Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2601: 2602 old glass 1

"Nine infants and corpse kings are one body... So, what we are not killing is not Houqing, but nine infants?"

"It can be said," Tong Xuandao talked eloquently (to help Ye Shaoyang also really fight), "As for why Jiuying is a fit with Houqing, not a son-in-law or a win, I don't know. But the truth is. Only two people are separated. You kill one of them. The gods naturally float to the other body, reinventing the spirits, and endless. If you want to kill them, there are three ways. One is to force them to fit, and the other is to kill them at the same time. Two, so that the Yuanshen has nowhere to go, naturally can not resurrection. There is another way, after destroying his spiritual body, the Yuanshen is immediately destroyed, completely eradicated, no resurrection, and..."


Ye Shaoyang is in the white film. Although the body can't move, but the hearing is not affected, while the performance of the three corpse gods, while listening to the Tongxuan people explain all this, just heard here, suddenly a headache, like the top of the heart A hole was drilled and something was drilled in.

Three corpse gods!

After making a scream in the depths of consciousness, Ye Shaoyang’s eyes were dark and he could feel the worms that had been formed into three corpses. He had already drilled in from his own Baihui hole and drilled into his body. With the three corpse gods Wriggle, his gods will tremble with severe pain, and the mind will relax, and the three corpses on the shoulders of both sides will immediately drill in and follow the trend.

Three three corpse gods, converging at the heart of Ye Shaoyang, produced a subtle change, and Ye Shaoyang’s knowledge of the gods appeared in a illusion.

This situation can't be described. In Ye Shaoyang's feeling, it is the three corpses turned into a post-Qing, and then turned into a stream of air, wrapping his own god.

Immediately, Ye Shaoyang felt the tremor of the Yuanshen, as if he had to be sucked away, but... he had no mana to use, and the suffocation in his body was useless. It was not impossible to do it, but... Heqing had already captured himself. The gods know that it is in their own bodies, that they have the ability to go through the sky, and what is the way to attack the invisible enemy in the gods?

However, how can Houqing appear in his own knowledge?

All living beings have gods. God is actually a thought. The thoughts are nothing. They belong to themselves. The gods are destroyed, and the gods are gone. How can others enter your mind?

"Ye Shaoyang, I can't think of it... Three corpse gods are my gods, you can send spiritual resurrection, where it can reach, I can parasitize... You often say killing people, in fact, the most terrible thing is not heart, but Even the gods know how to kill... Oh, cold jade is destined to be mine, your **** is also mine."

When he finished, the breath of the incarnation was more frantically spinning around the gods, squeezing and swallowing a little.

Ye Shaoyang felt the pain of the cone heart, and could only defend the gods. It is powerless to try not to be affected by the pain. Once the gods are disintegrated, the gods will be finished.

However, the **** of his own is controlled by others, and he can’t do it if he wants to go out.

"The gods are invisible and invisible, and we can't be discovered by us. The two methods can be tried." The four treasures sighed and looked around. "The key is, where did the Qing go? How did it not appear?" ?"

"A person can stare at it. The rest of the people study how to wake up the younger brother and take advantage of this opportunity."

Lao Guo leaned in front of Ye Shaoyang and said to himself: "I think, you can use the eighteen gods to tie the three corpse gods to try... Ah, how are the three corpse gods gone?"

Everyone was shocked and unanimously looked up. Sure enough, Ye Shaoyang was still wrapped in white film, but the three bodies of the head and shoulders were gone.

"Bad, it must be drilling in his body!" The four treasures screamed, and the group of people rushed. "What will happen?"

"It will swallow the gods!"

Tong Xuan Dao’s words made everyone stunned and said, “Let me possess it. I have a secret law and can invade his god. As long as he can keep his god, there is no way to blame it!” When I finished, I went to Ye Shaoyang, and I had the meaning of picking up my sleeves.

The four treasures suddenly returned to God, and stopped him. "Hurry up and do it, let you shoot. When the time is, the Qing is running away. The goat is actually occupied by you. You are darker than Houqing. !"

Sibao looked at Tongxuan Taoist, and the rest of the people squatted in front of Ye Shaoyang and thought about ways to save him.

All of this, Ye Shaoyang couldn't hear or see. In the violent pain, he tried to keep the integrity of his thoughts, resisting the invasion of Houqing. After he encountered resistance, he was not in a hurry. Ye Shaoyang's thoughts. After all, he is now in the thoughts of Ye Shaoyang, outside Xiaoji, no matter how they do, they will not affect him.

"Today, I longed for a long time, Ye Shaoyang, I really enjoy this feeling of slowly killing you, to balance the anger of my heart... Yes, you are the son of heaven, invincible, but in my corpse Wang Houqing In the eyes of you, you are just a mortal, have gone very far..."

Ye Shaoyang knows that he is deliberately speaking to influence himself, wants to distract himself, and that God will disintegrate faster, and can only concentrate on not listening to what he said.

"If there is no cold jade, if you are not human, or I am not a zombie, I really want to be friends with you, I like your character... Unfortunately, I fell in love with cold jade..."

Is there any way to resist the invasion of three corpse gods?

There seems to be no one that can handle the situation in front of me, and there is no experience of the predecessors to learn from. Is it that I am going to die like this?

What is the mess behind Houqing?

Ye Shaoyang's consciousness began to distract. This feeling is like the state before people fall asleep. The mind is out of control. It seems to float in a dark and empty space. Suddenly, what he thinks.

Heavenly book!

The book of your own stone!

With the strengthening of his own strength, he constantly opened a new page of Tianshu. The first few pages are all of the scriptures. They have long been learned by themselves. Recently, they have been promoted to the immortal, and they have also opened a new page. Finally, it is no longer a magical instrument, but a spiritual method of cultivation, called "combination."

Ye Shaoyang has never heard of this spell, tried to cultivate it, and found that it is not the cultivation of the heart, but a way of cultivation, cultivation and cultivation are two things, cultivation and cultivation, solid cultivation, in general It is cultivated for ordinary people or beginners of spells.

However, it is naturally impossible to cultivate for ordinary people, not to mention that this method of cultivation is still listed after several great charms, but after Ye Shaoyang’s cultivation, he did not find anything special, plus Time is limited, and there is no fine taste, but those spells are recorded in my heart. At the moment of extreme danger, I don’t know why, this spell is jumping from my own mind.

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