Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2684: 2685 Goodbye Lovers 2

Ye Shaoyang also knows that he is ridiculing himself. Let's not say that Cui Fujun's mana is boundless. Even if it is really better than him, it is impossible to take away the book of life and death from the Temple of Heaven. If there is, then unless the entire capital city is compromised...

"Only peek, and can only be seen in the Temple of Heaven. Once you take the book of life and death out of the Temple of Heaven, it is a crime of annihilation." The wind gave him an analysis.

The life and death book is related to the life and death of the three realms. It is the most secret document of the sinister. The peek has been illegal and secretly taken away. It is really impossible for anyone to protect.

"That's only looking for oranges." Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself, and was also tempted by the wind. "But even if there is such an opportunity, I am afraid of losing oranges."

"You only look at the name, not everyone's judgment, not a felony, at least after you die, then after the fall, as for the orange, there is his relationship with Xiao Yiyun, still use me?"

Ye Shaoyang slowly nodded, this way... but you can try, at least you can find the orange first, ask the possibility of the matter.

"Dao Feng, how do I feel that this thing is so strange, you said, what do the two people who have never met before will have anything to do with me? Daofeng, do you say that there is any conspiracy hidden in this matter? ?"

"The conspiracy doesn't know, but... it must be important."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and sat on the bed, very uncomfortable and said: "You said that I am easy, saying that I am not forced, I always think that I am a small person, why so many things will find me, I really It’s a bit confusing.”

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang lay down on his back to the bed, silent for a long time, silently said: "You know that I have never been fatal, but I sometimes think, is my fate has been arranged, I am alive, just to To accomplish these things, in other words, even if I want to do something, that is the guide that fate gives me, I will never have a way to jump out of fate... Do you know, this feeling makes me very scared and feels I am very small."

This time, the heart of the heart, the heart of the wind has also produced a strong touch, he rarely sits next to Ye Shaoyang, like him to lie down in the upper body, the two brothers are lying on their arms, lying in bed, in the same position.

"Are you afraid?" said the road after a long silence.

"Slightly." Ye Shaoyang sighed. "I used to read a passage in the Taoist book, saying that the world is like a chessboard. The world is like a chess piece. Everything is just a game of the two players playing chess. Anyone. It’s hard to escape the fate. You are not afraid of the wind?”

"I am afraid too."

The road wind silently said.

"To tell you the truth, twenty years ago, I asked Master the same question as you."

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at him and asked: "What does the Master say?"

"Master doesn't know, but he lets me find it. First, you have to understand who you are. When you come to the world, what is it to do. That is, you must first see your destiny before you can jump out of him. ”

Ye Shaoyang tasted it a little and frowned. "But people can't see their destiny. How do you know what you are doing, not the arrangement of fate for you?"

"The first step in the mystery of the womb is to break the mystery of the womb and then see the fate..."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged: "This is difficult, and living people can't do it."

The road also turned to look at him and said: "You don't need to do it. As long as someone else does it, it is sure to tell you that the fate of the person is reversible and it is enough."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and slowly nodded. "This is the truth, but how do I know what he said is true."

Road wind: "There is an example in front of you."


The road wind slowly said: "I went down in the early years, first traveled on earth, then went to the ghost field, into the so-called magic road, I thought I had jumped out of fate, but not, I, you, all of us, always Being played by the person in the applause, everything I did seem to be rebellious is actually in the fate, or the responsibility that was handed over to me. But now, I jumped out of my destiny."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him slyly, behind the sluggish expression, was the shock of the innermost.

"You...the one you said is the great?"

The road wind smiled at him, no answer, it is the default.

"I opened a sect in the ghost domain and built the Valley of the Wind. Every time you go to a crisis, I will come to save you. Every time you deal with the Yin God, they will help you, even secretly giving you convenience. These are all His arrangement."

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and felt the back of his back cool. "So, do the gods and gods know the truth?"

"No, they are just obeying, plainly speaking, they are also in their own destiny, they can see the fate, but they will not violate it, because all this is for the sinister, for the order within the three realms."

"I don't understand." Ye Shaoyang slowly shook his head. "What a big game is this!"

The road wind smiles: "It is a great game of chess. The chessboard is the three realms, mainly the human world."

Ye Shaoyang squinted for a moment and said: "If the Emperor is one of two people playing chess, who is his opponent?"

The road wind was silent, and slowly said four words: "The Promise Ghost King."

A name that shocked the Three Realms and talked about the tiger's discoloration.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and sneered: "The Promise Ghost King plays chess with the Emperor, and take us as a chess piece?"

He thought of Yu Lengyu, who is the reincarnation of the ghost boy, I am afraid that it is the chess piece of the Promise Ghost King.

This idea has given Ye Shaoyang a very weird feeling in his heart. He can't tell whether it is fear or anger.

"This feeling is really uncomfortable..." Ye Shaoyang shook his head and sighed, "Right, chess, I am afraid not only us?"

"The other side is not. But the pieces are different, most people are pawns, and you are going."


"The most important one, once you die, the whole game is over, and you are among them, the one that is the deepest. You are the most important, but you will always be in that grid. You can't eat one." ""

Ye Shaoyang looked at him slyly and thought about his passage.

"Dao Feng, I found out that you are really a person. If you can say such a philosophy, I have not found out before, but if I am, then what are you?"

"I am a 'scho' inside, it is to protect you, to ensure that you will not be killed by others, the outside is a car, sweeping all directions, and invincible."

Ye Shaoyang moved in his heart and turned to look at his side face.

The road wind... is really handsome, even if it is a side face, it also has a perfect curve. Ye Shaoyang can't find words in his heart to describe this handsome. If it is a woman, it is beautiful.

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