Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2542: 2542诛仙剑阵2

"My two sisters want to stay guard, I brought a disciple, she..." Jing Hui is too embarrassed, whispered, "She is a little inconvenient, and will arrive soon."

“Inconvenient?” Ye Shaoyang asked casually.

Lao Guo smiled: "Inconvenient, it is convenient to go, inconvenient is convenient, people are too thin and embarrassed to say, ask a question!"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and scratched his head. What was convenient and inconvenient, like a tongue twister.

Waiting for a while on the side of the road, the sister who came to the convenience came, is a young girl in her twenties. Jing Hui Shi Tai said that she is a rumored disciple, called Li Yuanyuan, who looks like a beautiful woman, but very The kind of clean, very resistant, temperament quiet, after the introduction of Jing Hui Shi, the sister paper just smiled from their nod.

However, I don't know if I think more. Ye Shaoyang always thinks that when she looks at herself, her eyes are a bit strange. Then I thought of narcissism, maybe I was too handsome, so famous, and the girl might admire herself very much...

"The four swords of Zhu Xian were stolen. What do you think?" On the way up the mountain, Jing Hui Shi talked with them.

Ye Shaoyang said three of his own guesses and discussed them together. Jing Hui Shi sighed: "I think this thing is definitely related to the catastrophe... The magic world, and even the whole world, must have a big deal."

Ye Shaoyang is silent and his mood is getting more and more dignified.

"Shaoyang, can you be good in this direction?" Jing Hui Shi asked too quietly.

Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly. "I don't know how to be good, there are some things, I think you have heard about it."

Jing Hui Shi’s look was sad, silent for a long while, turned his head and looked at him. He said faintly: “Shaoyang, you took the cold jade from my Emei Mountain that day, I know there will be today?”

Ye Shaoyang glimpsed, vaguely thought of something, and said: "Is the teacher too aware of it?"

Jing Hui Shi sighed: "I certainly don't know her identity. I only see that she has a Buddha's edge. Now I think about it. At that time, she is at the fate node. If she really converted to Buddhism, she might escape this. Robbery."

Some words made Ye Shaoyang a few people shocked. Especially Ye Shaoyang, the heart has set off a stormy wave, and those memories of the past suddenly floated up:

If...When Lengyu didn’t go to the sea with her own star, she wouldn’t hear Su Mo’s shaking the copper bell. In this way, she would not wake up the deep thoughts of her infinite body, so she would not wake up. Always been a normal person.

If this is the case... If the two are now married successfully, are there any such things now?

Sibao slammed his head and said: "I really didn't think about this problem. I knew that I wouldn't take her with me..."

Jing Hui Shi said: "It is not this. The cause and effect are all fixed. Now that you know the result, it is natural to feel that you can avoid it, but at the time, she did not."

Ye Shaoyang heard the deep meaning of her words and asked: "But the teacher Taifang said that it was better not to save her."

Jing Hui Shi Taidao: "That is her fate node, she is gone with you, you are in danger, or have major actions, she can not not participate, this is her fate... The only variable is to stay in Emeishan clearing, never seeing you, this is another fate, Shaoyang, you still don't understand, she is either a monk, or she is with you to experience the things she should experience, once She chose to go with you, all of which is inevitable."

Ye Shaoyang is in a daze, and thinking carefully about Jing Shi’s words is indeed quite reasonable!

"If... I chose to stay in Mount Emei and continue to contact me, maybe I will be in the future, and then contact me, then I can get the best of both worlds?"

Jing Hui Shi shook his head and said: "You still use the fruit to push the cause. Shaoyang, you think about it, according to the situation at the time, if she chooses to continue with you, why should she still be a monk. It’s disheartening, obeying the Buddhist commandments, and you won’t have any more results. So, do you understand?”

Ye Shaoyang smashed the top, and he nodded.

Jing Hui Shi said: "She didn't know her identity at the time, but she was intuitive in the midst of it. Otherwise, she would not think of being a monk. However, she eventually chose you, even if she wants to go through all kinds of things in the future. Even the looming..."

It turned out to be...

Ye Shaoyang bowed his head and tried to restrain his emotions. After a while, he looked up and sighed and smiled. "Thanks to the teacher for reminding me, I understand a lot. However, I believe there are still opportunities." I will definitely save her."

Jing Hui Shi sighed a little, and walked up to the mountain. The mouth was faintly said: "Red dust is ruthless, and life is always in love."

Along the way to the mountain, came to the front of the Dragon Tiger Mountain main hall, Zhang Wusheng personally waited outside the hall, met Jing Hui Shi Tai, bowed his hand and said hello, only nodded to Ye Shaoyang, entered the main hall together, went to the wing.

There are already seven or eight people in the wing, and Ye Shaoyang has a sneak peek at them. They are the masters of several major sects, or the important figures of the first. There are no interpretations of Jiuhuashan, the kindness of Putuoshan, and the king of Qingcheng Mountain. There are a few young people in Wutai Mountain flying, and most of them have been seen, but Ye Shaoyang can't name them.

If you can name it, you will have a holiday like this, and you will not be able to deal with it. Therefore, as soon as he appeared, the compassionate teacher and Wang Daogan looked at it with cold eyes. They had seen it once before the funeral of Daoyuan real people. Several people asked Yan Shaoyang about the cause of death of Daoyuan, or Zhang Wusheng gave it pressure.

Sibao did not expect Xiaoyaofei to come. He slammed the scalp in the past, and bowed and respectfully said: "Is the teacher uncle always good?"

Happy flying hands folded together, sitting on the futon, staring at the cup on the coffee table in front of him, and looking at him without looking at him, said: "When you went down the mountain during your face, could you put my uncle in your eyes?"

Before his meditation, he was swayed in the air to let the wind break, and he no longer cultivated it.

The four treasures are a bit awkward, and then say: "Apprentices go down the mountain, they have their own disciples, but whenever I am a Wutaishan disciple, you are also my uncle."

"Very good." Happy flies in a dull tone without any expression.

Sibao stood behind him, and Yang Shaoyang spit out his tongue.

A priest in his fifties came up and arched the hand to Ye Shaoyang: "Fusheng is infinitely sacred, and the leaves are taught, and the poor are polite."

Although he did not know that he was dry, Ye Shaoyang also rushed back.

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