Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2611: The 2612 dreamer 1

After saying this, Ye Shaoyang immediately tried to let the Yuanshen leave the body. Suddenly, there was a shock of shaking the mountain... Ye Shaoyang, who is in the body of the giant snake, did not know what happened, and was amazed. Suddenly a bright light came in from the front.

The mouth of the serpent was opened!

"Goat! Is it dead?"

It is the voice of the four treasures.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the snake's teeth with both hands and forced his body to pull from the muddy corpse of the beach. Just about to open, the mouth of the giant snake closed again, but in the next moment, the body of the giant snake trembled again. Then, the snake's mouth was opened again.

Ye Shaoyang took the opportunity to throw the soul out.

The four treasures grabbed. At this time, the snake's mouth has begun to close. The four treasures grabbed the soul and slammed it backwards. Before the snake's mouth closed, Ye Shaoyang was dragged out from the middle of the two rows of teeth. This picture actually has one. A visual sense of Hollywood blockbusters.

Ye Shaoyang rolled a few laps on the ground, his body was in contact with the wind and the mana was gradually recovering. Although the body has been seriously injured, it is now a spiritual state, and these injuries will not have any effect. Ye Shaoyang sat up fiercely, turned back and saw only a piece of smoke, and leaped from the head of the serpent.

A few figures, standing near the snake head:

The middle one is actually Lao Guo. On the side is Guagua and Xueqi, who are dealing with the zombies that are gathered around and protect Lao Guo. Xiaojiu jumped on the back of the serpent, and the nine tails tied the giant snake from front to back, making it impossible to move.

"Let me eat another thunder!"

With a bang, Lao Guo ignited a magical charm, and put it closer to a thing like a firecracker in his hand, and stuffed it into the broken one-eyed snake. The giant snake struggling hard, raised his head and tried to turn back to deal with Xiao Jiu.

Wu Jiawei swept from the left side, a very fast sword, stabbed into the one-eyed giant snake.

The giant snake twitched for a while, because of the pain, his mouth slammed open, and Lao Guo took the opportunity to throw the "Thunder" in his hand into the mouth of the serpent.

A loud bang.

The giant snake smoked smoke and fell softly on the ground.

A green lotus flies over the top of Ye Shaoyang's head, releasing a gentle force that covers his body. This force enters the body, and immediately there is a feeling like a spring breeze, and the wound in the body begins to recover.

"Shaoyang, if you can hold on, go up and fight with them, and kill the corpse with a bang." Bi Qing said in Ye Shaoyang's ear.

"I'm afraid I can only hand it over to you." Ye Shaoyang said to her, before flying, said to the crowd: "I know where the cold jade is, just now you are gaining power, you drag him, I will go to save the cold jade! ”

When everyone heard it, they were very surprised. I don’t know where he learned about the whereabouts of Leng Lengyu, but at the moment there is no time to ask, Sibao said on the spot: "Then you hurry, we dragged, waited for the corpse. I used to meet you in the past!"

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the highest point of the mountain, and it really looked like a misty cloud, as if there was something hidden in it.

"You must be careful, wait for me to come back!"

After that, Ye Shaoyang rushed in the direction of the dark cloud, and turned a few laps on the mountain road, into the chaotic clouds over there, a mountain peak, covered by chaotic clouds.

Cold jade... It’s on it.

Ye Shaoyang, with excitement, climbed up in one breath. On this mountain peak, there is a flat of a basketball court. There is a pyramid-like building in the middle, about seven or eight meters high. Ye Shaoyang walked over and found this thing. It was built with a few stone pillars, with a black atmosphere in the middle, which looked deep and mysterious.

These eight achievements are the entrance to the forbidden land of the corpse in the cold mouth.

Ye Shaoyang reached out and tried to touch it. The originally slow-moving breath immediately condensed, forming a hard and cold barrier, pushing hard for a few times and no response.

"Cold jade, are you there? I came to the top of the mountain you said. I saw something like a tower. I don't know if it is the entrance to the forbidden land you said?" Ye Shaoyang caught the knot in his hand and activated with helium. Then he said silently in the gods.

After waiting for a while, the voice of Leng Lengyu came from the knowledge of God. "Yes, but it's useless. This is a very strong enchantment. Hou Qing said that no one can open this enchantment except their blood."

"I will try it first."

Try to use external force first, and the result is that the seal does not move, and then the spells... all kinds of spells are used, and the seals are still showing no signs of looseness. Ye Shaoyang has a heart sinking. Is it only that the corpse can be opened?

"Cold jade, you wait for me, I will go to the post-clear or kill, use his blood to open the seal and save you!"

"No, Shaoyang, let's go quickly. In this zero world, he has almost infinite power, he can't kill, and..."

"What's the matter?" Ye Shaoyang heard her tone is wrong.

When Leng Yuyu was silent for a moment, he murmured: "In addition, I don't have to go with you..."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stunned. At this moment, a white shadow came up from the mountain peak. It was Xiaojiu. When he saw Ye Shaoyang standing alone, he hurried over and asked, "What happened?"

Ye Shaoyang spoke about the situation. Xiaojiu also tried it, but even if she is as strong as her, there is still no way to cause damage to the enchantment.

"It's useless. It seems that no one can open the seal here except for Qingqing himself." Xiaojiu frowned.

"How is Houqing?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"We just killed the giant snake, but his **** is gone... I dare not let them come up together, lest they be trapped here, let them guard the mountain, and say that there are also the Taiyin Mountain. I can do it at any time."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "We still go to the top of the mountain, find Houqing, and then kill him, only this one way."

Xiao Ji feels that this is very difficult to do, but since it is the only way, he has to accompany him to do it. The two of them just want to go down the mountain, and suddenly there is a voice behind them: "Ye Shaoyang."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. Looking back, it was a figure. Slowly coming from the outer layer of the opposite stone pagoda, there was a corpse spilling out of his body. At first glance, he knew that it was a zombie.

"Who is this?" Ye Shaoyang screamed in a fighting stance, thinking that he would not be a strong man of the corpse, and that they would not be able to survive after a post-clear, and then come to a helper, it is really vomiting blood.

"Ye Shaoyang, are you going to save the cold jade?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and glanced at Xiaojiu. They rushed up and saw the face of the coming person. They screamed for a few seconds and shouted: "Huwang, how are you here!" (s: )

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