Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2577: The 2578 undead body 2

"But I just don't understand how to add such a sinister out of thin air. Where is the **** place? Is it the helper of Houqing?"

Sibao wanted to come and think about it. Finally, he said to himself, "The right pair must be the helper of Houqing, who can't help but kill it... Yeah, look at the goat!"

Ye Shaoyang thought that the dog thing was back, forcibly interrupted the interest rate adjustment, and blinked, not, but the thick corpse was gathering in one direction, getting faster and faster, the eyes suddenly brightened, it was some The light from the direction, the two turned around and looked at it, the night pearl in the cave...

Come out from the illusion!

The demon of a stock came from a certain direction. The two turned their heads and looked at it. It was Xiaojiu, holding a red dragonfly in his hand, and he was firmly stuck in a huge body.

Hou Qing fell to the ground and stabbed him on the door of his head. It was Wu Jiawei’s Tibetan sword, nailed him to the ground, kneeling on one knee, holding the hilt with both hands, and controlling the twist on the ground. After Qing.

A lotus flower, hanging over the top of Houqing's head, constantly releases the sparkling powder, like pollen, sprinkled on Houqing, like a stream of water.

There are also twelve years of melons and melons.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, they really did not idle, and it seems that they have taken control of the situation and will be subdued.

Xiao Jiujiao sighed, and the mixed scorpion in his hand seemed to have life. He went in from the mouth of Hou Qing, and then he came out from his nostrils, then he got in from the other nostril and came out of his eyes... The seven scorpions all drilled on one side, and then Xiao Jiu carried the ones of the mixed scorpion. One force, the thin and thin demon was poured into it, and the force shook, only listening to the bang, and Hou Qing’s head exploded.

The green corpse was sprayed everywhere, and it looked like a big green worm that was trampled on.

After Qing... Hanging?

Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures walked together, watching the headless corpse lying on the ground, some awkward.

Xiao Jiuyi’s people immediately worried about the situation and asked about their situation. They also talked about the experience of the genius: Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures plunged into the corpse, and there was no movement. Xiaojiu called for a long time and did not respond. I rushed in and thought of the principle that the thief first smashed the king and launched a crazy attack on Houqing.

Xiaoji is of course the main force. Biqing appeared in the real body, responsible for control, Guagua and flat head to swim, Wu Jiawei sneak attack...

Even so, it only took a slight advantage. The result was just that the corpse that surrounded the leaves of Ye Shaoyang and Sibao suddenly converge into his body. He seems to have suffered a lot. He was led by everyone. This will take him down...

"You didn't see the monster that looks like a child?" Sibao asked in a hurry.

Everyone said that they had never seen each other.

"However, when Hou Qing suddenly blew, the corpse was inhaled by him. It seems that there is a strange thing, but it is also a spiritual state. It should not be the fairy that you said." Wu Jiawei looks best, will himself I saw it.

Ye Shaoyang said: "If I guessed it right, when he was venting, it should be that when we seriously injured the fairy in the illusion of the corpse, since the fairy can affect him, it must have something to do with him..."

No one knows what the monster is, and I don’t guess.

"Shaoyang, have you been seriously injured?" Xiao Ji asked with concern

"Nothing." Ye Shaoyang underestimated, but knew that he had suffered multiple injuries, because this is the Qing Dynasty. Although he is through the body, he has the same physical body as the spirit of the Qing Dynasty, but this essence and the human world. Differently, it is not the organs of the internal organs that are used to sustain life, but the soul of the gods.

Ye Shaoyang's soul is fine, but before the chest was hit by the monster, the internal organs have been injured, and then his claws are inserted into the chest... I don't know if the heart is inserted, no, the lungs must be injured anyway, now it's okay, Once you return to the world, the scars of your body will be produced immediately... It is unclear whether you can live by then.

However, I can't manage this now. I want to find a way to save my cold jade and say that if I go back to death, it is worth it.

"Huiqing is really dead this time?" Ye Shaoyang looked at the headless body on the ground, and some could not believe it.

Xiaoji slowly shook his head. "I don't think he is so good, but it looks really boring."

"If you come back to death and come back to life, it is really arrogant." Four treasures spit out a sentence, one foot evoked the body of Qing, want to turn him to the front to see, the body was turned up, everyone Stunned: This corpse, only one empty shell!

I can't see it from the back, look at his face from the front, and there is nothing under the dry skin, as if the flesh and blood are sucked up by something.

"How can this be, I have been staring, I have not seen any changes!" Lao Guo said with shock.

Xiaojiu looked up and looked at the entrance to the cave.

Ye Shaoyang just asked her what she found. She had already smelled a faint corpse and came from outside the cave. Everyone immediately stood outside and fanned out, posing a defensive posture.

"No!" The four treasures sucked in the air. "Is this zombie really killing?"

During the speech, a figure appeared in the position that the hole can see, and slowly came, and the face appeared under the light of the night pearl.

Sure enough, it is Houqing...

He still wore the one he had just seen before, his face was as clean as ever, without any scars, but his eyes turned into blood red, with a mocking expression on his face, sweeping away from Ye Shaoyang’s face. .

"Fuck, really can't fight Xiaoqiang! What's going on in the end!" The four treasures vomited on the ground, ignoring the image of Gao Song.

"Do you think that this will kill me?" After Qing Qing came along, he looked at Ye Shaoyang. "You are much stronger than before. However, you are a mortal after all, and I have an undead body. How do you? Fight with me?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled coldly, thinking about what this is all about in his mind. Does Houqing really kill, or is it like the legendary nine lives?

"It’s a monkey who is overlord! If my brother is there, you can turn around and say nothing to you!" Bi Qing said with hatred.

"If the green cow is there, you can really fight, but unfortunately you are far worse than him."

After the Qing finished, he looked at Xiaojiu again. "If you are in another place, you can also play with me, but here is the zero world. You have never been to the zero world. You will not know, here is everywhere. The pervasive suffocation can weaken your strength, but it can improve the cultivation of our zombies. Here, our cultivation can improve two layers, but you weaken... How can you fight me?"

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