Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2685: 2686 pieces 1

"Even if it is a chess piece, it is very powerful to be able to make such a piece." Ye Shaoyang said.

The wind also turned his head and looked at him and asked, "Do you like to make chess pieces?"

"I don't like it." Ye Shaoyang answered the question very simply. No matter how good the pieces are, they are also pieces. They are all used by people and they are used as guns.

"However, if I am ‘will’, what if I am dead? That is, the emperor will not let me die?”

"You are eaten, and the people who play chess will open another set."

Daofeng grabbed his wrist and said: "The pieces are always pieces. If you don't want to make a piece, then you will jump out of the board and don't let others pinch you."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How do you jump out of the board?"

"You have already jumped out."


"At least you have already jumped half. When you know the truth, you jump out completely, but the results may not be good."

"I understand... Once I didn't use the value, the protagonist's halo would be gone."

The wind sighed softly: "Because I jumped out, I must have no good end. Shaoyang, now, we have to fight ourselves. The one above will not help us in the dark, or even vice versa. Come over and destroy us."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and he thought about it, and then said: "But I am not the same as you, I have been completely abandoned, and you, at least, still have a role, the one who plays chess, deliberately He has set such a set, he does not want to admit defeat."

Ye Shaoyang sat up and said: "If you know what, tell me, let me know how good it is. The wind, I am not afraid of that, as long as you are with me, nothing is terrible."

The road hesitated, said: "I can't tell you now, because you are not strong enough, I am not enough. When I am smashed three corpses, I will tell you all, you should not ask again."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless, but he also knows the character of the Tao. Since he does not say it, it is useless to wrap him up. Now he asks: "How do you marry three bodies?"

"I have my own way, you will know when you get there."

The road wind stood up and took out the Shanhe community from the sleeves and said: "You are not going to see your cold jade, go see her."

"She...here?" Ye Shaoyang looked at the Shanhe Society and quickly accelerated his heartbeat.

"I can't bring her directly to the world, or I will bring the Taiyin Mountain and the Yin Shi. You will see her by yourself. I am waiting for you here. After you see it, you will come out."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and glanced at him, waiting for him to unfold the Shanhe community, then use the mind and drill in...

The world of the wild.

Still the same scenery as the original.

It hasn't come in for a long time. Ye Shaoyang looked around and walked to the front of the stone tablet. At this time, a familiar call was called: "Shaoyang."

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and saw the cold jade, wearing a long dress in a costume, standing on the edge of the grass, his back behind his back, and grinning at himself.

Ye Shaoyang's heart trembled a little, then it was crisp, standing in the same place, staring at her, looking at it for a while, laughing and saying: "You pass the costumes, in fact, it is pretty good."

"You mean, I don't look good in modern clothes?"

"Amount, I dare say this." Ye Shaoyang touched his nose. "You look good, really."

He said that he slowly walked over and went faster and faster. The last step went to her side. Yan Lengyu also tacitly opened his arms and let Ye Shaoyang hold her in her arms.

Endless lingering lovesickness.

The wind removed the enchantment and saw a girl standing at the door of the bathroom, staring at herself with a bath towel.

It is the lotus demon.

Bi Qing looked at him quietly and suddenly said: "Do you have any way to help me find my brother?"

"He went to the Shura community."

"I know, can you find him?"

"When you go to the Shura community, you can find him." Daofeng does not seem to want to chat with her.

Bi Qing is arrogant: "You talk nonsense, if I can go, I will ask you what to do."

The road is too lazy to care for her, and her head goes to the side.

Biqing came out with a bath towel and said, "Can you help me a favor?"

The road looked at her suspiciously.

"Help me find my smelter, in the hands of Lishan."

The wind brows and says: "You stay with Shaoyang, is it for this?"

"Yes, but he has too many things, no work at all, and he is not an opponent of Lishan's mother."

Road wind: "Why should I help you?"

"What do you want?" Bi Qing leaned against the wall and smiled at him.

The road is speechless.

This banshee is enough, actually use the beauty to deal with yourself.

Bi Qing saw that he was unmoved and walked up to him and said, "Say, what do you want, as long as I can give it."

The road wind didn't want to care about her, but suddenly thought of something, said: "I can help you find a smelter, you promise me something."

"You said, as long as it is not really dedicated, I just want to see your reaction..." Biqing wrapped the towel.

"Reassured, I am not interested in you. I want you to stay with Shaoyang and help me do one thing..."

He told the story.

Bi Qing took a deep breath and said: "Why don't you do it yourself?"

"At that time, I didn't necessarily be by his side. I couldn't delay it. I must start on the spot. None of the people around him can do it."

Biqing thought for a moment and said, "What will happen?"

"I will offend the sinister and take you everywhere. Are you afraid?"

Biqing gently vomited, "I haven't been afraid of anyone. What is the yin, even if you are the emperor, my master is too old, I am afraid of who!"

Road wind: "That's it."

Bi Qing nodded. "When do you start?"


"Good." Bi Qing smiled at him with satisfaction and looked at him with a sigh of relief. "You are really handsome."

The road ignored her.

Biqing turned to the bathroom with satisfaction and continued to watch the TV series.

An hour later, Ye Shaoyang came out from the Shanhe community. When the spring breeze was over, he saw the wind and immediately became a little embarrassed. He spit his tongue and said, "Okay. Although I am not willing, I can't always rely on it."

Road wind: "Then I am gone, come back before dawn."

"Where are you going?"

"Go and do things." The wind said, tearing open the void with one hand, and immediately drilled in after the crack formed.

Ye Shaoyang was helpless. He went to the window and took a deep breath and spit it out.

Recalling this hour, the experience with the cold jade is really bitter and sweet. This hour, they didn’t do anything, they just chatted together, said their respective experiences, and each other’s miss……

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