Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2539: 2539 post-Qing's strategy 1

Hou Qing was a little embarrassed and smiled: "Looking up."

Qi Lengyu just closed the book, looked up, looked at him and said: "I always think that you are a pair with her, very good, do not understand why you like me."

"You are so perfect, I think a man should like you."

Xiao Leng Yu smiled lightly.

"However, your previous performance has surprised me. In fact, you are not weak at all."

芮冷玉道: "I was not a goddess. I have most of the shortcomings of women. I don't like you if I lose. If a woman who likes Shaoyang is in front of me, I have long torn my hair." ”

After Qing laughed and said: "Then you want Ye Shaoyang to be with the nine-tailed fox."

Yan Lengyu’s expression was cold and cold, and there was pain in his face. “If you like someone, and you can’t be with him... otherwise it will hurt him, then you only have to make him happy and try to forget. Oneself. One person is suffering, it is better than two people."

After Qing Qing squatted in front of her, looking into her eyes at a close distance, said softly: "I made you angry again."

芮 冷玉 shakes his head.

Hou Qingdao said: "Soon, soon everything will be over."

What Xiaoyu realized, looked up and looked at him doubtfully.

"The war that was said before is about to begin."

A cold jade, said: "Will Shaoyang come?"

Hou Qing’s mouth reveals an intriguing smile. "Will do."

Yan Lengyu was silent for a long while and said: "You let me see him, I told him personally, I want to be with you, let him give up."

Hou Qing smiled and said: "Do you think he will give up?"

"He may be sad, but he will always cheer up. He has so many good friends, and there are nine foxes... he will forget me."

After Qing shook his head and put a hand on her shoulder, he said, "Don't deceive yourself. The more you do, the more he will not forget you. His character, you know best."

Yan Lengyu looked at him and his face changed slightly. He said, "So everything you said to me before is cheating on me. You are using me, want him to come to save me, and then kill him?"

Houqing slightly daggers.

The cold jade snorted. "You have achieved your goal now, so you don't care to tell me the truth. You don't really love me?"

Hou Qing shook his head. "Jiangshan and the beauty, I want it. If you really want Ye Shaoyang to forget you and stop looking for you, I have a way..."

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, and then slowly said: "Forget the water."

芮 冷玉心 trembled.

"Is there really a sense of forgotten in the world?"

"Yes, forget the water to mix the skin of the other person, drink the person, will forget all the memories related to this person... If you really want Ye Shaoyang to forget you, this is the only way."

Looking at him with a cold look, "Forget the water... Where are you going to get it?"

"Meng's Meng Po."

Yan Lengyu frowned: "Is Meng Po not the Meng Po soup?"

"I don't know the specifics. I just heard that there is such a thing. If you have the heart, you can go to Xiao Langjun to help. He will ask for Meng Po, or you can get a bowl."

Yan Lengyu sinks into it. "I am afraid that Xiao Langjun will not."

"This is for the sake of Shaoyang. He may not refuse."

"Then let me go in person?"

"You are a reincarnated ghost boy. If you leave the zero world, no matter where you go, you will be killed. You can write a letter. I will send someone to the Yin Shi."

Ruan Yuyu said: "You want Shaoyang to forget me, then I can be with you?"

Hou Qingdao said: "To do so, at least to save his life, you think about it, time is running out."

After Hou Qing finished, she smiled at her, stood up, went to the body of the minister, and waited quietly.

I was sitting on the ground with a cold jade, and my mind was full of thoughts. Forget the water... There is such a thing in the world, drink it, Shaoyang will completely forget himself... What a terrible thing?

However, maybe this can really save Shaoyang a life?

Yan Lengyu took a deep breath, and the decisive color in his eyes gradually covered up the pain. He said, "I write!"

After Qing turned around and looked at her and said, "I am helping you."

芮 玉 玉 嘴 mouth floated a sneer, said: "There is no paper and pen here, how do I write a letter, then how can I prove that the letter is written by me?"

Hou Qing said: "You agree, then pass a message."

Yan Lengyu looked at him inexplicably.

"If Xiao Yiyun is willing to help, it is also for Ye Shaoyang. If he is unwilling to die, he will not agree with what you say."

Yan Lengyu immediately understood, said: "Well, then you tell him, this is what I proposed."

Hou Qing nodded slightly, and left the forbidden land, and returned to the deserted hill, while walking, sinking.

Although Leng Lengyu agreed, but it is a trouble to find someone to go to the yin, he is a zombie. Now everyone is shouting. As long as you leave the air, no matter which force you encounter, everyone is shouting. Even if you can get out of the air, you will be caught in the city.

Therefore... this person who delivers the letter not only has to have a certain strength, but also needs to know about the situation of the Yin Shi. At least after seeing Xiao Yiyun, he can make things clear... Now most of his subordinates have gone to the front line, and there are several effective assistants. I also need to arrange the array method... After Qing thought for a long time, I went back to the front mountain corpse and called myself a personal body. It was a flying dead king, simply said the situation.

Fei Zhuang Wang thought for a moment and said: "God, this thing has to find the human body to do, we are born in the realm of the world, most of us have not been to the world, encounter cross-examination and auditing, afraid of not coping, once found Zero zombies, fearing that they will kill directly, if it is okay to kill, if it is caught and tortured, things will be revealed, but it is not good."

Hou Qing slowly nodded and said: "So, can you have a good candidate?"

The Flying Zombie thought for a moment and said: "Brothers are mostly on the front line. Now I am only a confidant, coming from the world, a ghost, or an executable task."

Hou Qing frowned: "How can your heart come from the world?"

Fei Zhuangwang said: "He was a Taoist priest before his death, he was harmed by the same door, he became a ghost corpse, he could not be accepted by the human world, and he did not want to go to the sinister account. He always hides in the world and is catching up with the air battle. He will come to us. This kid is strong and powerful, and he is very clever. He once made meritorious deeds. Once I went to the front line, he saved my life. I took him back to heaven and abandoned it. It has been a long time."

After Qing heard it, my heart was deeply convinced that the zombies in the world are one, no matter whether it is the original or the human form of the zero world, there is no difference, and listening to the flying dead king said that this person is indeed difficult for the world, to vote for the corpse So let the flying dead king call the ghost body.

(End of this chapter)

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