Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2597: 2598 brothers 3

Their original intention was to create a zombie army in the human world and lead them to occupy the human world. As a result, they only achieved the first step. When they developed the corpse, they were hit by the magical circles.

In that big battle, their strength in the human world was completely disintegrated. After the Qing was seriously injured, it was the winning hook and the son-in-law who killed him and fled the world... In the first battle, they faced the most powerful wizards and formations in the magic world. Only then did they know how powerful these people were by themselves.

They began to concentrate on cultivation. In the process, Hou Qing and the son-in-law secretly loved them. They did not think that there was anything wrong with the marriage of the brothers and sisters. The ancestors Fu Xi and the son-in-law of the human beings were also married.

Winning the hook is also like the son-in-law, but can only silently put away this sentiment, to complete the two of them, to be their big brother, any hard battle, he rushed to the front, any situation of distress, he first I think of protecting the younger siblings.

In the dense fog, stop and go, in front of the win, there is a picture of the past, which is the most profound impression in his mind, fighting together, killing the enemy together, and hurting together.

Finally, the picture came to a mountain. That is the pattern of the Qing underworld has been fixed, they are trapped in the zero world, although the three of them become the masters here, but they are not reconciled.

On that day, he came out of the cave and saw that Hou Qing stood alone on the top of the mountain, overlooking the world. He walked over and from the eyes of Hou Qing, he saw anger and unwillingness.

"Big Brother, you said, why those disciples who are teaching and Buddhism look down on our zombies, and treat us as aliens. Even humans look down on us, ghosts, demons, evil spirits, no race can afford us, they just want to enslave. We, control us, step us on the bottom of the world, and never lift our heads!"

Winning the hook and saying: "Unfortunately we are trapped here, and now there is no strength to be an enemy of them."

"Opportunity is created by myself." Hou Qing turned and looked at the winning hook, smiled lightly, then spit out a sigh of relief and said with hatred: "I swear in the name of the corpse, one day I will lead the rise of the corpse, kill the empty world, let the blood burn the earth, let the life be reversed, let the gods of the gods disappear!"

These words are so engraved in the mind of winning the hook.

It was not until a hundred years, a millennium, or today, that after I remembered it, I still felt that this was the most inspiring words I had ever heard, and I thought it was full of blood.

In his heart, Hou Qing is a natural conspiracy and military strategist. He is the most intelligent creature in the Three Realms. He is the hope of the corpse and also... his brother has always been proud.

It’s a pity... I’ve been dragging his hind legs all the time.

At this moment, the winning hook truly understood everything, and the ugly face opened a happy smile. He returned to reality. His body has melted, his flesh and blood have dried up, his cultivation has been withered, his corpse has broken, and he is dying.

He saw countless people screaming and rushing toward himself, but he had no strength to devour them.


The only eyes were poked, and the world fell into darkness.

In the darkness, he saw Houqing, pulling the son-in-law's hand and coming towards himself.

"It's good to see you."

Winning the hook and laughing, Chong Houqing reached out. "I realized until today that it is my existence, blocking the advance of the corpse... You should have told me, but maybe I must die, otherwise my character, I will be confused with you, and you can't do anything about me, because I am your brother... Well, you killed me, but I don't hate you, because you are my brother... no matter what you do to me No, I will not hate you.

Brother, only you can lead the rise of the corpse, take our ideals, fight hard, kill it! Go destroy it! The corpse... never be a slave! ”


The melting of the six legs could no longer hold his body, and fell heavily into the pit, causing a wave of gas, and the waves were sprayed out. The crowds shouted and looked at the group quietly. Gradually spread the atmosphere, the scene is silent.

This battle of the most fierce battle in the airspace for thousands of years has finally come to an end.

This corpse of the three realms, can not be one, killing people without counting, win the hook, and finally died on the battlefield.

A generation of corpse kings, this is a death.

"Did you die?" In the battlefield of silence, I don't know who asked, and the voice was full of fear.

The first mother of Lishan walked over and looked at the deep pit with a solemn expression.

More and more people are coming to her side.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and four people also walked over and looked at the deep pit. This can no longer be said to be a pit, but an abyss deeper than a dozen feet.

The earth has already dispersed.

At the bottom of the abyss, the body of the winning hook has melted and decomposed, leaving only one head, immersed in a pool of black and greenish liquid.

"Master, my master is still in his stomach!"

Several Lingshan disciples rushed over and watched as they jumped into the pit and were dragged by several people. This liquid is a mixture of corpse blood and corpse water, which is extremely concentrated and can cause corrosion to any living creature.

Lishan's old mother walked over and drew a road sign, and threw it at the bottom of the pit. The explosion broke out with flames, and the liquid itself was used as fuel to spread rapidly and formed a raging fire.

The liquid spurted through the flames, and the fine particles of the cockroaches rose from these blisters and flew into the air.

More and more fine, as if it is a snow falling down, it comes out constantly.

These are the souls that the corpse king has swallowed for thousands of years. After being turned into fine, he is still blocked in his body, and there is no way to reunite.

Above the abyss, the soldiers and mages who survived this war all stood silently on the edge of the abyss, looking at the shocking scene of the flying sky. The atmosphere is full of worries.

Among these finest ones, there are their ancestors, elders, and more comrades who have been fighting together not long ago... I don’t know who is the first to take the lead, and use the highest etiquette of the gate to bid farewell to these fines, and then all present. People are doing it, Lin Sansheng is also a salute, but only he knows that he is not only the souls of these dead in the hook, but also the winning hook itself.

In the time of a fragrant incense, there was constant exquisiteness rising from the abyss until the liquid was burned by the fire, and the Lingshan disciples immediately jumped out of the abyss, but in addition to winning the huge head, Nothing is gone.

The Lingshan disciple screamed at the bottom of the pit and cried.

Pufa Tianzun is the highest-ranking master who lost his life in this battle. He came from the human world, opened a sect in the space, lived for thousands of years, and finally died in the mouth of winning the hook.

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