Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2610: Call of the 2611 Dream 2

He has climbed into the mouth of the snake, but he has been blocked by the fangs of this circle.

"Haha... Ye Shaoyang!" The voice of Hou Qing’s taunting sounded in Ye Shaoyang’s ear. "You have been climbing for so long. You think that if you want to stick to it, there will be a way out. Unfortunately, you still have to die. This way out. It is clearly in front, but it is always out of reach. Is it painful? Haha..." Hou Qing enjoyed this kind of torture to Ye Shaoyang.

I have always insisted that I will not give up in the face of adversity, and I will continue to fight until the end. I finally see that the road is in front, but I was blocked by the last shackle. Is this a cold reality?

Ye Shaoyang wanted to smile, trying to open his numb mouth, and spit out four words in a trembling voice: "Go to your mother!"

beg for mercy? Cry and cry? Sighing that life is unfair? No, no, this is not the style of Ye Shaoyang. He used these four words to express his dissatisfaction.

He originally wanted to swear another sentence, but the numbness of the corpse was swallowed into the mind, and the consciousness was completely immersed in nothingness...

Maybe this is the end.

Ye Shaoyang began to dream, and all kinds of broken people and things filled his consciousness.


A familiar voice, drilled into Ye Shaoyang's dream, and pulled his **** back suddenly.

This sound is familiar, but it is cold jade!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly excited.

"Cold jade, is that you?" He shouted in the depths of his consciousness and waited for a long time without answering. Ye Shaoyang gradually felt a trace of despair, must be his own auditory, or a dream before he died.

"Cold jade, unfortunately, I can't save you back. Sorry, I didn't do it..." Ye Shaoyang said quietly in the gods, in fact, this is what he said to himself. However, his voice just fell, and there was a nervous voice in his ear: "Shaoyang, are you okay? Really you... Scorpio, how are you doing, don't scare me!"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked again, but he soon smiled bitterly. It must be a dream. He is not aware of where he is being shut down. How can he communicate with himself in the gods?

"It seems that I am really dying. I have started to dream like this, but... at the end of everything, I can hear your voice, it is still very good, though, this is just a dream."

"Shaoyang, you are not dreaming... I thought I was dreaming, Shaoyang, really me, I am on the hill, I am in the forbidden land, I can't go out, Shaoyang, you can hear Do I talk? How about Shaoyang?"

For ten seconds, Ye Shaoyang’s entire consciousness was blank. After returning to God and understanding what happened, all kinds of emotions suddenly came up and filled my heart.

Cold jade, really cold jade! Really her!

How many days have you let your dreams come through!

"Shaoyang, how are you, don't scare me..."

Ye Shaoyang used a lot of time, only to press the ecstasy of his heart, whispered in consciousness: "Cold jade, is it really you?"

"Really me, I am trapped in the forbidden land, where are you, how are you?"

"I... I'm fine. Just... why can you communicate with me with God?"

Yan Lengyu was silent for a moment, murmured: "I don't know. Before, I had a very strange feeling. It seems that there is something that is closely related to me. I tried to search for a long time before I decided. Its position... Shaoyang, through it, I am connected with your knowledge of God, are you carrying something with me?"

Her things...

Ye Shaoyang suddenly returned to the gods, stretched out the numb palms, inserted into the backpack, and found a thing, gathered in front of him, a group of bright light, flicking

It is the knot of the master of a valley!

For a moment, Ye Shaoyang understood that this life knot is a cold jade! The hair inside is her!

In the world, if you want to practice psychics and bring the soul to the world, the most important thing besides the Master's practice is the relics of the deceased, but in reality, this relic is only the second choice, the first choice. Things are actually the body of a ghost, or a part of the body. The so-called body skin is only because the ancients have the habit of "the whole body". These things should not be preserved, so they are replaced with relics...

Ye Shaoyang once opened the knot and saw the hair inside. The guess was that it was cold and jade, but he couldn’t judge it, and Master Yigu did not explain what it was before he died. He just placed it on his side. Leave it to yourself... Now that he wants to come, he may not know what it is for him to use this knot. He just thinks that this is the relic of Yu Lengyu, and he will make a commemoration for himself. Second, he may be able to send it in the future. What is the use?

Just like today, when I came to Tianzhushan, I was close to the cold jade, the position between the soul and the skin that could produce the sense, and I was immediately noticed by the cold jade. She was originally a mage, and it was easy to die with the knot. The buckle establishes the connection, because the life is tied to him, so he can connect with her in the knowledge of God...

The numbness brought by the corpse water once again caught the consciousness. Ye Shaoyang’s heart was stunned, and the consciousness was still there. He said quickly: “Lengyu, don’t say anything else, where are you, how can you save you?”

"The forbidden land of the corpse is used to worship the will of the vassal. I don't know how to describe the position... Where are you now?"

"I am abandoning the mountains, in... Oh, right, outside the cave where you were holding you before, on that open space!"

"Ah, then you go to the highest point, go to the peak of the road, through a chaotic cloud, you can see this mountain. This mountain seems to be sealed, only climb the summit to see... ... Shaoyang, how are you, if it is dangerous, you go back first!"

Can not go back……

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly. After he finished his speech, he quickly thought about it. He had made a decision: In any case, he must tell everyone about the hiding place of Lengyu. Even if they are dead, they can also put cold jade. Save it!

Then, only the gods are out of this way!

Yuanshen can ignore the shackles of the flesh and can fly out from the body of the queen, but this way... their body and soul will be destroyed, and the gods will eventually wither.

Really want to do this?

Ye Shaoyang finally calmed down and thought about it once, there is no better way.

"Cold jade, you can rest assured, I will save you from going out, I... love you."

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