Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2612: The 2613 dreamer 2

On the deserted hill, from the crack that was broken by Houqing, the zombies continued to rush out, as if an army had rushed to the battlefield. Although in the eyes of the four treasures, these zombies are low-level creatures, killing them one, almost the same as stepping on an ant, but the ants are too much, just as terrible.

The four treasures and one guarded the people at the intersection of Tianzhu Mountain and the peak, stood in a circle, and unanimously began to change their attack and defend themselves, constantly killing the swarm of corpses.

"For the time being, I can still control the situation, but this way, it will not be able to stand up in the morning and evening." Lao Guo said as he lit a "firecracker" and threw it into the opposite corpse, and it exploded.

This is his previous whimsy, using the materials that Qingqiushan prepared for him, blending the combination of explosives/drugs, the power is huge, originally thought to be used for blasting, and the result is a miraculous effect in the battle.

"Hold for a while, wait for Shaoyang to come down. I believe he will definitely bring back the cold rain girl." Four treasures cheered everyone.

Not far away, the zombies also rushed toward the ghost car.

The three people on the ghost car did not move. From the ghost car, there was a black gas that rushed out and wrapped the ghost car in the middle. Those zombies, no matter how they were repaired, once they entered the range of ghosts, the body immediately melted into A pile of blood.

"Master, before they lost both sides, so good opportunity, why don't you shoot, killing the corpse king and the demon king together, it is easy!" Red Moon Raksha has some complaints spit.

After a long time, the voice of Youjun came out of the ghost car, and said faintly: "The corpse king is not here at all."


The red moon Rakshasa and the wooden real people face each other, do not understand why the right king said so.

"Here, it is just a corpse of his body. His real body is not here. What is the use of killing him? If the demon king is dead, the three of us will face the corpse, and on the deserted hill, How many chances are there?"

"and so……"

"Standing on it."

At the top of the mountain, Ye Shaoyang finally saw the face of the coming person. It is really familiar: but this is not someone else, but the brother of Huo Yuyu, Hu Wang, the long-lost missing guy, actually mixed into the zero world!

"Don't forget, I am a ghost."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that the last time he saw him was to help him deal with the beautiful snake. After killing the beautiful snake who had deceived him, Hu Wang also disappeared. He did not know the whereabouts.

"This is the zero world, the base camp of the corpse, and now the corpse is attacking the airspace, and my ghost corpse should naturally come to life..."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him slyly and spit out three words: "Don't talk nonsense."

Hu Wang smiled and said: "If not, how can I get the trust of the corpse king, close to the cold jade?"

Ye Shaoyang listened and realized it in an instant. Hu Wang came up and grabbed his collar and said evilly: "Ye Shaoyang, you are a scum, how have I told you, since my sister has followed you, you should treat her well, you see that you are How to do it! You really bully her mother no one!"

Ye Shaoyang was questioned by him, and his face was embarrassed and he could not speak.

Hu Wang let him go and gave him a look. He said, "I don't talk nonsense with you. I know how to open this seal. You go in and save the cold jade and take her away!"

Ye Shaoyang was paralyzed on the spot.

"You...how do you have a way to open the seal?"

Hu Wang smiled slightly. "The strength of Tian Abandon Mountain has been transferred to the front line. No one is available. I have worked hard for a long time and got his trust. Before you arrive, he has done a good job." Ambush, but also worried that there will be an accident, so I will pass the door to open the forbidden seal to me... If it is really that step, Tian Abandon does not guarantee, he let me flee with the cold jade to hide in the depths of Tiandeng Mountain. Lest the Tianzhu Mountain be occupied by you, even if you can't open the forbidden land, Lengyu will always be trapped inside and can't get out. He doesn't want to let the cold jade be scared..."

"He would care very much about people." Ye Shaoyang snorted.

Xiao Ji looked at Hu Wang and said: "After this arrangement, I can understand. He has always been calculating, and he has to keep everything, just... Why are you looking for this outsider to perform?"

Hu Wangdao: "I didn't say it, he is not available now, plus I have done a lot of things and gained his trust. He believes that I can't betray him."


Hu Wang bowed his head and said, "Do you doubt me?"

Ye Shaoyang stopped Xiao Jiu and said: "I don't doubt you, you are the brother of Lengyu after all, if you can open the seal, hurry up!"

Hu Wang no longer delayed, came to the front of the stone tower, cut the palm of his hand, let the blood flow out, and then stuck it on the invisible barrier, time, black gas surging, all three felt the surrounding gas field Variety.

"Shaoyang, I remind you that in the ban of the corpse, do not practice, do not, any flow of breath will stimulate the blood of the minister, in case the blood of the minister is out of control, the consequences are unimaginable, may the whole zero It will become a sea of ​​fire..."

"Isn't this better? Burn the zombie's base camp."

Hu Wang glanced at him in a strange way and said: "What are you talking about? When the zombies are rushed to the air, they will be able to win."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I don't believe in a minister or a dead minister. I can have such energy. Well, hurry up, I just need to save the cold jade. These things have nothing to do with me. I won't destroy anything!"

The barrier on the stone tower flashed a bit, and a breath swayed nearby. The three suddenly felt their feet empty and fell directly. After a while, they fell on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang stood up first and turned to look. It is like the world in the mirror. There is only one space in the middle, and there is a chaotic gas in the middle. In the middle of this space, there is a mountain peak with red liquid flowing from top to bottom. It exudes a strong smell of corpse blood.

"Cold jade?" Ye Shaoyang looked around and no one, calling out loud. Turned to ask Hu Wang: "You are not saying that cold jade is here, man?"

"I haven't really come in yet..." Hu Wang is also a look.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart sank: Could it be that Leng Yu was taken away by Hou Qing? It is not impossible for Qing’s murder in the future. However, I suddenly thought that Lengyu had passed through the life knot and passed it through the gods. She said that she is here...maybe on the mountain?

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang walked toward the middle of the mountain. At this time, a figure turned from the mountain side.

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