Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2520: The 2520th soldier does not deceive 4

Ye Shaoyang is too angry to know what to say. "This battlefield has nothing to do with you, you..."

"But I have already participated, and I have a relationship with me!" Lin Sansheng's voice is also severe. "Either don't do it, or do it to the extreme. Fight war, Shaoyang, don't you agree with this view?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and shook his head and said: "It's not the same. It's different. Anyway, I will never kill the unarmed and undead evil! Military division, this is two things."

Lin Sansheng spread his hand. "You don't understand war. I don't want to argue with you."

"I don't want to argue with you, I just want to do one thing, you... go with me!"

"Where are you going?" Lin Sansheng frowned at him.

"Yes! Anyway, you are always my brother, I don't want you to make a mistake and go wrong, don't be a ghost commander, go back with me, we will continue to do what we should do! What is the void? Battle, go back with me!"

Lin Sansheng looked at him fixedly and said: "I have spent so much effort to have the power and prestige of today. You are now letting me go. I am leaving. Who will command the three armed forces and fight against the corpse?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "When you die, Zhang butcher eats pigs? You are originally an outsider. If you leave, there will be people who will make up for your shortcomings. What do you do, let me go with me!"

When I came up and pulled Lin Sansheng’s hand, I couldn’t pull it. I stumbled and looked at him and said, “Don’t you leave?”

Lin Sansheng sighed and his tone eased. He said, "Shaoyang, this is what I always wanted, strategizing, winning thousands of miles! I have not been able to complete my life, but now I have the opportunity to learn what I have learned. You are now Let me give up, Shaoyang, I can't help, just like you can't give up to rescue the cold jade, we all have things that we don't want to give up!"

"This is not the same..."

"The same, you are also taking the world by big, except for our brothers, who can understand you, but who knows me?"

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "I support you, but it does not mean that you are willing to see you killing innocent..." Lin Sansheng just wanted to explain, Ye Shaoyang waved and stopped and said: "You don't want to say, I know you want to Say you can't help yourself, but in my opinion, this is killing innocent people. If you are willing to go with me, I haven't happened anything, and I try to persuade them to forget what happened today, if you don't want to..."

Lin Sansheng looked at him with a blank expression and said, "How?"

"Then we will go all the way in the future. In the past, the things we experienced together, I tried to forget, I would never have been your brother."

After that, Ye Shaoyang looked at him fixedly, waiting for his answer.

Lin Sansheng's clear throat, flashed a trace of grief.

"The corpse force is gathering, brewing for a long time, the battle that was said before, may be in these few days, you go back and prepare, when I give you a signal, you go through the dark forest to rescue the cold jade... I can't participate in the second action. I want to contain the corpse army here, including the winning hook and the son-in-law. You should be careful when you get there... Success or failure is here, Shaoyang, I believe in you."

Ye Shaoyang listened to these words, and he couldn’t tell the complexity, but the emotions were calm and calmly looked at him. He said slowly: "Are you still a brother?"

Lin Sansheng blinked and said: "If you want to persuade me to go with you, you don't have to say it anymore. I won't go. If you insist, then we will go all the way in the future. Shaoyang, you took me from the beginning. Rescued in the tomb, you brought me to look for a child, this kind of love, I remember in my heart, never forget the whole life."

"Oh, you said kindness to me? Then you have to say that, whoever owes no one, I have helped you, but you have done so much for me, and they have all returned. From now on, we will not be able to owe!"

Ye Shaoyang's teeth are stunned and turned to leave. Lin Sansheng suddenly called him behind his back, Ye Shaoyang stood and looked at him doubtfully.

Lin Sansheng came over and said: "In the future, I can't help you any more. I don't worry about dealing with evil things. But people are a hundred times more terrible than evil things... Just like I said to Xiao Bai, the soldiers are not deceptive. Yang, you remember these four words."

When he said these words, his eyes kept staring at Ye Shaoyang, that look... Ye Shaoyang always felt that he had some kind of deep meaning, just about to ask, Lin Sansheng reached out and handed him a copper coin. "This is the first time you just got When I was saved, the soul used to give me the soul of the town was also a token of our brothers. Now that I’m parting ways, the ancients have cut off the set of justice, but I still give it to you...”

Ye Shaoyang reached out and ended up looking at him with a copper coin.

Lin Sansheng smiled and said, "Okay, we don't owe each other now." Then he said to Ye Shaoyang, and then he went to the end.

"You are good at it." Ye Shaoyang sighed, no longer said anything, turned and went down the mountain.

Lin Sansheng has been holding his fists in both hands, looking at his back gradually disappearing, his eyes reveal a little lonely that no one can understand.

"Master..." On the downhill road, the meaning happened to meet both A Huang and Azi, and the two hurriedly saluted.

"How come you?" Ye Shaoyang asked two people and asked.

"Before the military division... It was transmitted to Qingqiu Mountain. The Lord was very shocked. Let us inquire about it. It happened to meet me in the mountains. I said that the master is on the mountain, waiting for a while, I will not see you. Let's take a look..." The two said, turning their heads to look at the mountains, "military..."

"There is no military division." Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath. "From now on, he is him, I am me, you go back and tell Xiaojiu, don't give him any help in the future."

Azi and A yellow face each other. "Master, don't give him help, what does it mean?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said, "What about other sects, how about you, so you can do it, don't give him any special care. Remember."

The two seemed to understand and nodded.

The three went down the mountain together. Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others waited outside the Tuen Mun and saw Ye Shaoyang go down the mountain. They gathered up together and stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

"He won't go." Ye Shaoyang said these three words.

"Hey!" Xiaobai sneered, "I know that he is now addicted to the boss, but now they are all commanding, commanding the three armed forces, and have forgotten our ghost-caught alliance. How can we afford this small place? Such a powerful person!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is not the case, but he has chosen a different path from us...not to mention him, let him fend for himself."

(Today is still a chapter, resume tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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