Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2540: After 2540, the strategy of Qing 2

After the ghost was taken, he fell under the throne. Hou Qing asked him to look up and look up.

This person seems to be only in his twenties. He looks ordinary and looks ordinary. He can't see a ghost. But he can naturally detect the corpse on his body. This must not be fake.

The corpse army is actually not only a corpse, but also a variety of creatures. Therefore, as a zombie king, Houqing is relatively close to the zombies. After all, they are the same family, and there will be no vigilance (zombies in the world, Belonging to the most inferior creatures, they will never be repaired, and they will not be able to correct them. Even if they are ghosts and evil spirits, they will not be able to do it.

"You used to be a mage?"

"Returning to God, the subordinate was a disciple of Lingfeng."

Lingbifeng... It’s just a medium martial art in the world. After Qing heard it, but I don’t know much.

"what's your name?"

"The slogan is called the ancient moon."

"Ancient month? A strange road number, is your surname Hu?"

"I don't know the subordinates. I belong to the orphans. I was taken up by the master when I was a child. I was a Taoist priest. This number was given by my master."

"So how did you become a ghost?"

Gu Yuedao: "My master was a teacher of Lingfeng. After he died, it was supposed to be my successor. But my uncle was trying to **** the position of the teacher, and lied to me that there was a treasure in the tomb. I went to look for it together, but sealed me underneath. I died in a corpse. After I died, I became a ghost. I sneaked back to the mountain gate and killed my uncle. I also committed killing and dared not go. Swearing account, so as not to be sent to hell... can only hide in the world, listen to God led the corpse to enter the airspace, especially to die..."

This remark was true and sincere, after the Qing listened, nodded and said: "Since you become a ghost, then it is no longer a human being. When I am in the unification of the corpse, you don't have to hide in Tibet. Killed by the Master and the Ghost."

"But by God!"

Hou Qing looked at him and said: "I see you are very smart, and have been a mage. They are familiar with the situation of the world and the sinister. There is an important task, and it is important to give it to you. After the event, I will seal you. Soldier."

Now I will tell the story again, the ancient moon is in my heart, and I will guarantee that I will do it again, so I left the Tianshan Mountain and went to the empty world.

After he left, the flying squad came back from the mountain and said to Hou Qing’s ear: "God, the military division is coming."

Hou Qing slightly nodded, walked down the throne, followed him down the mountain, and walked into the dark forest. In the dense forest of the roadside, a scholar dressed up came over and fell down at the foot of Houqing.

"The iron abacus meets God!"

Hou Qing had a virtual support and said: "The military division does not have to be polite."

When the iron abacus got up, Hou Qing asked: "How is the battle situation?"

"Everything is ready, just wait for the father and the saint to order, you can attack Yunshan!"

Hou Qing is flying to the dead king: "You go to stare nearby."

Flying the dead king retired.

After Qing went to the iron abacus and said slowly: "Have you ever been a bandit?"

The iron abacus smiled a little slyly: "That was the case of the Republic of China. I later became the adjutant to Sanye and also became a warlord."

Hou Qingdao said: "Your family, the three masters, is a great person, but it is a pity that it will not be a success."

The iron abacus sighed: "The three masters are not good fortune, but although he ran, he couldn't make a comeback. Although I was crushed in the tomb and became a zombie, it became a member of the corpse. This is also a villain. Fu points, can be today, thanks to the three main trusts, entrusted with heavy responsibility, dare to do their best!"

Hou Qing smiled and said: "It is not the same. I am a lot of people in the corpse, but it is your strength. ""

“Thank you for your cultivation.”

Hou Qing walked beside him and said carelessly: "Your talent, I am relieved, but... you will return to the day after I abandoned the mountain. When I take it, frankly, I am not very relieved about you."

When the iron abacus was heard, he suddenly became uneasy and squatted on the ground. He said: "The niche will always be loyal to the Lord, and there will be no two hearts."

After Qing went to him, he squatted and said, "Who are you loyal to?"

"Nature is the three masters!"

After Qing was silent for a moment, he quickly said: "If my three people disagree, who do you listen to?"

When the iron abacus was heard, it was scared to kneel on the ground and did not dare to make a sound.

Houqing asked coldly: "Who are you loyal to?"

"The villain is loyal to God." The iron abacus was silent, adding: "Only be loyal to God!"

After Qing, he smiled and reached out and patted him on the shoulder. He said: "After this war, I will seal you as a national teacher and let you open a sect in the empty world. It is a master!"

"The villain does not dare, just ask for service beside God, there is no other to ask for."

After Qing smiled: "Jun has no jokes, after the event, I will not pay you."

"Thank you God!"

"Don't be thankful, I will ask you, how many times have you grasped Yunshan?"

"This..." The iron abacus frowned. "The villain tells the truth, the Lin Sansheng of the Air Alliance, the ingenuity is unparalleled, and the end is very powerful! In recent times, the temptations are at least equal to the villain. Without him, the villain has at least 90% of the game can win this battle. From now on, it is only six or seven percent."

"Oh? You said that you are equal, shouldn't you have five points each?"

The iron abacus said: "I am the attacking party. There are a lot of offensive routes to choose from, so I have to take the initiative. So I will say that there are six or seven points." Then I was afraid that Hou Qing was angry. "The villain will try his best to fight for a battle!"

After Qing took a few steps, he returned to him, bent down and said to him: "I want you to do this..." Now I have talked about my own strategy.

After listening to the iron abacus, he looked at Hou Qing with shock and said: "God, this..."

After Qing’s eyes suddenly showed murderousness, said: "You didn't say it before, only loyal to me?"

The iron abacus slammed and bitten his teeth. "All told by God!"

After Qing reached out and patted him on his shoulder, suddenly a force, five fingers inserted into his flesh, the green corpse blood instantly flowed out.

"Ah..." The iron abacus screamed.

After Qing’s hands, he looked at the iron abacus that fell to the ground and said, “I have injected three kinds of corpse poisons into your body. Although you are a ghost corpse, if I work hard, you will swallow yours even if you are thousands of miles away. The soul is gone, you can’t do it, you can’t do it!”

"God, don't dare!" The iron abacus squatted on the ground, slamming his head.

After Qing turned and walked toward the Tianshan Mountain, he did not say back. "What to do, you already know, go."

The iron abacus stayed for a while, looking at the back of Hou Qing, slammed a head heavily, turned and quickly left.

(Today, I went to record the interview video. I was busy for a long time, just wrote a chapter, another chapter was sent after 12 o'clock, continue to write)

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