Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2699: The 2700 doubts are beginning to appear 1

Both of them chin are falling. I thought that the young man’s madness had committed another crime and hurriedly advised him to calm down.

"Young master, just dig the graves of other people's houses, this can never be done, it is discovered that it is going to kill people!"

"Well, don't let you dig, I come by myself, you can help me with the wind."

The two men tried hard to persuade, and there was no way to come hard. They discussed it. The younger one left to help Ye Shaoyang to dig the grave. The old one went to the wind, lest anyone might go up the mountain and bump into their crazy behavior. But I can't really let go of it. If the young master is beaten, they don't want to go home.

Ye Shaoyang worked with the servant to dig the grave. Because it was a new grave, the soil was soft. In less than half an hour, a pit half a meter deep was dug out. Sure enough, there was no coffin.

If only the grave of "home" is empty, it can barely explain what is the mountain movement, but the two graves are not on the same mountain, and even the most unlikely reason is ruled out...

The servant was shocked, and although Ye Shaoyang had long doubts, the reason behind this grotesque thing was that he did not know.

"Let's go, go back." The two went down the mountain and met another servant. Ye Shaoyang yelled at them. Don't tell anyone before, then the three went to the so-called old house.

The old house is in a mountain village and is also the largest house in the village. Before Ye Shaoyang wanted to transfer in the village, the matter of being dug was too noisy. One person hid in the room and continued to think.

What kind of world is this?

If you are sent here by people, don’t kill yourself, and trap yourself in this purpose, and why, if it is Jiajing years?

All of this is a mystery that cannot be explained.

Ye Shaoyang wants to come and think that it is impossible for others to save themselves to go out, Zhang Wusheng and Teng Yongqing, as well as those who have disappeared before and 80% of them are sent here.

Such a thought, Ye Shaoyang also feels a little comfort, this is a kind of psychology that many people will have: no matter how bad the environment is, it is not alone. Even Ye Shaoyang, it is inevitable that there will be such an idea.

Through this incident, Ye Shaoyang inferred a few points: First, this crossing is not for his own personal, after all, he is not the first to cross, and not only related to the tomb, the video that I have seen before People who are suspected of the Holy Spirit will still be arrested in the street. It is a purpose to say that this is done, and it must not be related to oneself.

Second, the nine-star stack in the tomb is supposed to be a place where you can't get in. Even if they want to save themselves, there is nothing they can do. It is very likely that they will also come in.

If you want to go out, you have to rely on yourself.

After thinking about it, Ye Shaoyang felt that he could only do one thing now, that is, to find Zhang Wusheng as much as possible, find those who are trapped here like himself, and then find ways to go out together.

However, even Guagua and Biqing don't know each other. How can we let these people recover their memories? Otherwise, it would be useless to find them. If you say too much, you will only let others regard yourself as a madman.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking hard. Suddenly, a scent of scent came from the next room, and she was curious in her heart. So she went outside to see, followed the scent, and went to a room without light. There was no window in this room, and there was no light. Ye Shaoyang walked in. Look, suddenly stunned: Both servants are kneeling on the ground, praying at a statue.

The statue was hung in a **** on the wall, and the darkness could not be seen clearly. Ye Shaoyang frowned and went. At this time, the two servants also finished the worship. The incense in the hand was inserted into the incense burner and turned and went out. Seeing Ye Shaoyang, the old servant said: "Young master, the statue of the family is still here, we just scrubbed it, and the young master also came to the incense."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, walked over and glanced at the statue, and the whole person was petrified on the spot.

The gods are enshrined in the gods!

After staying for a few seconds, Ye Shaoyang returned to God and took a deep breath. He turned and asked: "Why are there such a statue in our home?"

Two servants, you see me, I see you, I feel that it doesn't make sense to ask this question.

"This statue, every household is dedicated."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank and said: “Do you have every household?”

"Yes, the image of the mother-in-law, all of our ancestors have been enshrined, and the young master has forgotten this. If you go out, you should pay attention to it. You can't talk about it. If someone reports to the government, it will be troublesome."

"Well, you tell me what this spiritual mother is doing."

The two began to tell, Ye Shaoyang heard more and more shocked. It turned out that this spiritual mother-in-law was a master of the dynasty and the master of the emperor in the practice of monasticism. The government asked each family to enshrine the image of the spiritual mother-in-law, and they would like to pray in the morning and evening, but Even if the government does not insist, the people will also devote themselves spontaneously. In the hearts of ordinary people, the mother-in-law is God and the only god.

The weather is smooth, the country Anping, relying on the blessing of the mother-in-law, the two maids when talking about the spirit of the mother-in-law, the face with a heartfelt admiration of worship, this can not be fake.

After Ye Shaoyang listened, the whole person was paralyzed.

Lingmao... This world actually has her shadow, and the influence is so great, even the national teacher. It seems that I had guessed that her true body was a slave, but this is still wrong. However, if you think about it, it may be that Xingyue slaves tried this nine-star stack in this era. The only thing that puzzles him is that since Ling’s mother had such a big influence in this era, why did she not leave any records in later generations? ?

This is illogical. Is it what happened later and annihilated history?

Also, why do the spell circles of this era tolerate such behavior without any resistance?

However, I have heard that the Jiajing Emperor worshipped the channel. It is almost a Taoist. It burns the fire every day. Perhaps it is this Lingmu who disguised as a disciple and gained the trust of the emperor. Therefore, she is highly respected by the people.

The situation is getting more and more complicated.

However, one thing is certain: you can appear here, it must be the ghost of the Holy Spirit.

In the evening, he once again in the room to call the Seven Star Longquan sword, can faintly feel in the northwest direction, far away, can not sense the specific location, Ye Shaoyang decided, he had to go back to the sword and his own dry implement, Say something else.

After a day at the old mansion, the next morning, two servants went to the village to hire horses and sent Ye Shaoyang back to the city.

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