Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2688: 2689 final fantasy 1

"It has already been broken." Ye Shaoyang said.

"Cut, let's make a mystery."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and didn't bother to explain.

This ladder has only five floors and looks flat. But this is the most horrible place of the "suspension ladder": from the outside, it is a normal ladder. If it can't be broken, once it goes in, the stairs will loop indefinitely. People can't get out and can starve to death. Once cracked, it will be unremarkable, and nothing will happen all the way down.

The method of making the hanging soul ladder has been lost. It is said that it is a secret technique mastered by ancient geographers. It is never transmitted, and it needs to be in good condition and has high environmental requirements. Therefore, each suspension ladder is different. The magical world has been studying the suspension ladder, and has never found the core law. Even the genius of Ye Shaoyang is not the same as the method of the suspension ladder.

There are some hanging ladders, and the methods that the French profession has summed up can be broken, but there are some "high-end" suspension ladders that really can't be dealt with.

Until a while ago, when Ye Shaoyang returned to the Republic of China, he got to know the wonderful heart. When he was together, he asked about the suspense ladder once. He was a master of the geographer. He was an expert in this area. Although she did not tell Ye Shaoyang to make a suspension. The principle of the soul ladder, but told him a trick to crack the suspension ladder, with this method, can get most of the suspension ladder.

Fang Cai Ye Shaoyang tried it out according to the method provided by the wonderful heart, and it was successful.

Thinking of the wonderful heart, Ye Shaoyang’s mood suddenly trembled, as if he had returned to the time and space of a hundred years ago. Those familiar names appeared one after another in the mind, Wutong, Mao Xiaofang, and the young version of Daoyuan real people, as well as the cute and lovely. Cuiyun, is it still waiting for myself?

If there is Shan Haiyin, I really want to go to the Republic of China again, get together with them, so well, and there are also Wutong... Finally I don’t know how to follow the wonderful heart?

Shan Haiyin, if you can, you must report it to find it.

"Goat, what are you doing, come here and see?"

Sibao shouted in the distance, interrupted Ye Shaoyang's thoughts, turned his head and looked at it. The four treasures were shining on a thing with a flashlight, and seemed to be observing something.

Ye Shaoyang immediately went over.

It was a stone statue. One person came high and the carving was very rough. Ye Shaoyang looked at it for a long time, only to see that the carving was a beast like a tiger and a leopard, but strangely, from the snake’s neck position, it grew out. For the wings, but not the kind of birds, but like the insects of a certain kind, the two long wings are scattered from the neck.

The beast's mouth is wide open, with four layers of teeth, and it looks like a very disgusting and evil feeling. There are two rows of beards on the lips, and the whole looks unpalatable.

Ye Shaoyang and his entourage were in front of him. After studying for a long time, no one could recognize what the beast was. He didn’t dare to be a Shan Hai Jing or another classic. It seems that there is no such animal.

"I know!" The pony flew to the top of the beast, stroking its head, and said with a brow: "This thing, called the dragon mustard!"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was moving. He just asked him to be specific. The pony went on to say: “This is a monster in the gods game, level 45, which is a very good pet in the low level...”

Several people rolled his eyes together.

This product is really the same as before, no matter what occasion, it is a little serious.

Not far from the sculpture, there are several sculptures, and everyone looks at them in the past, all of which have never been seen before. Ye Shaoyang recalls what Wang Jinglu said, which proves that this is the core of this ancient tomb.

Because of the foundation of their predecessors, they came to avoid the ambush on the ground floor and went directly to the center of the tomb. Shown in front of them is a huge sculpture in the middle of the four sculptures.

A few handles were put together on the top, and Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Ling Po!" Lao Guo screamed.

Standing in the middle of the ancient tomb, it is actually the statue of the spiritual mother who will be worshipped by the Holy Spirit!

Originally, they still had doubts about the forces behind the ancient tomb. They were also uncertain that the ancient tomb must be the total altar of the Holy Spirit, but when they saw the statue of this spiritual mother, everything was understood.

Here is the total altar of the Holy Spirit.

"What kind of spiritual mother-in-law, cult organization?" Liu Qi said, want to go closer and see clearly.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her and reminded everyone to go back together. Don't cross these sculptures and turn to look at Lao Guo. Lao Guo also looked down and nodded.

Yes, in the core of this tomb, since the statue of this spirited mother is still so huge, it is as high as three people. At first everyone thought it was a stone pillar, even ignoring its existence is enough to prove The place under their feet is the place where the nine-star stack is!

That is to say, through the statues of the spiritual mother-in-law who are enshrined in various places, the willingness generated is very likely to be delivered to the statue in front of them.

Although I don't know how it started, Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment that it is absolutely impossible to have no defenses in such an extremely important place. On the contrary, it must be the most dangerous place.

"A guard here can't see it, we are likely to be riddled by people." Wu Jiawei looked around and said.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the huge statue in front of him and said: "Unlike Wang Jinglu's description, he did not say this statue."

Lao Guodao: "That can prove that this is the secret of the Holy Spirit, because there is no Holy Spirit ten years ago. Maybe it was originally the chassis of others, or the ones left by the predecessors. This place, on the original basis, built a nine-star stack of gas arrays."

Everyone nodded and felt that he speculated that it made sense.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Qi said impatiently. "What do we do now?"

How to do?

Ye Shaoyang also began to think about this issue. According to the report, their current situation is very dangerous, but the danger comes from where they don't know. Although there are roads in all directions, leading to different directions, Ye Shaoyang has no interest in it (even if it is the real main burial chamber, there may be many gold and silver treasures and the like).

Everyone stayed vigilant, waited for a moment, or did nothing happen, Lao Guo went to Ye Shaoyang and said: "As the saying goes, we don’t blame it for being blameless. Let’s start with strong, I can install a directional explosive, put this The sculpture is blown up and see what happens, do you think?"

(There are a lot of activities today, only one chapter is written, and one chapter must be added tomorrow!)(s:)

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