Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2566: 2567 corpse king invincible 3

Under the shock of the son-in-law, looking at it, she saw Lin Sansheng holding a long, bright thing in his hand. The golden light that was released put his whole person in the middle, but the golden light quickly dimmed.

Lin Sansheng was pale, and his right hand holding the ruler of the heavens shook.

Heaven and earth rules.

This is something that was sent by melons and melons before the day. I didn’t say anything at the time. I only said that it was sent by Ye Shaoyang, and then turned around and left. Lin Sansheng tried to use his anger to stimulate himself. There was an extremely powerful spiritual power emerging in it... The world was right. As a scholar, he is familiar with this breath, and immediately sacrifices this magical instrument.

The scholar, who was born in the book, just coincided with the rules of the heavens and the earth, seamlessly docked, and later became his own instrument.

Only when everyone thought that the son-in-law had to hang up, only he secretly made a preparation, activated the heaven and earth ruler with helium in advance, and used the silk technique to wrap the repair as an externalization and entangled in a circle. Heaven and earth ruler.

When the son-in-law suddenly appeared behind him and murdered in succession, he also wrapped his own mana on the ruler of heaven and earth. Then, when the palm of his hand came out, he used it to stop it, and he saved his life. .

However, the strength gap between himself and the son-in-law is too great. This defense has exhausted the mana that is entangled in the rules of the heavens and the earth. In a short time, Lin Sansheng is no longer able to condense enough mana to control the rules of the earth. ruler.

Fortunately, this counter-attack, the resulting anti-shock force will scatter the surrounding sticky air a little, Lin Sansheng took the opportunity to turn around and flew down the mountain.

"Nvwa!" Shake the fairy and scream, come to fight.

Previously, at the moment when she discovered the true name of the son-in-law, she and the Master of the Dust immediately flew over, and then somewhere away from Lin Sansheng, but an invisible barrier was added out of thin air, together with the twelve disciples of Lingshan. On the other side, shaking the fairy and the dust master together, it took some time to break the barrier, and it rushed to come.

When the woman saw this scene, she gave up to chase Lin Sansheng, but slowly floated up, flew into the air, raised her arms, and the movement was a bit like simplifying the start of Tai Chi, pushing the fairy to shake the fairy. .

A gust of wind blew, shaking the fairy suddenly felt the surrounding air gradually solidified, the heart was screaming, is speculating, and the voice of the Master’s horror sounded: "Not good! Clandestine space! She is making a claustrophobic space!"

As soon as I heard the four words in the claustrophobic space, Lin Sansheng immediately stunned. These four words are so familiar to him... At the beginning, the son-in-law’s sacred thoughts and incarnation into Wang Mansi created a claustrophobic Space, in the power of fortune, as the creator is generally high, willingly deal with the people who broke into it.

Even if Ye Shaoyang broke out of suffocation and the strength increased several times, he could not break the claustrophobic space. Later, he later arrived, and closed the secluded space, saving Ye Shaoyang their life...

At that time, Lin Sansheng did not face the son-in-law, but as a bystander, the passing of the war was also vivid, but at the time she created a claustrophobic space, it also took a lot of time, plus the ghost field of **** and other grasses. The catalysis of plants, now, can she create a claustrophobic space in a short time?

Thinking about it, Lin Sansheng has escaped to the edge of the cliff and jumped down and down. However, just as he jumped up, the solidified air had spread to his feet and sealed him in midair. Then drag him to the back to move.

This power cannot be resisted by his strength.

Over there, Shake the Fairy to see this scene, biting his teeth, trying to play the jade flute, and the flying notes dispelled the sticky air around him and flew toward the son-in-law.

Master Dust also took out a wooden fish, which is the baby at the bottom of his pressure box, and he had to use it.

The sound of the scorpion fish, vibrating and smashing, created a crack in the solidified air that spread.

The niece used one hand to maintain the coagulated air, and the other hand only grasped Lin Sansheng, letting the air around him solidify.

In front of the son-in-law, Lin Sansheng is like a fish that he slaughtered. He couldn’t resist it. He saw his body fixed a little bit. He was thinking of a way. The girl’s figure flashed and suddenly flashed in front of him. .

The rules of heaven and earth are still in his hands, but they can no longer be used.

For a moment, Lin Sansheng’s heart was full of despair.


Two swords, one green and one white, crossed and flew from a distance, forming an x, hit the palm of the son-in-law. The son-in-law’s arm swayed and suddenly looked up.

The anti-seismic force generated by this collision caused a small amount of air fragmentation around. Lin Sansheng fell to the ground and turned his head to look at it. He was shocked and said, "You are here!"

Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and Fengqi two couples, flew from a distance, fell to his side, constantly slashing the sword and chopping the air around.

They have been lurking nearby, waiting for the opportunity of rescue. When Lin Sansheng was in distress for the first time, they did not come out because the son-in-law was moving too fast. Fortunately, Lin Sansheng bounced off and watched him escape. This was the rescue.

Xiao Qing looked at Lin Sansheng very indifferently and didn't want to say anything.

"Shaoyang, go, no, how?" Lin Sansheng hurriedly asked.

Xiaoqing saw that he cares about Ye Shaoyang so much, and his heart is soft. He said: "Go, don't know the result, leave us here to protect you, let's go, no matter what, you can't watch you die."

Lin Sansheng felt helpless and said: "Go together."

"Her purpose is you, we block, you go!"

The son-in-law has stepped up the offensive. Fortunately, on one hand, the energy was shaken by a group of people who were afraid of the fairy, and they could not do their best. Xiaoqing could barely deal with it.

Lin Sansheng looked at the edge of the cliff and looked down at the mountain. The crowd of black people was "squirming" in the canyon. Because the mountain was too high, I couldn’t hear any movement from here. I could only hear it from time to time. The roar of the fury coming.

That should be a win.

In the mind of Lin Sansheng, there is the main battlefield.

He went back to look at the whites and said: "Go together! Follow me to the front!"

Four people surrounded Lin Sansheng and fought back.

When Feng Xia went down the mountain, he looked back and glanced at the fairy, and he said with some worries: "Are they the opponents of the son-in-law?"

"That can't be managed." Xiaobai analyzed. "Shake the fairy is better than us. We can't protect her in the past. Besides, her goal is to be a military division. It is enough to protect the military."

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