Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2600: The 2601 corpse 2

"You have such a good heart?" Four treasures frowned.

"Oh, good intentions are natural." Tong Xuandao looked at Ye Shaoyang and smiled. "But I can't let others kill him. No one can do it, or what should I do?"

The four treasures "haha" smiled twice. "How can this be a little weird?"

Tongxuandao is a wicked person. There is no doubt that he deliberately wants to deal with Ye Shaoyang, but he can't let others kill him. It is really the case that Ye Shaoyang is in a dilemma. He has to fight to save... This is an enemy. Still the patron?

Everyone is speechless and doesn't know what to say.

Tong Xuan Dao looked at these people and stepped back to the side. He smiled and said: "I am not an enemy today. Let's not fight with each other. You will continue and continue."

At this time, Biqing came back from the mountain forest, and everyone shook his head and said: "After the death of Qing, it turned into a pool of blood and oozing into the ground."

Again... dead.

Everyone looks at each other and sees each other's expressions knowing what they are thinking: This time, can the Qing still be resurrected?

"Look at Shaoyang first, how can I get it?" Xiao Jiuyi was in the side of Ye Shaoyang, studying the white film on his body. Everyone also got together. Tongxuandao also wanted to go to this side, and was stopped by the four treasures. Look at him. Yin Yang said strangely: "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. How come you get into the air?"

Tong Xuandao people "snapped" a voice: "I don't mix here, you can end up here, tell you, Houqing is still ambushing a horse on the mountain side, originally intended to encircle you, Losing your ancestors, I got a strange door armor to block the mountain road. The zombies who didn’t have brains didn’t understand the battle. They were still trapped inside, or they would kill them on the top of the mountain. You are already finished!”

There is still such a thing...

"How do you know this so familiar?" asked Sibao.

"Your ancestors I came in early in the morning, and cooperated with the corpse. They knew that I wanted Ye Shaoyang's body to be a hit, but they wanted to use the poor roads, but they didn't know that the poor roads were using them..."

This thing is more complicated, Tongxuandao people are too lazy to explain too much, and they are actually wall grass, if the corpse can really hold Ye Shaoyang, he is willing to help the post-Qing, anyway, what he wants is the body of Ye Shaoyang, and the body The king is going to kill him.

However, he later discovered that Hou Qing’s conspiracy did not stop there. He continued to cooperate with him. Not only could he not get Ye Shaoyang’s body, he might even have to take his own life, so he decided to change the station team and protect Ye Shaoyang...

"I said, you are always playing the idea of ​​Shaoyang, and you can't get him. Are you tired?" The four treasures were shocked and ridiculous when they heard the words of Tongxuandao. This old guy, chasing from the human world to the empty world, and chasing it from the empty world... just to get the body of Ye Shaoyang, really is persevering.

Tongxuan Taoist sneered, "Leave a green hill, not afraid of no firewood. As long as Ye Shaoyang does not die one day, the poor road always has a chance to get him."

"You...you have a broken sleeve?" Bi Qing looked at him, his face was blue.

Sibao smiled and said: "He has been chasing Shaoyang for a long time and has always wanted to get his body."

"You! You are all old, actually making such shameless things!" Bi Qingdao, "I can't see such awkward things in my life. In today's words, it is a metamorphosis!"

She has watched many TV dramas recently and has learned a lot of new words. However, her thoughts and values ​​are still ancient. She is very disgusted with this kind of thing for men and men. She also sees that the people of Tongxuan Dao express their "love" to Ye Shaoyang, and they can hear a nausea and can't help but scream.

"You! I..." The popular seven-year-old smoke of Tongxuandao can't be explained at the same time. I want to play with her. They can't beat them. They simply step back and point to Biqing: "Hey, I am different from you today, and I took you to the demon servant sooner or later!"

Bi Qingqi wants to rush over and is stopped by the four treasures. "Don't make trouble, think about how to save the goat."

Xiao Jiudao: "This silk thread is spit by the three corpse gods. It can't be taken down. If it is destroyed by external forces, it is afraid of hurting him."

Four treasures looked at Ye Shaoyang, Shen Shen said: "Otherwise, get him back first, and then find a way, always think of ways."

Xiao Jiu looked at him differently. "What are you talking about, but now you have not saved the cold jade, just go back?"

"Otherwise, now, how to fight, how to fight, the post-clear certainly not dead, do not know what is the plot, and the ancient monster, but also the end of the powerful, do not know where to go."

"You can't kill after the death," Tong Xuan Dao suddenly said, "Because you have not figured out his form, do you know what the alien is?"

"Don't sell off." Four treasures.

"It is a nine-infant child of the ancients!"

Nine baby!

For a time, the people present were shocked, the names of the nine infants, they have all heard that the legendary ancient beasts were also standing on the side of the ancient war, and later said that they were dead, they did not know the whereabouts. I didn’t expect to be alive...

"The nine beasts of different beasts, one is like a child, the nine children are born, and the other is that there are nine lives..." The four treasures will tell the information about the nine infants that they saw in the classics, and then think about the nine infants. The image is indeed a child.

Tong Xuan Dao said, "Nine infants, not nine lives, but if they don't kill the gods, they will never die."

Four treasures said: "You are not nonsense, any creatures will not kill the gods, they will not kill."

"Listen to me, the general soul is not destroyed, but the soul is gone, and it can only be gradually dispersed. Even if you find the ghost nest, you have to practice from the beginning, waiting for the soul to be born again... but the nine-baby **** As long as it exists, it can reshape the soul of the soul in a very short time, so it is impossible to kill... In the battle of the ancient times, it was indeed killed, the gods were chased all the way, and finally hid in the body of the minister, escaped It’s a pity, but it’s a bit wrong.

Although the minister was dead, but his physical body was still in the past, these would have been scattered a little bit, but after the nine-infant entered the body, it stimulated the blood of the corpse in the body, and the blood of the corpse was boiled, but the soul of the nine infants was trapped. ......

At the time, the nine infants were in the state of the Yuanshen. They couldn’t get out of trouble. So the Yuanshen and the minister’s flesh and blood were combined. Therefore, the court was able to resurrect. It was also thanks to the nine infants. As for why they were divided into three, they turned out to be three. I don't know, it may be the body and the gods after the break. After remodeling, there is no way to combine them, but the nine infants and the three corpses are completely integrated, and they can no longer be separated. ”

These words, like a blockbuster, are in the hearts of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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