatures are indeed killed by you, not others!"

Lin Sansheng said: "What about that? If you change it to someone else, you will do it as long as you have a little judgment."

"Then let others do it, I don't want you to do this, understand?" Ye Shaoyang was mad, "I don't want my brother to be a murder devil, a war machine!"

Lin Sansheng listened to this and said nothing for a long time. Then he shook his head and said, "I am not killing the devil. I just want to win this battle. I want to defeat the corpse and let the empty world return to Taiping!"

I wish you all a happy new year! I have also taken a vacation in recent days. I walked away with relatives. I am updating a chapter today. I am slow to everyone. Please pay attention to the public number: Qingzi v5, there is a gift for the Spring Festival.)

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