Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2543: 2543诛仙剑阵3

The old Taoist went on to say, "I didn't come with Ye Jiajiao?"

"Your apprentice?"

"The poor road, the mountain, the purple Leizi, is Wu Jiawei's uncle, listen to him talking about always with you, with the help of Ye Jiajiao."

"Oh oh oh, white brow, let's talk about it." Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a lot close, bowed his hand, Sibao and Lao Guo also came up to say hello, being chilling, the compassionate teacher suddenly said coldly: "Zhang Shixiong, there is no People want to come, if not, then we will start to discuss the business." After reading, he also took a look at Ye Shaoyang and others. "We are here to discuss matters, not to talk about the old friendship."

Some people who said something were very upset and not good at attacking. Ye Shaoyang greeted the quiet teacher to sit too first, and then he also found a seat. Lao Guo stood behind him. On this occasion, he said that he was in his identity. The status is impossible to participate, but Zhang Wusheng did not say anything, others will not naturally say.

Zhang Wusheng glanced at a few people present and said: "There are still some who have not come, but they are not waiting, Longyang, you will tell what happened next night in the Jiange."

A middle-aged Taoist came in. It was a real person in Longyang. He had been in Shicheng before, and he was familiar with Ye Shaoyang. After he came in, he ignored other people. He specially nodded with them and found a place to stand. Everyone, began to talk about what happened last night:

The passing of things is actually not complicated at all:

Jiange, in the back hill of Longhushan, was built specifically for the worship of the sword. After the sword was obtained, the sword was also placed in it. The surrounding area was very strong. There was only one old road stationed in the sword. Last night, about two or three o'clock, everyone suddenly heard the bell in the front of the mountain, the bell hanging on the sword.

The disciples who were awakened gradually went to the back of the mountain to ban the land. The first disciples who arrived first hit the invading evil spirits. When Zhang Wusheng and others felt that the battle was over...

The three disciples who arrived in the first batch have already lost their lives. The old man who guarded the sword pavilion also died. The clan of the sword pavilion was broken. The swords and swords of Xianxiang have been stolen.

"A few disciples are dead?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked. "Isn't that serious injury on the phone before?"

"Dead. Just the body is still now, the soul is gone." Longyang is human.

"This...so did you search for the soul?" Although he felt that this was a nonsense, Ye Shaoyang still asked.

Longyang lively: "Of course, but did not find the soul."

The soul flies away, leaving no traces...

Ye Shaoyang just wants to express his feelings. Longyang real person said: "When we arrived last night, the few disciples had just died, but they did not see the soul, so either they were absorbed, or else the whole soul was Inhaled other spaces."

The faces of everyone in the room are all dignified.

There is no way to interpret the letter: "Our sword is so lost."

The compassionate teacher also talked about the process of losing the sword in his door. They were all similar. They were attacked by unidentified evils and then fled in the shortest time. When the crowds went around, they were gone.

Then the problem is coming:

These three major sects, the entire mountain are full of squad, if there is a sinister attempt to break into, as long as you just enter the mountain gate, the size of the warning array and the instrument on the mountain will immediately alert, if it is really evil, then no The reason can go all the way to the sword pavilion forbidden, and take a step back and say that even if this evil thing is succeeded, the implement is a human thing, except for the goblin, the ghost and the evil spirit can not take it.

Therefore, one of the results of the discussion was that the only ones who broke into the mountain gate and stole four swords were human beings. However, as soon as this analysis came out, it was immediately opposed by the letter of explanation. The reason was that the swords on their hills were locked. The key is only normal. On his own body, he first sensed the spiritual fluctuations sent from the sword court. When he went to check it, the sword pavilion was still well locked. The sword pavilion had no windows, and the door was closed. The shackles or the traces that have been opened...so it is impossible for humans to do it.

"Maybe people have a key, open the door to steal the sword, and then ran again." A mage put forward his own views.

There is no way to read the letter: "There is no possibility. Where we hide the sword, on this mountain, the cave is also made up of mountains. The stone gates on it are all cliffs on three sides. I want to go down the mountain and there is only one road. I live in Dufeng Mountain Pass, when the old man meditated in the room, if someone really went up the mountain, it would be impossible for me to be unaware of it. If the old man noticed that there was a change in the cave, he would immediately investigate if the sword was stolen. I have no time to grab the mountain in front of me."

After Zhang Wusheng listened, he said: "Fangcai Longyang only analyzes the situation and proposes this possibility. Although I have always been defensive in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, the mountain pass of the former mountain back mountain has people guarding the night, wanting to rush to the forbidden place, and then silently The possibility is also very small."

"That is still strange. Since it is not human, it is not evil. What else can it be?" said a young boy.

Zhang Wusheng looked at him and a teenager next to him and said: "Excuse me, I am a little blind to you, you two..."

"The younger generation is called Yuan Jiang. It is the new teaching of Yandang Mountain. My master died the previous month and ordered me to take over the post. I just took office. The last time Zhang Shibo and you went to Yandang Mountain, I have seen it."

The young boy on the side smiled and said: "The younger generation is the chief disciple of Wuyishan. The family is heavy and can't travel far. He sent me to come. Before the seal of the nine-tailed fox, I was fortunate to fight with several seniors and I have seen each other."

When it comes to the nine-tailed fox, Zhang took a look at Ye Shaoyang and smiled intently.

The compassionate teacher looked at Ye Shaoyang too squinted and said with a sneer: "The debt of the day was not clear today."

Ye Shaoyang said faintly: "If you come to talk to me about this, you can go now."

The compassionate teacher is too eye-catching: "Go? Why is it that I am leaving, not that you are going, Lao Ni, how do I say that is also your elder, do you have this attitude?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her and said without hesitation: "Because, I am doing business, it is you who are dating these old things, delaying everyone's time, who are you leaving?"

The compassionate teacher was too flustered, just about to open up, Zhang Wusheng put his hands on his hands and said impatiently: "Well, what happened today, I am asking for you, even if I am temporarily reconciled, can I find a way to deal with it?" ”

Wang Daogan said: "The poor road thinks that there is only one possibility. Those who come to steal the sword must be evil things, but they are not ordinary evils, or they are the soul of the Master, or the demon of the Xianban. Only this kind of The soul can survive the circle without being discovered...

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