Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2652: 2653 South Sea Princess 1

On the south side of the capital city, after crossing the bridge, and passing the boundary wall of the Yinshi, there is only an endless desert. Because of the boundary wall, there is no ghost in the vast desert, a river of forgetting the river. Going down, there are various creatures in the water and the river, but the biggest difference between the land and the vast land in the north is that the aura here is weak, which is not conducive to spiritual cultivation.

Therefore, although the creatures here are different in color, they are all ordinary evils, and it is extremely difficult to produce wisdom. The Yin Shi has always let these souls fend for themselves. In the eyes of the outside world (including the human world), this is a large forgotten place. Even most of the Masters in the world do not know what it is like.

The road has never been seen several times. He did not know how the road should go, so he always flew south.

Later, even he was too tired to fly, so he took a long strip of leaves from an unknown leaf and threw it in the river. He stood up and drifted.

The creatures lurking in the river, smelling the breath of the outsiders, with the instinct of the creatures, flocked back and forth, trying to besiege the wind.

The wind raised his hand and pulled out three black lotus flowers. He fell in the river and landed in different directions at his feet, releasing the soft power. All evil things, regardless of their size, were immediately invisible when they touched the lotus. Spiritual strangulation became a fragment.

There is no compassion for these creatures.

Because these creatures have no brains, they come forward and continue to be strangled, blood and water mixed in the river, from a distance, the road seems to be pushed by a pile of blood.

I don’t know how many more hours have elapsed. The already long-forgotten river has gradually narrowed, and the water has become anxious. The wind is looking around. There are several rivers not far from the left and right, just like the water flow of the Forgo River. Urgent, more and more branches, the interval between the middle and the smaller is smaller, and finally gathered into the general wide water level of the ocean, and can no longer see the land.

The sea is blue and clear, and the water is no longer used in the formation of the creatures, only the shadow of a road, like a strip of fish, shuttle in the water.

They are the most primitive creatures in the ghost domain, not even creatures, but some collections of aura, with some primitive instinct, because here, the aura is getting thinner, so these creatures are more difficult to shape, and they are hard to shape. Going upstream, I went to the waters where the spiritual power was slightly richer.

The road wind is still the first time to go to this place, looking into the endless sea, the distant light flashing some stars, like the stars of the sky.

Here, it is the boundary of the ghost domain, and the most central ghost domain is a huge semi-chaotic space, which is not completely open, so the boundary is also the central point.

When I got here, the water flow was no longer flowing all the time, but it was spinning, and I took a huge circle. The road drifted for a long time, I felt that I was turning, and the circle was getting smaller and smaller, as if in this ocean. In the middle, there is a huge vortex that **** in the water.

However, this speed is still too slow for him, so the speed of the leaf under the body is raised several times. After half an hour, there is a black spot in front of him, which gradually reveals the whole picture. It is a The island, unlike the islands of the world, is a round, floating in the middle of the sea, the water that rushes all the way through, under the island, I don't know where to go.

In the view of the road, the island is a huge rock floating in the ocean.

The water flows in from below, indicating that the following is empty. I don't know how the rock floats on the sea. Where does the rushing water flow into?

The closer to the island, the faster the water flow.

The road faintly saw the dark shadows on the island, and he did not move. At first he thought it was a creature. Until the distance was close enough, it was seen that these were long strips of stone, which looked a bit like watching on TV. The Stonehenge that has been to Europe has circled the huge islands in a circle.

At the top of the stone, there is a constant blue light. One is bright and the other is extinguished. The wind knows that the ones that I saw before are like the stars. They are them.

Looking far away, these "starlights" flicker, as if there is a certain law, according to this speculation, this should be a certain array of law, together with the entire huge island, the whole is a huge array of law.

Nanhai Town Sea Stone?

"The South China Sea Spring Eyes, the ghost field is heavy, who can dare!"

A very empty voice, uploaded from the island, this voice does not sound like a human voice.

The road wind said: "The road is ordered to visit the Princess of the South China Sea."

After a while, the voice came again:

"The Nanhai Spring Eye is a forbidden place within the Three Realms. From the absence of public service, where do you come from?"

"Nature is from the yin, I have a bell 馗 馗 token here, there is something to find a princess!"

Between the words, it is already close to the island. At this time, the island that was able to clearly see the whole picture in the distance was covered by a white mist and could not be seen.

The water rushed and rushed down from the island, sending out a deafening noise.

This is... is it hollow?

The leaves under the feet, with the rushing water flowing, began to shake and became unstable, and the wind leaped up and landed on the island. At the moment of landing, suddenly it seemed to hit an invisible glass.

The road wind slid like a fly, and slowly slideed down.

This position is a bit... The wind looks around, but fortunately no one sees it here, otherwise it is really detrimental to the image.

His legs have slipped into the water and are driven by the power of the water to roll down the island. The road hurriedly tried to use all his strength. He shot the invisible enchantment in front of him, and the enchantment was not broken, but he made a gap.

The wind and the shadows turned into a cigarette, and they got into the gap. Just landed, and the golden light came. He just had to fight back. These golden lights have already landed, forming a substance, a golden light, like a spear. Standing a few feet away from him, standing in all directions, making his people look like a hedgehog.

These golden lights are not floating, but the wind can feel the power of the above. He stood still and looked at the distance.

A mist of fog, covering the island, can't see anything.

"You were sent by General Zhong?" A voice came in the thick fog.

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