Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2578: 2579 Undead Body 3

This remark made Ye Shaoyang, a person who was shocked and shocked, and countless, but ignored this point... the environmental bonus! As a mage, they understand this very well. Just like catching ghosts in the world, they should try to avoid doing things in the ghouls. The evils must deal with the mage, and try to avoid places where the yang is strong...

After Qing did not lie, even if he did not say that when he first entered the zero world, Ye Shaoyang also felt that the air here is different from other places, especially when practicing, always feel that the air is somewhat sticky, only when the environment is different. I didn’t think much at the time, thinking that zombies are the same...

Houqing can improve the strength of 20% here, even if they only reduce 10%, inside and outside is 30%... How can I beat him?

"Since you are so happy here, why should you invade the airspace?" Lao Guo hid behind the crowd and threw the problem.

At this time, Hou Qing had already walked to a place about 20 meters away from them and stopped. This distance was within the scope of attack for both sides. Ye Shaoyang and others immediately raised their vigilance and prepared for the battle.

After Qing looked at Ye Shaoyang, the question in Lao Guo was in the mouth. "We have no enemies here. What is the significance of this kind of strength? The zero world can only produce the lowest level of life. If you want to change, you must go to the spiritual power to fill more. The place……"

"So go to grab someone else's place?" Ye Shaoyang retorted.

"Grab?" Hou Qing smiled slightly. "The Qing Dynasty is a land of nowhere. Everyone is an outsider. Why do they stay in the empty space of the spiritual power, and we will be squashed in this bitter cold?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Don't you accept it? Now it is not good for both sides to provoke the war. Well, I didn't expect you to say that you will stop the soldiers. I am curious, how do you suddenly say this? More useless, the war turned into a debate game?"

"I just want to tell you, here, you can't be my opponent, so..." He extended a hand to Ye Shaoyang, "Give me the East King Bell."

Ye Shaoyang smiled lightly, stepping forward in the sky, rushing past quickly, holding the seven-star Longquan sword, facing the chest of the back is a sword, this sword is a virtual move, it is necessary for him to retreat or defend.

At the moment of the sword, Ye Shaoyang has conceived at least ten ways he coped with his mind, and then how to dismantle himself, but the result of this sword is beyond all possibilities:

The Qixing Longquan sword was directly inserted into the body of Houqing.

In the next second, with the wound as the center, the nearby flesh and blood began to dissolve in a circle, and quickly spread. After a few seconds of work, Houqing’s body melted into blood fog and expanded rapidly. The storm of the regiment, with a horrible momentum, rotates in the cave

Ye Shaoyang was the first to be hit by this hurricane. The whole person flew out and slammed into the rock wall and rolled down.

"Be careful!"

Ye Shaoyang heard the shouting of Bi Qing, turned his head and looked at it. The storm had already caught up. The front end turned into the shape of a giant hand and grabbed it toward himself.

This hurricane is extremely fast. When I want to hide, it is too late. Ye Shaoyang touches the Taiyi whisk, crosses two strokes in front of him, draws a sacred qi, and the seal is just formed, and it hits the giant hand. .

A loud bang, the seal and the giant hand shattered together, but the subsequent hurricane immediately rushed, wrapped Ye Shaoyang, swivel in the cave, the wind whistling in the ear, Ye Shaoyang felt his own suffocation I was also taken away a little bit, and my heart was shocked, but I was not confused. I hurriedly meditated on the meditation curse. In the body, I became a world, and I was spinning around the sun. Even though I was shaking with the wind, my body was strong and the hurricane was strong. Take a trace of aura.

During the hurricane's rotation, he turned his attention to the rest of the people and rushed past.

"You quit!"

Xiao Jiu screamed, standing at the junction of the stone room and the cave, blocking everyone behind him, sipping a light, nine tails were erected, and the demon swelled to the point of twisting the space, expelling the surrounding suffocating suffocating Twenty meters away, a vacuum was formed.

"You are the Lord of the Demon, I am the King of the Three Realms, and today I can fight!"

In the hurricane, there was a provocative voice.

Xiaojiu smiled slightly, and his body was even more demon. He calmly waited for the hurricane to strike.


The hurricane rolled up and collided with the demon of Xiaojiu. At this moment, Xiaojiu shot out and plunged into the storm. The tail slammed and wrapped Ye Shaoyang, licking the demon and the hurricane. The timing, suddenly turned around, leaving the eight tails to wave together, the turbulent demon gas, the four treasures and other people all flew out more than ten meters away.

How to attack us?

When Sibao and others stood up in a stern look, they heard Xiaojiu shouting loudly: "Go out! I can't show it here!"

It turned out that they were afraid of being swept away by the hurricane, but... she had a blow, and it was terrible to be able to knock them all out so far.

"Go, go!"

Sibao and others turned around and ran wildly. Xiaojiu grabbed Ye Shaoyang with a tail, and followed him to run forward. It was a raging hurricane behind him.

Lao Guo swears that he is the weakest. In order not to drag his hind legs, he ran to the front and looked at the hole. Suddenly he was black: the hole didn’t know what was blocked, and Lao Guo hurriedly stood, just about to open his mouth and suddenly felt overhead. There was a hint of air-conditioning. When I looked up, it was a hand that was inserted and grabbed into my head.

Lao Guo’s head was biased. The hand was caught on the right shoulder of his hand. He inserted it directly and then lifted it up. For the next second, through the light of the night pearl, he saw a huge mouth full of teeth. Bite down to my head...

The danger is always out of reach. In this situation, even Sibao and Wu Jiawei are afraid to take the trick, let alone self-cultivation.


Lao Guo’s heart gave a sad cry, with despair and unwillingness, watching the monster’s mouth smashing his head.


The sound of broken bones, but not his own head, a pile of slimy liquid sprayed on his face, Lao Guo stunned and stretched his hand, and fixed his eyes, it was a flat head!

The flat head of the real body appeared, and the two huge cheeks of the cockroach were bitten on the head of the monster, and the demon blood flowed.

The monster screamed and grabbed the claw of Lao Guo and immediately released it. Lao Guo fell to the ground and looked up. The flat head used his seven tails and firmly stuck on the monster, tied like a rope. It, all the legs are inserted into the monster's body...

At the crucial moment, the flat head saved his life...

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