Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2544: 2544 amazing discovery 1

The sword was stolen and the spiritual power changed, so the law was activated at that moment. After that, when the man did not arrive, the sword fled. What do you think? ”

There is no way to interpret the letter: "The old man is still the same sentence, feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power, the first time going up the mountain, if it is a person, there is no time to escape."

"It is also possible that it is a special form of evil. After taking the sword, it can open up the void crack on the spot and enter another space." A young monk standing in the back row said.

Several great masters shook their heads together. An old monk sitting in front of the young monk looked back at him and scolded: "There are all the masters here. Who knows no more than you, and how can you speak?"

The young monk still wanted to tell, and his master waved to stop.

Ye Shaoyang took the call and said: "There is this possibility!"

The compassionate teacher laughed too ridiculously: "Ye Tianshi, what jokes do you say, we have solid solids arrays on all three mountains. Within the scope of the legal array, only a few nodes can pass, and we want to open the void cracks. how is this possible."

Ye Shaoyang ignored her and said to Zhang Wusheng: "When the Daoyuan ancestor was killed, I was next to me. I saw the evil thing in my eyes and opened the crack of the void. I wanted to pull the soul of the founder."

Zhang Wusheng was shocked and muttered: "Yes, how did it do it?"

"All the little masters are right. They are evil things with special abilities. At least I know a sin and have this ability."

Everyone immediately cast doubts on him.

Ye Shaoyang did not sell off, and slowly said: "The protection of the Holy Spirit... or something, it is a very powerful evil. It is a shadow state, invisible, and his big move is to open the void, together with the nose and hell. ""

"What!" Several Buddhist disciples were shocked at the scene.

The compassionate teacher said: "There is no way to open a nose and hell."

"People are just, what can I do!" Always being embarrassed by her, Ye Shaoyang is also a little annoyed, not angry, "You don't know how powerful it is. If it is you, it is estimated that it has been pulled to the nose." went!"

This sentence is a pun intended attack. On the one hand, it is ridiculed that her strength is not good. In addition, the Buddha family always hangs a nose and hell, and advises people not to do this. Otherwise, they will go to **** and Ye Shaoyang uses this. Respecting her back and forth is also a very heavy word.

Sure enough, the compassionate teacher was about to shoot the table on the spot, so that he was persuaded by several people, and he sat quietly without snoring.

Everyone was very interested in the evil thing that Ye Shaoyang said. They all asked, Ye Shaoyang said in detail about the two battles, but did not say the speculation about the shadow.

Everyone is amazed, but there is no useful information.

At this time, Lao Guo stepped forward and said to everyone: "I am a little bit light, but I want to make an opinion. Since it is certain that most of the swords are stolen, they are some kind of special form of evil. It is boring to discuss it again because There are too many possibilities, we still think about why they have to steal the four swords of Zhu Xian?"

This question has been considered by everyone, but they can't think of it: the sacred sword array is a very aggressive method, but it requires at least four powerful wizards to work together to activate the sword array. The more people involved in the practice, the stronger the strength of the formation. The other party will steal four swords, which is definitely used to deal with what is extremely powerful.

But who is it, it is not known why it is done.

Everyone's heart is covered with a shadow: the four swords of Zhu Xian are stolen, just like a time bomb is in the hands of others. Once detonated, it will involve the entire magical world...

At the end of the discussion, the compassionate teacher said too unpleasantly: "Since there is no clue, let us know what to do and discuss it without ugly."

Zhang Wusheng listened to this and looked around at the crowd. He said, "It is natural to have something to look for, you wait."

After that, Zhang Wusheng let Longyang live out, took a map and laid it on the coffee table. Everyone immediately got close to the crowd. The map used a brush to draw a lot of circles in different places.

There are a dozen or so laps.

"What is this?" someone asked.

Zhang Wusheng said: "Recently, everyone has acted together and gradually discovered the existence of the Holy Spirit in many cities. I made a record." Zhang Wusheng took out a pen and made a point in several places on the map. "Look at you." Look."

Ye Shaoyang first responded and said: "There are places in these circles where there are living chapters?"

Zhang Wusheng nodded.

Everyone looked at this smeared map and didn't understand it for a while. Wang Daogang said: "Is there any problem with these cities?"

Zhang Wusheng said: "Look alone, there is no problem, but when you look at it together, there is a problem."

The compassionate teacher said: "If you have anything, don't sell it."

Lao Guo leaned in front for a long time and suddenly said: "How does it look like an English mother ‘z’.”

Zhang Wusheng said: "This is not z, but, what do you think is added here?"

Say it with a pen on the top.


Zhang Wusheng nodded. "It's just one."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Why do you say this, the place where this point is, did not find the Holy Spirit, if you add a stroke, I add a glimpse on it, it is still a 'lack'."

Zhang Wusheng gave him a glance: "It's just a ‘,’, if it's a one, it's a big article. It's a different word, but it doesn't make any sense.”

Ye Shaoyang said: "What is the meaning?"

"This is going to start from my teacher's notes. I studied his notes and found a record of willingness... According to Shaoyang's previous remarks, this Holy Spirit will rely on and pool the will to cast spells. This is not a Central Plains spell, nor a Southern witchcraft. In the notes of Uncle Shi, the related spells are recorded, although the records are not detailed, because Shi Shu only heard about it that year.

This is a kind of magic from Simon, building temples, recruiting believers, and letting these believers worship the gods. These gods are all opened by the use of magic. Once they receive the incense, they will gather together and pass a huge The circle of law is transmitted to the eye. In the eyes, there is a huge idol or container to accommodate these willingness from everywhere.

In the end, because all the gods are opened by one person's spells, they are also made according to his image. Therefore, these collected willingness can be absorbed by him alone and cultivated into his own mana..."

(Today's holiday, all the discomfort, send a chapter, tomorrow night Yin and Yang Division red envelope, do not miss)

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