Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2587: The 2588 million elephants are silent 1

"Well wait for the order, this group of people are good at the military camp, trying to hold on to the handsome man, sin is not awkward, you will quickly take them, and the rebel will kill!"


The generals did not dare to sneer again. With one command, hundreds of soldiers rushed over and took these messengers.

A dozen or so people are hundreds of people. These people are not stupid. Moreover, before they sinned and asked for sin, it was built under the situation of Lin Sansheng’s command mistakes. The development of the current war situation is completely in line with his predictions... The original mistakes have now become A great achievement, even if they are masters, they can't say anything more. Besides, the female Taoist was suddenly killed. It also proved that Lin Sansheng's iron-blooded wrists were not joking with them. For a time, the temperament was completely gone, and the face was opposite. I hope that others can resist, no one dares to be the first one, and the last one is tied up.

Lin Sansheng walked in front of them and looked at them one by one. None of the group dared to look up and bowed, watching his feet squat in front of him.

"Pull down, first in the barracks, wait for the war, but after the fall!"

The soldiers took the dozens of people away.

A dozen people came together, and now only Chen Qirong is left. Chen Qirong looked at Lin Sansheng with a sigh of relief. His look was very tense. If it was human, it would have been a long time ago.

"Chen General, I don't care what you used to be. You are in the army and you are in the army. Then you are under the command of the coach. Do you believe it or not, this handsome will kill you now, those masters are powerful, no one will come out to protect you? ”

Chen Qirong's face is even more ugly. He knew that Lin Sansheng did not have the layout strategy of nonsense Lin Sansheng and blocked the army of the corpse. All of this was almost entirely due to the merits of Lin Sansheng. At the end of this war, his reputation will certainly be several times larger than it is now. Those masters will naturally have nothing to say. At that time, he wants to deal with his little role. It is not too easy...

"Great coach, handsome, subordinates know the wrong, the next will definitely do their duty in the future, all rely on the coach to send ..." Chen Qirong said a lot of flattering in one breath, only no gimmick, after all, is equivalent to his own hundreds of years In terms of repair, it is really nothing to lose a little self-esteem.

The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. This is the same thing that is placed on any living being.

"You go, what to do in the future, you know better than me. Now, let's tell those masters that they will be able to win the hook. The troops will be exhausted, so they must lock the win and stick to the end!"


Chen Qirong slammed his knees on one knee and tried to hold his fists. His look relaxed as he was, and he slid down the mountain.

"Hello means." Xiaoqing re-emerged and said to Lin Sansheng coldly, "This person will obey you from then on."

Lin Sansheng ignored him and walked a few steps to the edge of the cliff, overlooking the mountain.

Winning the hook is still raging everywhere, killing the Quartet, but the zombies who continue to join the battlefield behind him are getting less and less.

The two sides of the flying zombie seem to have discovered their existence, flying over, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai together, they will kill them without any trouble.

"Looks like a group of ants." Lin Sansheng looked at a group of zombies in the valley and expressed his feelings. "Most of the zombies don't fly, and they don't have any powerful spells, but they are very numerous and not afraid of sacrifice, just like humans." Like ants, no matter how you kill it, you can't kill it."

Feng Yan listened to this and gave a slight impression. "What is the significance of our battle?"

"At least, we can let the ants not run into our room." Lin Sansheng's eyes locked on the winning hook, saying: "If you are lucky, you may also be able to kill an ant king and curb their trend."

Xiaoqing said: "Don't pretend to be deep. How do you count it all? How do you know that the main force of the corpse is not here?"

"I didn't say it before."

"You didn't say it clearly."

Lin Sansheng sighed and said: "This is the conspiracy of Hou Qing."

Xiaobai thought for a moment: "No, is he using the win hook to confuse us, let us think that he must come with the main force, in fact, it is to darken Chen Cang, put the main force in other canyons, want to fight We are caught off guard?"

Lin Sansheng nodded.

"I still don't understand how you see through it all."

"Because, before I deliberately told the female niece Ye Shaoyang's whereabouts, she was not surprised. This shows that this is a plan that they have worked together together. I seem to have told you before."

Feng Wei said: "I still don't understand, how do you see through all this, rely on gambling?"

"Since all this is a well-designed conspiracy, I think the situation should not be as simple as I have seen... at least they know that the opponent is me, never put such a simple tactic, you have to say it is a bet Yes, but fortunately I gambled."

The four people felt shocked.

Lin Sansheng’s IQ and the wisdom of war, they have long been clear, but at this moment, the most shocking thing for the four is: Lin Sansheng’s decisive decision.

After all, it is a vast war. If a mistake is made, it may ruin the whole situation and lose the lives of countless soldiers. Even if you can escape the sanctions, I am afraid that I will never be able to pass my own life.

Simply put, letting a person decide his own destiny, this decision is fairly easy, but let a person decide the life and death of countless people and determine the pattern of the world, let alone the grasp of the sixty-seven percent, even if there is a grasp of ninety-nine, In this situation, how many people dare to make decisions decisively?

Regardless of whether they liked or disapproved of Lin Sansheng’s actions, they all had to admit that he was an extremely extraordinary person.

Xiaoqing suddenly remembered something and said to Lin Sansheng: "So, to win the hook is to use yourself as a bait? He is so confident, can he get out of trouble?"

Xiao Baidao: "Yes, but after all, it is the corpse king, and I have heard that the winning hook has always been smashed and smothered, and may not be scrupulous so much."

"He doesn't care, isn't the son-in-law and the post-clearer not worried?" Lin Sansheng said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe, winning the hook doesn't even know the plan."

For a time, four people looked at him with awkwardness and couldn’t understand what it meant.


In the valley, there was a huge noise, and everyone looked at it together. The runes on the three sides of the cliff were activated once again, and they were already shining, as if they were going to fly from the mountain.

"The seventh time, there are two times, you can activate the Vientiane silence!" Xiaomu murmured.

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