Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2599: 2600 3 corpse 1

Xiaojiu does not have Nedan, and there are not many demon in the body. (There is no Nedan running to store the demon, and the remaining monsters will gradually dissipate.) There is no way to fight against Houqing. She just does this. Grab Ye Shaoyang back.

Hou Qing grabbed Ye Shaoyang with one hand, and the other hand pointed at her. A corpse escaping from the ground formed a whirlwind. Xiaoji slammed into it and smashed the whirlwind, and he fell.

"Despicable!" Xiaojiu screamed, and Houqing did this, undoubtedly wanting to get Nedan without returning Ye Shaoyang... This was not a special conspiracy, but before it was saved, it was lost for a while. Judgment (again, there is no other choice), this is only fooled. Now that Nei Dan is outside, his strength has weakened a lot, and he can’t compete with him. This fall is the loss of hope to rescue Ye Shaoyang and lost. Nedan...

A figure passed by and rushed to the back.

"I know that this dog can't trust!" is the four treasures. He gave up on dealing with the ancient animal, and in the moment when Xiao Ji spit out Nei Dan, he had already rushed over.

Biqing also rushed over.

However, Hou Qing had already counted these things, and the palms waved, and a whirlwind was vacated from the ground. In the next second, the two men slammed into it, and the whirlwind dissipated immediately. The two men continued to rush.

However, the impact of the whirlwind also slightly blocked the momentum of the two, the two also did their best, probably only delayed for a second or two, but this two seconds, for the post-Qing, is enough, He had already flown to the front of Nei Dan with a greedy smile on his face and reached out.

"No!" Xiao Jiu screamed desperately, not for Nedan, but... If you let Houqing get Nedan, the next step must be to kill Ye Shaoyang.

The hand is away from the inner Dan, only one fingertip distance.

Everyone’s heart is full of despair. Only one person is excluded.


A sword was cut on the wrist of Houqing, and the wrist was cut off directly. Nei Dan hit his broken wrist and bounced back. In the process of falling down, the small nine that had been reacted jumped up and grabbed it. Live, stuffed in the import.

Hou Qing grabbed Ye Shaoyang with one hand and walked back and fell to the ground. He was surprised to see that this extra person was not out of thin air, but Wu Jiawei, one hand holding his stomach and one hand holding his The sword of Zangfeng fell to the ground and his expression was very cold.

Fang Cai, he forcibly ended the interest rate adjustment, when the four treasures they set off, he also flew past, because he is the farthest position, and is adjusting interest rate, Hou Qingya is not guarding him, however, although he is far away, However, the speed was faster than Sibao and Biqing. In the last moment, he threw the Tibetan sword and cut off the wrist of Houqing.

This scene, often appear in TV dramas, seems to be very easy, but this is not a TV series... Wu Jiawei is a very difficult sword.

In high-speed running (especially when the other side is also in lightning-like motion), you must raise the running speed to the extreme, and throw the sword out, hit the small target of high-speed movement, the most important thing is that you still There is a wound in the body.

If Wu Jiawei used to be the sword, the success rate of this sword is only 20% at most, but recently, after undergoing the boring cultivation that Ye Shaoyang thinks is more stupid than that, he has experienced the transformation of the sword. The use is also pure, which is the dangerous and dangerous completion of this sword.

Lian Houqing was shocked and looked at him with surprise. He even took a few steps back and shook his head and said: "It’s a small look at you, Ye Shaoyang’s side, it’s really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...”

Wu Jiawei took a deep breath and his body trembled and sat down on the spot.

This sword almost exhausted the mana that he had left, and he was going to take it off on the spot.

The four treasures quickly went up to help him to retreat and hand it over to Lao Guo. Looking back, the ancient monster was gone, and he was looking for it with vigilance. He suddenly heard a sneer from Hou Qing.

"So, let Ye Shaoyang go to hell!" He grabbed Ye Shaoyang, and while he was receding, the other hand photographed Ye Shaoyang's head.


"Little teacher!"

Several people shouted together and rushed toward the back. Several people have mentioned the speed to the extreme, but because the post-Qian retreats, this distance, let alone shoot Shaoyang Shaoyang is a slap in the face, even if the three slaps have time.

None of the people present could save Ye Shaoyang.

Desperate emotions, instantly rise in the hearts of everyone.


Just as Hou Qing’s palm was about to hit the top of Ye Shaoyang’s head, his mouth suddenly opened and spit out an old tongue.

What is this?

Everyone was shocked. I saw that it was not a tongue at all, but a wooden sword that passed through the back of his neck and was stained with red blood. It looked like a black and white tongue.


Because of this delay, Xiaojiu has already flown to the front, and the whole person is like a fierce fire, hitting Houqing. Hou Qing’s body flew heavily to the cliff, and Sibao and Biqing immediately chased it up.

"Shaoyang, how are you?"

Ye Shaoyang was wrapped in a white film and sat on the ground. Xiaoji immediately leaned over and asked. Ye Shaoyang squinted at her. Careful and relieved, tried to pull the white film on his body, but the white film was connected with the three three corpses of Ye Shaoyang, and could not pull it down, and when it was pulled up, Ye Shaoyang frowned, Xiaojiu did not dare to come. Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang did not have anything to do, so I greeted everyone to come over and find a way to look at the person around Ye Shaoyang.

It was this man who used a wooden sword to pierce the neck of Hou Qing and saved Ye Shaoyang from his hand.

"You... Shaoyang?" Xiaojiu suddenly saw him, almost thought it was Shaoyang. In front of this person, whether it is eyebrows or temperament, it is similar to Ye Shaoyang. Xiaojiu is completely paralyzed.

"It's you!"

The moment when I saw this person, the four treasures almost jumped up.

"Mu Zi, no, you are that... that old glass, what is it!" He never thought that this person was screaming, remember that Ye Shaoyang often called him old glass and said it.

Tong Xuan Dao’s mouth was pumped and he almost vomited blood. In order to trace Ye Shaoyang, he often strolled around the world. He also deliberately learned that “glass” means...

"Tong Xuan, you are an old glass!" Lao Guo also called out.

Tong Xuan Dao turned his eyes. "How do you want to bring these three words? Don't forget that I am now Ye Shaoyang's savior."


Everyone seems to think of this, only to save Ye Shaoyang. This is a bit unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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