Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2565: 2566 corpse king invincible 2

The feeling of shaking the fairy is getting more and more proud, and the eleven songs of the celestial self-cultivation, which was hard to cultivate before, were only Dacheng before (the ghost league was not built before the star-studded sea), and today it was tested, and it was extraordinary power, so More effort to play the flute.

She exchanged a look with the Master of the Dust, nodded, and understood what the other party wanted to say:

Lin Sansheng’s concerns, they naturally have, but they personally confronted the son-in-law, they have their own experience: the son-in-law is fickle, at the beginning of the war, they are nervously guarding against this, until they are only able to determine, Nüwa does not engage in ghosts and evils, the most common means is to use avatars or phantoms to attract attacks, the lord to escape or find a suitable location to attack...

Until the genius, these two masters finally determined, this is not a phantom avatar in front of the son-in-law, otherwise don't say that they are so many people, even if they are one of them, they have already broken any avatar.

Since it is the deity of the son-in-law, it can be safely attacked and her chest is dead.

It’s just that...there is still some doubt in the heart of the fairy, even if the son-in-law does not match them, but in the face of such a passive situation, why is it still struggling to support this, and do not use any means to let go?

My heart stunned a bit, is it... The son-in-law thinks that it has not yet reached that step, and it is useless to keep the killing?

"Everyone makes the best effort, she must be trapped here, beware of her dying struggle!"

When everyone listens, they are even more spirited, and their practices are not broken.

The corpse of the female body was quickly unable to support it.

The time to feel the last blow is coming, and the shaking fairy quickly speeds up the movement of the fingers and blows the notes more quickly. Master Dust also made full efforts, and the twelve Lingshan disciples also shook their spirits and worked hard...


The last corpse protective layer was also broken, and the son-in-law’s body trembled hard, crashing to the ground, kneeling on the floor, the clothes were broken, and the white skin was exposed, and the good figure was completely exposed.

But none of these sieges have paid attention to this, and they are all at a loss.

This won?

No dying struggle, no last fight?

Can you die like this?

Even they themselves can't believe it.

A Lingshan disciple went to check the body and used the sword to pick up the body of the son-in-law. He did not move. He poked a hole in her body with a sword. The green blood flowed out, relieved, and shouted at the door with great excitement. Road: "There is blood, really dead, we killed the son-in-law!"

Everyone was uplifted. Only the shaved fairy was frowning and went to the front of the son-in-law's body. He looked carefully at the wound that was taken out by the Lingshan disciple. The green blood was flowing.

How come there are so many corpses?

Shaking the fairy in the heart of doubts, when you look closely, but see the corpse of blood flowing, the son-in-law's body is constantly squatting, and soon there is only one skin left.

This is not right!

Shake the fairy to reach out and wipe a hand on the body, his face changed greatly, "bad, this is not a son-in-law!"


A burst of laughter came from the end of the cliff. Lin Sansheng suddenly turned around and saw a face with a sinister smile.

"How can I... just die!" The voice did not fall, she raised her hand, and a reddish corpse flew toward Lin Sansheng.

"Protect the coach!"

The deputy yelled and rushed over, blocking Lin Sansheng and the son-in-law.

The several supervisors hesitated a little and immediately stopped in front.

The corpse spread rapidly, and the speed was extremely fast. The whole mountain was shrouded. The twelve disciples of Lingshan, the shaved fairy, and the dust master all came back to the goddess.

The son-in-law smiled and stretched out the white palm, and Zhang, who was in front of him, would grab it.

Deputy Zhang will not retreat, bite his teeth, and his hands will be printed.

The scorpion's palm fell on the enchantment, and with a light force, it penetrated the enchantment. The **** in the food suddenly slid out, and the slamming sound was inserted into Zhang's two eyes.

Vice-President Zhang trembled a bit, and in the next second, the flesh and blood in the body quickly decreased, and within a few seconds it became a dry corpse.

The real king of bloodsucking zombies!

She is the ancestor of all zombies than bloodsucking.

The son-in-law threw away and threw the corpse of Vice-President Zhang to the Shake Fairy, and grabbed the past few soldiers.

These supervised soldiers looked hesitant, and the first two did not retreat. They greeted the seal together and shouted in the mouth: "The handsome man is going!"

They don't like Lin Sansheng. They always think that he is an outsider (this also contains hostility to Ye Shaoyang). At the beginning, he was very disgusted with his command, and even many people thought about assassinating him.

However, after a period of time, Lin Sansheng led the air front coalition forces and fought countless times. Even if he does not want to see him again, he must admit his military talent, not to mention that he is now the marshal of the coalition, the commander of the three armed forces, and now the war is completely It was laid out according to his strategy. Once he died, the coalition forces had no leader and the consequences were unimaginable.

Although these supervised troops were sent to the military for supervision, but in this big and big festival, they immediately gave birth to a self-defeating qi, and with their own body resolutely blocked in front of Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng tried to move, but found that the air around him seemed to solidify, and it was almost impossible to move. At this time, the son-in-law had already rushed to the front of the supervising army. One hand could break through the enchantment and directly inserted into his throat. Forced to absorb the flesh and blood, and even the soul did not escape, directly sucked into the body.

The palm of the hand was not pulled out this time, but suddenly it skyrocketed. I only heard a few clicks, and puncture the body from the remaining soldiers.

This scene may seem easy, but although the several garrisons are not masters in the door, they all have to be repaired. If it is in the world, it is enough to hold a small sect. In front of the son-in-law, it seems like a passerby. A face is killed.

They don’t understand until they die, and the son-in-law is how the golden eagle shells and comes to them.

Lin Sansheng saw a shackle on the back of a recent squadron in front of him. In the next second, a hand suddenly slid out and inserted into his heart position...

Tear off!

The body of the superintendent in front of him ruptured from the middle, and the face of the niece was exposed on the opposite side. She had already won the prize. As long as they kill Lin Sansheng, the space coalition forces must have no dragons and no chaos. In contrast, the cost of losing a glimpse of God is completely worthwhile.


The son-in-law’s palm seemed to be playing on something hard, and a powerful counter-attack force bounced off her palm.

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