Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2586: 2587 Army Wei 2

Lin Sansheng looked around the crowd, and found the handsome seal from his pocket, looking at the crowd, Lang Lang said: "There will be no need for the outside life, not to mention that I am the commander of the three armed forces... Today's battle, everything is coordinated by me, wins I am also responsible for the defeat."

"You are responsible, can you be responsible for it!" A monk screamed in anger.

On the side of a Taoist priest said: "Yes, you see the few people around him, I have seen it in the star sea, are Ye Shaoyang's men, Lin Sansheng, you are mixed with the Grand Marshal, but now they are chasing the military order, can you say that you are catching ghosts? The alliance colluded with the corpse, would you give us the empty world?"

A Taoist stepped forward and recalled everyone saying: "Wu’s brother said that the wife of Ye Shaoyang was slandered by the corpse, and he might have to take our space to change his wife!"

"There is no evidence in this statement, but it must be prevented. It is not the same as my family. This Lin Sansheng is so good, to help us fight, but also to take responsibility... What is responsible, waiting for the empty world to be occupied by the corpse I am all displaced, he is taking his **** and leaving, who still has time to find him to settle accounts?"

The more they say it, the more they sit down. In particular, Lin Sansheng is still standing next to Xiaoqing Xiaobai and the four ghost-caught alliances. In their view, it is a testimony of conspiracy.

"Listing position..."

At this time, a wretched Taoist came out and smiled at everyone: "Let's not swear, Ye Shaoyang is also pitiful. He wants to use our empty world to exchange his wife, and sighs that his wife and her husband live together." For many days, when he picks up his wife, maybe he can make a small..."

After a word, everyone laughed in a wretched manner.


A demon, straight to the priest, the Taoist reaction is also very fast, hurriedly turned, sealed defense, the result is still being knocked out and squatting in the crowd.

A huge green snake directly smashed the past. The Taoist hurriedly rushed down the mountain, and the green snake ran away.

Several people tried to intercept it, and Xiaobai also showed his true body, turning into a white snake and rushing into the crowd.

"If you say things, you will say things, why do you pull me up, just look for death!!"

Feng Yu and Cui Ying are also welcome, and they rushed together.

These people are also gearing up, and now they are a few hands-on, it is not polite, when the next one, they hit the mountainside.


A scream came from the mountain road. The apostles turned around and looked at it. It was Xiaoqing who showed the true body. He smothered the priest who cheated his tongue and swallowed it directly. Then he rushed up the mountain and joined the battle. .

Both Feng Qi and Cui Ying have the same strength, but Xiao Qing and Xiao Bai have the strength of the demon fairy. Even if there are many other people, they are completely disregarded, and there is no scruples. They are rushed in the crowd without reckless consequences.

Lin Sansheng looked at the chaos in front of him, still with a calm expression, knowing that the four of them were not dangerous, they did not start, but looked at the mountain, and their hearts could not help but be anxious.

It’s coming? Why are you still coming, is it... Is it really wrong?


A shouting with a long sound came from the mountain. The road attracted the attention of many people. Turning his head and looking around, a soldier rushed all the way. On the way to the mountain, half a squat in front of Lin Sansheng, he said: Dashuai, the left canyon found the corpse army invaded, fortunately, my army was in the middle of the town, now has started a big battle, according to my frontline scouts return, this corpse army is endless, fearing that the whole army will attack, trying to capture the left canyon ......"

Everyone who heard this at the scene, including Xiaoqing, and their opponents, all stunned, and all of them looked at Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng looked up and took a long breath, finally... let him wait.

"The order is passed. The Chinese army is speeding up its reinforcements and fighting the enemy in the left canyon!!"

The messenger was about to leave, and Lin Linsheng called back.

"After going down the mountain, I will sue this incident to the former army, let them die to win the hook, and the enemy will not have any soldiers. Once the big battle is opened, the winning hook will surely go nowhere! Also, adjust the three hundred soldiers to the mountain! ”

The soldier immediately went down the mountain.

Chen Qirong took the lead in returning to the face, and his face immediately changed color. Chong Lin Sansheng smiled and said: "The handsome man is like a god, his subordinate admiration!"

Lin Sansheng ignored him.

Chen Qirong was a bit embarrassed and continued to ask: "I don't know if the coaches mobilized three hundred soldiers to go up the mountain, what are they going to do?"

Lin Sansheng glanced at him with a high contempt in his eyes. At this time, black pressure a group of soldiers came up the mountain. They had been maneuvering down the hill, waiting to enter the battlefield, and heard the command of the commander, and immediately rushed.

Lin Sansheng looked at them and said: "Have you heard the things that the commander had said before? I know that you were in the mountains before, see them to force the coach, pretend not to know... I know that you are all doubting my previous arrangement. Are you still skeptical now?"

These soldiers looked at each other and slammed on one knee, and the generals who led the head said loudly: "The handsome and handsome machine, all of them are admired, and they are willing to do the best for the great man, and he will not hesitate to do it!"

Lin Sansheng walked up to him and said, "Well, you will take these men with you now and bring them to me!"

The generals and the soldiers behind him were stunned, and the dozens of messengers were also stunned. The Lishan female disciple said: "The name is Lin, I am waiting to be ordered, and there is a token in the hands of the teacher, do you dare to catch us?"

After talking about holding the pear flower, the soldiers behind him showed up. "Who guys dare to move me?"

When she turned around, Lin Sansheng rushed Xiaoqing to make a look. The ghost league was the most tacit understanding. Seeing his eyes, Xiaoqing knew what he was going to do.

Although they are in conflict with each other, although Xiaoqing has been determined not to recognize him as a brother, but... after experiencing the previous incident, they are still members of the Ghost Alliance, and Xiaoqing is after the priest who swallowed it. The killing did not converge. At this moment, Lin Sansheng’s suggestion, the tail glimpsed, and the female Taoist priest was caught off guard, immediately hugged her legs.

"Ah!" The female Taoist was shocked and looked down. Xiaoqing went up to be a sword and took her head down directly.

The female priest had a suffocating suffocation in his neck, and then flew out, his body violently shaken, fell to the ground, and his body quickly shrank, turning into a white-haired weasel.

It turned out to be a good weasel.

It all started from the beginning to the end, but in a matter of seconds, when everything was over, everyone around me looked silly at the body of the weasels lying on the ground, growing up one by one, and even couldn't believe it was true.

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