Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2598: 2599 brothers 4

Thinking of the life of Pufa Tianzun, several masters such as Lishan's old mother were also embarrassed. They went forward to persuade those Lingshan disciples and went back to the mountains to deal with the aftermath of the Pufa Tianzun.

Although he sacrificed the faculty of the faculty and sacrificed so many soldiers, he also sacrificed several rumors of the most acquainted disciples, but it was worthwhile to kill the corpse and win the hook. Lishan's mother took a deep breath and turned back to silently. She looked up and saw Lin Sansheng still standing solemnly, picking up a smile, and Lin Sansheng said with a hand: "The handsome man is hard, the battle of today is all about the coach." Work hard, great deeds, the father of my mortal beings."

This slightly touted words, said from the old mother of Lishan, it is rare, Lin Sansheng certainly understand why she said so, not waiting for the opening, Lishan mother said:

"Before I sent a messenger to ask the coach to transfer troops, but it was also helpless. Fortunately, the coach insisted on his own opinion... I was looking forward to the handsome man Haihan."

Listening to Laoshan’s old mother’s words, there were surprised faces on the faces of some people in the place. In the interpretation of Jinxian, the rankings were successive, but Lishan’s mother had the highest status in interpretation and the oldest qualifications. Love has many things, and has a detached position in the entire airspace. Anyone must let three points, and no one has ever said so politely.

Lin Sansheng’s reaction was quite normal. He smiled slightly and said: “The Madonna is serious, try to do it.”

What Li Xin’s mother still wants to say, Lin Sansheng slightly shook his hand and said: "The left canyon war is not over yet. I am here, the Virgin is with me?"

Lishan's old mother smiled and said: "The war is not the old-fashioned specialty. The handsome man is determined to be a good person. Now that the winning hook is dead, the old man is going back to the mountain."

"That's the case, don't over here." Lin Sansheng was also polite, called several generals, commanded the defensive strategy and finishing work of the Central Canyon, ordered a few commanders, and stood on the mountain.

Xiaoqing four people looked at each other and could keep up.

"Army, win the hook... It’s really what Houqing killed, why should he do this?"

"Isn't it said before?" Lin Sansheng said faintly, apparently not interested in this topic.

"I just... can't believe it..." Xiaobai frowned, murmured. "I don't know why, I won't win it... I think it's a pity. He was sold out by Houqing, and he is dying. Still refused to retaliate against him, this... at least I think he is a heavy heart, but he is a bad person."

Lin Sansheng said: "Why is it a bad person."

"This... still use it, he killed so many people."

"We also killed a lot of them." Cui Yingqiang said, "Everyone has a different camp. In fact, there is nothing right or wrong. From their perspective, they are right."

On the way, everyone was indulged, and the process of winning the hook was too shocking, and they were not fully digested until now.

On the top of a mountain, Lin Sansheng suddenly said: "Don't follow me, go to Shaoyang. I am not in danger."

The four men glanced at each other and said: "Unfortunately, I don't know how to go through the dark forest."

"Then go to the place where they go to the forest, they always have to come out from there, maybe they need to meet up. In short, it doesn't make much sense to stay with me."

Xiao Baidao: "Let's do it, then let's go."

Lin Sansheng was leaving, Xiaoqing suddenly called him: "Army, why didn't you answer the question of winning the hook?"

Lin Sansheng stood and said no to his head: "How do you think I should answer?"

"Ask yourself."

“What question did you win?” Xiaobai interrupted them and then patted his head and said, “Oh, I remembered it. Winning the hook is asking you... If you are him, what would you do? Like, what are you talking about?"

For a time, four people looked at him.

Lin Sansheng just turned around and looked at Xiaoqing and said, "I didn't answer, it was the best answer."

"In that case, can't you just say it?"

Lin Sansheng does not speak, it is the default.

Xiaoqing looked at him and took a deep breath and said, "If you didn't lie to me, then I can treat you as a brother!"

Lin Sansheng smiled. "I never used you as an outsider."

The cold expression on Xiaoqing’s face has been relaxed. Chong Lin Sansheng snorted: “Who knows what you are saying is true or false, look at your performance first.”

After saying hello, I greeted Xiaobai and they left.

"Is this... reconciliation?" Xiaobai was dragged by Xiaoqing and looked at Lin Sansheng and said, "Then I can ask a question, I have been squatting all the time. I heard that your family Linlin ran, you Going to find her?"

"Send someone to find it, but haven't found it yet."

"This is all over the place, don't let her run around. Wait for us to look back." Now I asked Li Linlin where she was missing, and left with Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng stood on the top of the mountain and watched them go far. This took a few soldiers and rushed toward the left canyon.

Not yet to the left canyon, the road met a soldier who reported the letter, telling him that the war in the left canyon had ended the corpse withdrawal.

Lin Sansheng is not surprised at all.

This is also the conspiracy of the iron abacus, using the win hook to attract their attention. If you count on the troops and send the troops to the middle canyon, he can sneak in the left canyon and break through Yunshan in one fell swoop... However, he did not count on it. The left canyon is now heavily guarded. The iron abacus will certainly not be stupid enough to continue to attack.

For him, at least the main task of the post-delivery was completed, and the winning hook was killed. Only a part of the soldiers of the former army were lost. They are many people. The death of these people does not care much.

Iron abacus is afraid that I am going to go back to find Houqing’s invitation. Lin Sansheng suddenly became very curious about his current state of mind. He said that he is so smart, he should understand the truth that "the rabbit died and the dog cooked the bow". The win is removed by the queen. The secret is only known to him. Will not let him go.

Maybe, he just has no choice. If he refused at the beginning, he might not be able to live even now.

Lin Sansheng guessed that if the iron abacus really counts these things, then most of them will stay with the backhand, and keep the future against the Qing, at least let him be jealous, can not be how to do.

What will his strategy be?

Lin Sansheng really wants to know, but this is not something he cares about. After the war has come to an end, he should also do his own thing. The first thing is to get Li Linlin back.

Guanghua’s flashing Nei Dan flew to Xiaojiu and Houqing. After Qing’s chance, he jumped up and rushed to Nei Dan. Xiaoji also leaped at the same time and flew to her, with the demon in the body. , slamming toward him...

(I have already arrived in Beijing, I have participated in the training course of the top-notch talents of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The class is very busy. I have made a serious disc in my waist. I can only use mobile phone code words. Fortunately, I have not affected the update. I will try hard to write and try to ensure that it is updated.)

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