Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2689: 2690 Final Mirage 2

"Yes," said Sibao. "If there is something in the dark, staring at us, I don't believe they can hold their breath, let us blow up the sculpture."

Ye Shaoyang also nodded.

Lao Guo then opened the backpack and began to deploy explosives. Liu Qi stood next to him and reminded him that it was illegal to make explosives for private use. It was used to blast, and it was even more illegal...

Lao Guo is not a bird, she is chattering, and a lot of mud, under the protection of Ye Shaoyang and others, walked to the sculpture and put the earth bombs made by herself on the sculpture with the yellow mud, and put the mouth down. The gun line was arranged, and the start switch was changed to an electric car remote control. After everything was ready, Lao Guo looked at Ye Shaoyang and others and nodded.

Ye Shaoyang greeted everyone to spread out, took the instruments in their hands, and prepared for the sneak attack. According to their speculation, if someone really stared at them, it would not allow Lao Guo to blow up the sculpture. . In other words, they did not expect Lao Guo to really succeed.

Lao Guo took a deep breath and pressed the blast button down... Can't press it.

The thumb has been attached to the button, but between the switch and the switch, there is a strong airflow that will hold the finger and hold it.

Lao Guo was shocked and stunned. He didn't know what the airflow was. He tried to use the suffocating gas to disperse it, but he couldn't do it at all. It was discovered that he was not enough to repair himself. He threw the switch to the nearest four. treasure.

"Give me dry." The four treasures were somewhat accidental, but they also instinctively reached out to pick them up. However, when the electronic detonator flew halfway, it seemed to be caught by something, and it stopped motionless!

"Scorpio!" Liu Qi screamed and kept her atheistic. She went to the tomb and finally saw the incredible thing with the first anti-convention. Some policemen behind her were all forced.

Ye Shaoyang reacted very quickly, and one of the arrows rushed toward the detonator. At this moment, suddenly he heard a squeaking noise, which attracted the attention of everyone. With the help of the flashlight, you can see the sculpture under the spirit of the mother-in-law. There is a slate along the edge of the sculpture. The sculpture is the center of the circle, moving around the circle.

There are a total of nine circles, each direction of movement is different, which looks like the yin and yang disk in Ye Shaoyang's hands.

During the movement, the patterns on each slate are also combined to form some mysterious symbols, emitting orange light in the dark space.

Once this light is produced, it immediately illuminates the four sculptures of the north, south, and south. The eyes of each sculpture emit red light. It looks like an infrared ray, and the light beam is directed at the statue of the mother-in-law, and the criss-crossing aura forms a similar five-pointed The shape of the star, but counted a total of nine spots.

When Ye Shaoyang saw it, his heart immediately became shocked. This symbol is clearly the same as what he once saw under the base of the goddess of the goddess!

Nine-star stacking gas array!

"80% is the formation of the law, everyone has retreated to the exit, fast!" Ye Shaoyang urged everyone, then at this time, the nine-star squadron rose into the air together, and then gradually spread, the intertwined aura also On the edge of this vast space, nine stars shine together.

Liu Qi and others looked at the scene that can only be seen in this sci-fi movie. I have already been surprised to know what to say, and I look at these stars with a stupid look.

"Everyone backs! Back!" Ye Shaoyang reminded again, driving away everyone.

At this moment, a mountain of shaking, a huge gap suddenly appeared under the sculpture of Ling’s mother-in-law, and the sculpture fell. In the next second, the cave with a radius of about five meters released a powerful Power, like the wind, is rolled up in the crowd, but the result is not to blow away people. On the contrary, it is to **** people into the cave.

What Wang Jinglu has experienced!

Everyone else was sucked in, only he used the power of the curse to escape.

Ye Shaoyang certainly can't use any curse. At the moment, the wind hits a magical charm, and the spell is read once... The charm is not even emitted, it is more than getting into the wind and sucking under the cave.

what happened?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered something, tried luck... The heart immediately stunned, useless, exactly the same as Wang Jinglu said, and the suffocation could not be lifted.

critical! Even if it is not a real threshold, it is exactly the same.

Here, not only people, no creatures can do luck.

"Go, go!" Ye Shaoyang turned back and shouted, and turned and ran wildly. Anyway, at least he had to run out of this ghost place first, and then make plans.

Sibao, Wu Jiawei and others also found abnormalities in the first time, and turned and left. Fortunately, although this place can't be practiced, their bodies are not bound. They have practiced martial arts-like techniques, and their bodies are much lighter than ordinary people. They immediately rushed toward the exit.

Before Ye Shaoyang defended the group, he stood the farthest. When he turned and ran back, his eyes passed from everyone. Liu Qi and a few hands and face are so aggressive that they can't see the existence of this evil force, they don't know what happened, and they are very aggressively standing in the same place.

"Run!" Ye Shaoyang did not hit a place and shouted.

Liu Qi took the person to start running back, but because the start was slow, it fell behind.

The four treasures passed by, a princess hugged, holding Liu Qi in his arms, laughing and rushing toward the hole.

In order to beware of special circumstances, they were not far from the location of the hole, but this evil force came too fast and could not be prevented. Ye Shaoyang looked back and estimated that according to their speed, some people may not have time to escape. The heart is very anxious.

The feeling of not being able to practice is really difficult, just like a warrior lost his knife and the gunman lost his gun.

Seeing Lao Guo who was behind, and a few policemen who started slowly, they were about to be caught by evil forces. Ye Shaoyang bit his teeth, turned and stood, biting his tongue, and spurting a blood on the evil wind.

Tianshi blood can kill a hundred evils, but can not restrain this wind, Ye Shaoyang is not sure, just gamble.


The blood gas spread like a dance, touched the edge of the evil wind, and immediately produced a strange reaction, blocking the momentum of the evil wind.

Ye Shaoyang’s spirit was shocked. I remembered that there were still a few black dog blood in my backpack. I hurried out it. After I opened it, I threw it toward the evil wind. The momentum of the evil wind was blocked again and again, but because the follow-up power was too strong, Soon, the offensive was raging and the madness came.

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