Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2650: Truth 1 in Truth 2651

The road wind smiled. "You will know when you get there."

The airflow in the space suddenly caused a change. The two turned their heads and looked in that direction. I saw a crack being torn open. A black-faced man wearing a soap cap, his eyes were as big as a bell, and his beard was upside down. .

"Senior brother." Liu Ru is a soft call, coming to the most famous Zhong Zhong Da Shi in the Three Realms, he is also one of the seven gates of the Tao, in this Mao, Liu Ru still does not exclude him to call him a brother.

"Haha, this place is good, and I am not afraid to be heard, but the road is so careful, it is not the style of your work."

Road wind: "It's a big deal, you have to."

"Let's talk." Zhong Yan said with a beard and said.

Daofeng turned his head and said to Liu Ru: "Give me a bowl of ecstasy soup."

Liu Ru is a sigh, said: "Who is it for?"


Liu Ru is shocked. "You are joking in Tsing Yi."

"It's not a joke. I have to swear three corpses. I have to ask for it."

Liu Ruhe is hesitating, and the method of blending ecstasy soup is not difficult, but the entire Yin Shi is only mastered by the current Meng Po. Although she deploys countless times every day, she must not help anyone.

Zhong Rong said: "He wants, you will give her, he has not asked you anything in the past few years. If something goes wrong, I will help you."

"You said it well." Liu Ruyi stunned Zhong Rong and said to the wind: "I only want you to come to see me, but come to me for something."

Road wind: "If I don't die, you will have any disasters in the future. I will help you."

Liu Ru sighed. "You come to me, how can I help you? You talk first, I will go to the soup."

Said to get into the hustle and bustle.

Zhong Rong Da Ma Jindao went to the wall roots, his hands on his knees, looked up at the wind and said: "You come to me, what is it? Quickly, I have to go to the old five, they push the cards, Yesterday I won a lot. If I don’t go today, they have to say that I am jealous."

"I am going to find a princess."

When Zhong Rong slammed, his eyes turned and he said, "Look for her... then you go find it and find me."

The road wind also squatted in front of him, saying: "Call you a brother, you don't know how to be confused. If you don't have your waist card, why can I see the princess?"

"This ah... you can go to the old Cui, or go to the reincarnation..."

The wind pressed one hand on his shoulder and said: "Cui Tianzi is honest and unconcerned. Can he help? The reincarnation is not to mention the three worlds, and whoever helps me, who can help me? Dare to help me?"

Zhong Rong laughed. "The wind, the ones you said before, I don't like to listen. The last sentence is the truth."

There are only two people in the world, and there are only two people. There is only two people who are really afraid of the rules. One is Zhong Kui, the other is the Taoist Zen master of the boundless world. It is also the famous monk of the world. However, after Jigong went to the boundless world, it has not been for many years. Appearance.

As the saying goes: 100,000 Yin soldiers hold the palm of their hands, and the Emperor does not listen to the announcement.

From this point of view, Zhong Wei is somewhat similar to the wind. However, the most essential difference between the two is that although Zhong Wei ignores all rules, he does not deliberately violate the rules. Under normal circumstances, he will take into account the faces of others. He is also a good old man in the Yin Shi, and he is lonely and lonely, but he is hidden in the city. The Taoist style ignores all rules, and is not willing to be in the rules. There is pride and arrogance.

Zhong Rong jumped out of the rules, but in the final analysis, it is still the defender of Tiandi Avenue. The road is a complete destroyer.

Zhong Rong shook his head and sighed. "Well, if you want me to help you, you can do it, but you have to tell me, why are you looking for a princess?"

"I am looking for her to borrow something." Waiting for the bell to open, the wind first explained, "I want to smash three corpses, I must find her to borrow such things, you should know what you are, don't ask again, even if you are fearless. Rules, I don't want to hurt you."

Zhong Rong looked awkward and stunned. He said: "It is true that even if I can't stop it, I won't stop you. I only ask you, can you think about the result of failure?"

"The soul flies."

"A good soul flies away." Zhong Rong stood up. He was tall and strong. He was much taller than the height of one meter nine. He looked at the wind and said: "Even if you succeed, you will suffer and lose. All memories, if they fail, will never be recovered, you will not be able to have today, why bother to take risks and do this unpredictable thing."

The Taoist wind also looked at him and said faintly: "I thought that the deviant Zhonglu Tudor in the human population must be different from everyone else."

"Oh, I can say that it is rare. If you are someone else, you must think that you are crazy."

"Then you are also crazy when I am. Not crazy, not living, if I dare not step out in this step, then I will never be the opponent of the Promise Ghost King."

Zhong Rong shook his head helplessly, and reached into his clothes. He found a rosewood wooden sign and threw it to the wind. He turned and said: "When the wind, you chose this road, I waited for the division. The brothers have done their best, but I have secretly helped you several times. Now, I am afraid it is the last time. The reason... you naturally know. When you meet again, I am afraid that you are going to be a knife."

Road wind: "At that time, I naturally show my love."

"It’s as if you have succeeded!" Zhong gave him a look. "At that time, you don't know me!"

"Oh, but I may not be your opponent."

Zhong Rong snorted.

"However, I still have something to ask you."

"And?" Zhong Rong straightened his eyes. "I helped you so much, you haven't finished!"

The road smiles. "In the future, if there is that day, I would also ask my brother to look at my face and show my love for Shaoyang."

Zhong Rong was slightly stunned and continued to sit down on the wall. He said, "I can't promise this. I didn't know the truth. I know it now, but I can't say it to you..."

The wind squatted in front of him, staring at his eyes and slowly said: "I, guessed."

Zhong Rongkong shrank and stared at the wind. He searched for secrets from his eyes. For a moment, he took a deep breath and said, "How do you guess?"

The road did not answer, but instead said: "The Great Emperor made a big game, let me invest in the world, and he is a brother, it is to let the world misunderstand, but also to misunderstand the Taiyin Mountain, everyone has been cheated by him, even me ...when I know it all, I am already stuck in it..."

(Today, people in Shanghai, as representatives to participate in the launching ceremony of the wind collection activities, returning late at night, can only write a chapter, sorry for the truth. What is the truth in the truth, what is the truth, can you guess? )

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