Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2700: The 2701 suspect point is now 2

At this time, at noon, Ye Shaoyang saw Biqing and Guagua, and had a meal together. Biqing invited him to visit the garden in the afternoon. Ye Shaoyang was not interested. He found an excuse to refuse, and asked her about the Lingmao. The saying is the same as the two servants. Everyone will worship the gods sooner or later, just because they don't like it, so Biqing has always been for him.

In the afternoon, Ye Shaoyang went out alone to the West Street. Today the weather is still gloomy, completely unable to see the sun, Ye Shaoyang alone came to the coffin shop door, the store door still did not open.

Ye Shaoyang swayed alone in the street, and unconsciously came to the outside of the city. A group of soldiers were patrolling, holding a long heavy hand in his hand. Ye Shaoyang remembered where he had seen it. He said that this kind of heavy squat in ancient times Most of them are embellished, and it is impossible to fight.

Ye Shaoyang walked over with them, suddenly stood still, his eyes locked in one of the figures, and followed him. The soldiers had been walking to a mansion. Ye Shaoyang didn’t give up, waiting outside, not a moment, The soldiers came out again, and some changed into uniforms, grouped in groups, laughing and walking away.

Ye Shaoyang stood on the opposite side of the road, and finally waited for the one he was following. He looked at him carefully. It was the person he was looking for, so he called his name: "Teng Yongqing!"

Yes, he is Teng Yongqing.

Before rushing on the road, Ye Shaoyang suspected that he was, and it was not.

Teng Yongqing turned his head and glanced at him and continued to move forward.

Ye Shaoyang followed up and called his name again. Teng Yongqing stood and looked around at no one. He looked at Ye Shaoyang hesitantly and said, "You call me?"

Looking at his expression, Ye Shaoyang knew that he must have forgotten himself.

Another amnesia.

Ye Shaoyang sighed in his heart and greeted him. "You are called, you don't know me?"

Teng Yongqing smiled and said: "This son, you are afraid to admit the wrong person, my name is Chen Wenzhong, not the person you are looking for."

Teng Yongqing is still a consistent character, very polite, talking softly.

Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly and said: "Well, I remember your name, but I really know you, are you free, go drink some wine together?"

Teng Yongqing looked at him up and down and said, "What do you call it?"

"Ye... My name is Yang Shaoye. I live in the city." Ye Shaoyang touched his nose and said.

Teng Yongqing smiled and said: "I don't have anything to do, but I don't like to drink. I just got off work. I am going to drink some tea in front. If the son doesn't give up, go with me."

Ye Shaoyang certainly wants to go.

Teng Yongqing’s tea house is on the street. The first floor is the lobby. On the second floor, there is a seat. Ye Shaoyang’s wallet has a window seat. He ordered a pot of Longjing. The two men talked while drinking. Ye Shaoyang first inquired about him. In the case, Teng Yongqing claimed to be a soldier, and his family lived in the city. He was enlisted three years ago and is now responsible for urban defense.

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and tried to test: "I really admit it. I knew a friend before. I was a disciple of Laoshan. Have you heard of Lushan?"

Teng Yongqing nodded: "It seems to have heard."

"My friend, Teng Yongqing, is almost exactly the same as you, and his age is similar." Ye Shaoyang stared at him. "Is it a relative of your family?"

Teng Yongqing smiled and said: "The son did admit it wrong. My family has no relatives who look like me."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, then tried a few more words, and saw that he had no reaction, had to give up, asked about where his family lived, drank a pot of tea, and then went downstairs together.

Teng Yongqing walked in front, Ye Shaoyang followed closely, and suddenly read:

"The mountains are not edged, the heavens and the earth are divided, the water is clear, there is a spiritual root, everything is natural, and the six rounds are known to the heart...Teng Yongqing!!"

I took a hard shot on the back of the head and shouted his name. Teng Yongqing shuddered, as if the sheep had been mad, and fell to the ground, and his limbs twitched.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly squatted beside him, one hand clasped his wrist veins, suffocating into his body for a moment, forcibly flowing in his meridians, rushing to the gas sea hole, and surely met the mysterious Blocked by power.

"Teng Yongqing, listen to my spell, the heavens and the earth are clear, the valley gods come, the Mingtang seven points, see God's soul! Teng Yongqing, return the soul!!!"

The section that Ye Shaoyang had read before was Maoshan’s spiriting spell. He was temporarily turned into a living dead, and he opened the day to listen to the mystery of the womb for a moment, leaving his spirit in a chaotic state, and then in the gods. To his great thoughts, the spirit of Teng Yongqing will follow instinctively, and his true body, or true Teng Yongqing, is suffocating in the body, but is sealed in the sea of ​​air. Unable to operate, once following the reminder of Ye Shaoyang's reminder, the inside should be closed, and for a moment, the mysterious force that was originally impenetrable was torn apart.

The raging suffocation rushed out of the sea, and the force could no longer be stopped. It was dispelled by the suffocation and gradually disappeared completely.

Teng Yongqing rubbed his head with his hands and rolled up on the ground.

The suffocating sputum in the meridians is getting smoother and smoother. Teng Yongqing feels the sensation of the gods. There is a cross-shaped mark that releases the heat of the hot people and tries to stop the spread of suffocation. The two forces, tearing each other apart in his knowledge.

"Don't" Teng Yongqing screamed.

Ye Shaoyang held his wrist tightly in one hand and was planning to help him the last one. The neck was suddenly caught, and the shoulder was pushed hard. Then several people pressed him and tried to press him. on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang's shoulders slammed his shoulders and bounced the man on his shoulders. The backhand was a push, and the other was pushed away. He turned and looked at it. He was a guardian-looking soldier. He looked at him with sorrow and anger, and he refused to move.

"Wen Zhong, Wen Zhong, how are you!"

These soldiers are all colleagues of Teng Yongqing, and they went to see what happened to him.

Behind Ye Shaoyang, a soldier pulled out the sabre and crossed it on the neck of Ye Shaoyang, shouting loudly: "Do not move, let us go to the official residence!"

Ye Shaoyang didn't like the feeling of being threatened. The backhand was slap on the wrist. The soldier didn't hold it steady. The knife landed. Coincidentally, just smashed from his instep, sharp knife edge, and instantly cut a small piece of flesh.

"Ah!" The soldier screamed and slammed his feet and greeted people to take Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to avoid it. His eyes fell on the piece of minced meat inadvertently. The brow wrinkled and reached out to pick up the piece of meat. He first slammed into his pocket and had blood on his hand. It felt strange and dirty. The two soldiers came to arrest themselves, and when the next one walked through them, they grabbed one by the backhand and slammed a few on his clothes.

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