Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2696: 2697 familiar stranger 3

"Nothing, I am a little messy."

The interest in eating a little was gone, and Ye Shaoyang put down the bowl and sat in a daze.

Biqing looked at him quietly while eating, and he said what he wanted to say.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

Biqing nodded. "Let's talk about it later, you can use the official first."

"Don't eat, I am waiting for you." Ye Shaoyang was a little excited.

After dinner, Bi Qing invited him to his room, let him sit on the bed, sat on his side, holding his arm and whispered: "I have some thoughts, I don't know if I should say..."

"Say, what do you want to say?" Ye Shaoyang is full of expectations.

Bi Qing opened his mouth and said: "Official people, you are also in your early 20s this year, your parents have passed away, and your brother is not there. You are the pillar of your family. The slaves think that you can't keep going like this..."

Ye Shaoyang has a big mouth, "You... just want to tell me this?"

"Yes, slaves have been tolerating for a long time. You and I are couples. You are now idle, and slaves are not doing well... The slaves want to persuade you to go up and do business."

Ye Shaoyang sank into a heart, sighed and turned to look at her, said: "Biqing, you are really a good wife."

Bi Qingdao: "The slaves are shouting."

"When you do, you want to call anything. Anyway, you are not my wife. You should take a good look at who I am and see who you are!"

Bi Qing looked at him stupidly, his shoulders swaying, suddenly whimpered, and trembled: "Grandman, why do you say this, don't you want me?"

I go……

Ye Shaoyang was most afraid of seeing her sister crying. She immediately said, "I don't mean this."

Bi Qing suddenly squatted in his arms, cried in tears, crying very sad, and weeping Ye Shaoyang pants.

"The slaves know that the slaves have always been unhealthy. They have not been able to go round with the officials. You are angry with the officials. But officials should never say such words. Since the slaves are married to you, both life and death are yours. people……"

What a ghost?

In the heart of Ye Shaoyang, 10,000 heads of grass and mud horses ran wildly.

Suddenly, Bi Qing sat up at once, as if he had made up his mind, and pulled his clothes away, revealing two pieces of white, and bowed his head and said with a shyness: "If the official wants it, the slave will give it to you now..."

Ye Shaoyang's eyes fell on her chest involuntarily... swallowed her mouth and then helped her pull her clothes.

"Official, you... don't want me?" Biqing is very nervous.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, bowed his waist, spit his tongue, sat on the edge of the bed with powerlessness, and shook his head, saying: "I don't want to, I don't know what to say, I am going crazy now."

"Crazy..." Bi Qing listened, thinking that he was going to get sick again, was shocked, and was busy going to the doctor.

"Forget it, I just go out and walk." Ye Shaoyang struggled to stand up and walked out weakly.

"Is the official going out? Then you wait for me!"

Bi Qing pleaded with Ye Shaoyang waiting at the door. He went into the house to change clothes, got his hair again, and then went out with Ye Shaoyang's arm.

Has been out of the door, Ye Shaoyang looked back, his home is the widest street, the tall door, the middle of a cross, with the words "Yangfu" on it, two stones standing at the door lion.

Suddenly I thought that my identity is not bad. The young masters of the rich people are still not in charge of the house. There are houses and fields in the house, life is boundless, and this beautiful and considerate wife... Well, better than I know. Biqing is a hundred times more considerate.

If you have been a young master for a long time, and have been living for a long time, it seems to be good.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and let Biqing take his arm and go to the streets together.

"Bi... Hey, how far are we from here, Changan?"

Bi Qing thought for a moment and said: "I don't know, I have not been there, it seems to be far away."

“Is there a carriage at home?”

"Of course." Bi Qing suddenly stood still and stared nervously at him. "You are going to Changan?"

"Oh, I just want to talk." Ye Shaoyang began to make an idea.

Biqing took him to the most prosperous street, selling everything on the street, there were shops, and there were vendors selling along the street. Ye Shaoyang walked through a street and always felt that something was wrong and went ahead one street. Found the problem: few people!

There are people on the street, but not many. In the impression of Ye Shaoyang, the Ming Dynasty should have a large population, and here is the big city Yingtianfu (listen to the name should be quite big), and the so-called most prosperous street, people should not So little is right.

Another point is that Ye Shaoyang feels the strangest thing. These people speak Mandarin, even Biqing, and they don't seem to have a very ancient feeling. Some words seem to be a bit like their own time.

He did not know why this was the case, because he did not know enough about the ancients, and he did not know whether it was like this in ancient times. However, since he was in ancient times, it must be normal.

The two walked down the street, Biqing always took his own arm, a small bird according to the appearance of a person, Ye Shaoyang looked at her, but could not help but shake her head, and if she wants to restore her memory in the future, I think it is ashamed to remember this. Die, or... beat yourself up.

So I can't do anything to her, or she will not let go of her in the future...

"Right, that... Hey, is there a coffin shop on the street?"

Bi Qing stood still and looked at him with surprise. He said, "What are you looking for?"

"I don't look for it, I am curious. I haven't seen the coffin shop since I came here." Ye Shaoyang wants to buy some medicine and put it on his body.

Biqing thought for a moment and said: "The West Street seems to have a coffin shop."

Ye Shaoyang silently remembers.

Biqing enjoyed the feeling of walking with him. She did not take the initiative to ask for it. Ye Shaoyang thought about the environment, so she took her to walk forward. After a while, she came to the edge of the city wall and walked down, Ye Shaoyang stunned. I feel that this place is quite familiar and seems to have been there, but I have no impression when I look closely.

This familiar feeling is even stronger when you walk to where you can see the gates. Biqing suddenly said: "Official people, can not go before, where is the official place."

"Government? What place?"

Ye Shaoyang stood and looked at the long wall in front of him. Suddenly a feeling of familiarity rushed into his heart. Ye Shaoyang suddenly stood and said: "After the wall, is there a lake?"

"Yeah, Xuanwu Lake, the official is not forgotten anything." Biqing is very happy.

Dare to love... Ying Tianfu is Nanjing!

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