Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2695: 2696 familiar stranger 2

"My mother? Her name is Chen Yue."

"What are you?"

"Oh, my name, I don't know, I know that the little name is two dogs."

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at him and said: "You grew up here?"

Guagua nodded.

"You think about it, are these things that you really experienced?" Ye Shaoyang still does not give up.

Guagua did not understand why he asked this question, thought for a while, and nodded ignorantly.

"Well, my uncle takes you to sleep, how about telling a story to you?"

"Okay, I want to hear ghost stories!"

Ghost story...

Ye Shaoyang put him in his arms and began to talk about "the story": "In the past, there was a mage, Yushu was handsome and handsome, um, like your uncle, my name is Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang, have you heard it? ”

Guagua squinted, his brow wrinkled and said: "Ye Shaoyang?"

"Yes, do you have an impression of this name?"

Guagua looked at it for a while and said: "It seems... I seem to have heard it, but I have never heard it."

His reaction made Ye Shaoyang feel that there was a play, so he went on to talk about it, and told his own experience and the name of the ghost-caught alliance. He observed his reaction and asked if he had heard it. dignified.

"How are you, these names, do you still have an impression?"

"Well, I seem to have heard..."


"I remembered it." Guagua shot a picture on her head.

Ye Shaoyang likes not to win, just at this time, Guagua added: "Uncle, when you last woke up, it seems that I also told these names! Uncle, where did you hear this story?"

Ye Shaoyang is completely speechless.

"Okay, let's sleep."

"Yeah, I am sleepy..."

Guagua yawned and slept with Ye Shaoyang's neck.

Does he need to sleep?

Ye Shaoyang deliberately did not move, lying down and waiting for a while, the melons gave a uniform breathing sound. Ye Shaoyang observed it and it was really asleep.

This is unscientific... He is the demon of the ghost field, and does not need to sleep.

What is the special thing about this?

He carefully recalled the words of Guagua, "I" was crazy before, and after waking up, told him the same story? No, this is certainly not true. It must be that his memory has been modified. Or, his true memory is sealed up, and the existing memory is instilled.

Ye Shaoyang is more inclined to the latter.

Just how is this all done?

Ye Shaoyang was lying on the bed, squinting over these problems. The more I thought about it, the more weird it was. I tried to activate the soul prints of other people. I didn’t respond. The buns didn’t know where to go.

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang had to refer to the experience of the last traversal. He planned to go yin and go to Xiao Yiyun. When Jiajing was in the middle of the year, Xiao Yiyun should go to the yin.

I think that I have to expose his secrets first and let him believe in his identity. Ye Shaoyang feels a headache. This feeling is really super bad.

Going to the side of the melon, Ye Shaoyang got out of bed, I wanted to arrange an altar, and suddenly I thought that I had lost all my instruments. In desperation, I had to go out of my mind, but I had read the spell several times and could not open it. A hollow crack in the ghost domain.

how come……

Ye Shaoyang tried several times, but the effect of opening a void crack has no effect at all. Ye Shaoyang was so horrified that he suspected that his spell had failed. So he tried a few other small spells, and he succeeded without exception. He tried the yin spell again, or not... The feeling of the practice is like The power of the spell is blocked by something...

What the **** is going on?

From yourself to the world, there are strange things everywhere. This makes him more certain, this is definitely not a simple crossing!

In any case, you must first restore your strength.

Ye Shaoyang re-sitting on the bed, began to vomit, and dredged the blocked meridians a little bit. After a few days, the meridians were almost unimpeded.

This kind of feeling of sputum in the body, so that Ye Shaoyang slightly more emboldened, looking at the sleeping melon, can not help but smile, no matter what, must wake up his memory, as well as Biqing.

Ye Shaoyang decided to familiarize himself with the world first.

Today is cloudy, there is no sun, but the sky is still very bright, Ye Shaoyang wants to go out and go to the door to remember that he is wearing pajamas, so before coming to the hanger, there are a few coats on it, Ye Shaoyang tried to change, quite Fitted, I looked like I felt like an ancient rich family. I suddenly thought of who prepared these clothes. Is it prepared for my own travel?

Suddenly, he thought, would you like to go through the ancients, and then become another person, or use someone else’s body...that is, this family would have had a young master, I don't know if it is dead or what happened. In short, I have become him now.

This idea made Ye Shaoyang cold and sweaty, looking for a mirror in the house, and finally found a bronze mirror on the cupboard. It was taken care of, but it was for himself...

crazy. Ye Shaoyang shook his head in mockery and walked outside the door. He went all the way to the hall and saw a girl packing up the room. When he saw him, he immediately said a blessing. "The young master is good. The young master woke up."

"Hmm." Ye Shaoyang casually perfunctory.

"Slaves wait for the young master to wash." He smiled and came to pull the leaves Shaoyang, went to the outside garden, there was a well outside the door, help him to play the water, and then went to get the tooth powder and a thing like a loofah.

Ye Shaoyang guessed that this thing should be used to brush his teeth. After trying it, I feel quite good. When I was brushing my teeth, I found the seedlings, and I laughed with Ye Shaoyang and took him to dinner.

Breakfast is placed in the restaurant's Eight Immortals table, white rice porridge, taro, pickled bean curd and salted duck eggs, all in duplicate.

Sure enough, after Ye Shaoyang sat down, Miao went to ask "Little Grandma".

After a while, Biqing came out from the inside, dressed in a white silk pajamas, and her hair was up. Ye Shaoyang was happy when she saw it. She smiled at her: "You are pretty good to wear this body. Can do one like this."

Biqing glanced at him and frowned. "What are you talking about, are you crazy?"


Ye Shaoyang was speechless and picked up a **** and ate it himself.

Bi Qing sat next to him and began to eat.

When Ye Shaoyang saw her eating, she was stupid. She is a fairy, or a lotus flower. The lotus does not eat these. Looking at the taste of her eating, Ye Shaoyang has settled down.

"Official, what's wrong with you?" Bi Qing asked inexplicably.

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