Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2545: 2554 amazing discovery 2

Zhang Wusheng finished his breath and looked around at everyone. He found that everyone looked at himself with a stern look. Zhang Wusheng took a teapot and drank a big mouth. He put down the teapot and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"There are such spells in the world!" Wang Daogan first opened his mouth and his voice was shocked.

Zhang Wusheng said: "This is Simon's witchcraft, but the origin is earth, but the notes only record the principle of this spell. My uncle does not know the specifics, even the name does not know."

Jing Hui Shi Tai Dao: "Since the notes of Daoyuan Shishu are not clearly recorded, why do you know that the Holy Spirit will use this spell?"

Zhang Wusheng said: "While Shi Shu does not know the name of the spell, but the note records a situation: this spell is used, you need to establish nine branches in each place, each hall has a statue of the **** of light, the mother of the device, The willingness of all the local statues received by the incense to be enshrined will be absorbed by this statue, and then these nine gods will use the power of the circle to put their will into the golden statue of the altar... This golden body The location of the statue, here, or here, this is the 'point' of the '' literal'."

Zhang Wusheng used the pen to click on the square of the map. Everyone looked at it and the two places that were pointed out by the pen were almost together. They were two names that everyone had never heard of. They should be two counties. .

Referring to the map "z", this point is only at any point of these two points, which is the most consistent with the font structure of the word "zhi", and it will not work anywhere else.

"You still haven't explained why you must be the word?"

"Notes, this spell has a total of nine altars, divided into nine, combined together, it is a ‘then’ word... otherwise how can I think of the location of these clubs from the map?”

Zhang Wusheng’s eyes swept over from the faces of the people and said: “Do you think this is a coincidence?”

Everyone looks at each other, and a few clues overlap in one place, especially the word "zhi", which cannot be a coincidence.

Everyone invariably put their eyes on the point of the word "zhi". Someone asked: "Which places are in the two places?"

Zhang Wusheng said: "The distance between the two places is only a hundred miles. If you go there to investigate, if the total altar of the Holy Spirit will be there, there will definitely be traces."

At this time, Lao Guo squeezed from Ye Shaoyang and carefully looked at the map and said, "Here is Chengde?"

Zhang Wusheng said: "Yes, these two counties belong to Chengde."

Lao Guo frowned: "Chengde, is this a coincidence?"

"What coincidence?" Ye Shaoyang asked inexplicably.

"Hebei Chengde, summer resort, Manchu has set up a palace here, this is not a normal place."

There is no way to interpret the letter: "In Chengde, there seem to be several sects, and they should be informed to investigate."

Zhang Wusheng said: "I don't have to bother with them. I have already sent people. They arrived an hour ago. Now they are investigating. Once there is a result, they will be notified immediately. Let's wait here."

The group discussed it for a while. Zhang Wusheng looked at the mobile phone and said: "At half past five, I am going to arrange dinner. The room has been arranged. You can go to rest first, and I will ring the notice for dinner."

After talking a few disciples, they led a master and went to their wing. Ye Shaoyang was a little bit flustered. He wanted to continue discussions with Zhang Wusheng. Without waiting for the opening, Zhang Wusheng made a look to him. Ye Shaoyang didn’t understand what it meant, but there was no Sound Zhang, got up and followed everyone out, and after greeting, they each entered their own room.

Sibao and Lao Guo did not return to their room, directly to Ye Shaoyang, and the three went on to discuss.

"It's also strange. He said that the clues came from the notes of Daoyuan's ancestors, but I turned over before, and there is no such record at all." Ye Shaoyang said with amazement.

Lao Guodao: "Is it missing?"

"There are such obvious clues as to how it might be missed."

Sibao and Lao Guoxin are also in vain. Being discussed, someone knocked at the door.

Ye Shaoyang used to open the door, thinking that Zhang Wusheng came. The door opened and looked. It was the young monk who had spoken before his master. Chong Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You have always been good at Shaoyang." Lao Guo looked at it, "Grandpa, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo both stunned, and this time they looked at him carefully. In an instant, Ye Shaoyang felt that he was familiar and suddenly stunned. "You are... what is your name? Shaoshan disciple, Teng... Yongqing?"

Lao Guo listened to the name, and then looked at the young monk and shot the thigh. "Not him! I said, you have changed too much!"

Teng Yongqing, a disciple of Lushan.

Ye Shaoyang just went down the mountain to deal with the second kind of spiritual event. He had dealt with him at that time and had been with him for a while. He was the descendant of the grandmother of the Seven Devils. He had a lot of strength in the battle against the Seven Grandma. Almost dead at the time, or Xiaohui’s Ling Dan gave him a life... After he returned to Lushan, he never saw it again.

At that time, Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo had been with him for a while. It was impossible to recognize him because he said that he was coming again, but the change of this guy was too great. It was not a monk dressed up at the time (it was still a disciple of Lushan). The face is very white, a little white face feeling, but now it is dark and thin, and a lot of people, before there are many people, everyone is worried, Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo did not pay much attention to him, which led to the unrecognized he comes.

The old man reunited, Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo were very happy and hurriedly invited him into the house.

"Poly, you can't recognize him?" Lao Guo looked at the four treasures and said a word.

Ye Shaoyang said: "He didn't know. At that time, Baoye hadn't mixed with me. They didn't even come to Guagua." Turning his head and looking at Teng Yongqing, he glanced down and smiled: "Brothers can change. Really big, where did you make a fortune recently?"

Teng Yongqing smiled. "You don't ridicule me. I am dressed up, of course, I am a monk."

"Right, when you were at the time, you seem to have said that you have to go out to be a monk, and you have become a monk. You have done a lot of work in the past six months. I have called you several times to shut down, and I am not looking for me. ”

Teng Yongqing explained that after he returned to the mountain, he became a monk, and then applied to the master to do the ankle. For more than half a year, he has been traveling in various places. Originally his talent was flat, but he was killed by the seven grandmothers. After being rescued by the medicinal herbs, he was also dead once. After half a year of travel, he realized the avenue, and once he broke through the realm, the realm improved. The sword that has been suffering for several months is now the realm of Zen master. It is only one step to Luohan, and he is younger. So he is highly valued by Master and carefully cultivated.

(There is a hurry at home, write a chapter, and there is a chapter after twenty minutes)

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