Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2706: 2707 pig demon 2

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yunwen... No, no, if you encounter Jianwen Emperor someday, you must tear yourself.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to come and think, and suddenly he slammed his head. "That, I see you are dull, lacking wisdom and rushing, you are called Zhu Zhihui, how do you feel?"

The pig demon smirked, and he was mixed in the world for two hundred years. He knows that this name has many soils, but since it was taken by the owner, he also recognized the soil and now worshipped Shane.

"Master, what do we need now?"

"I don't know, anyway, let me go with me."

Ye Shaoyang turned to Tengyong Qingdao: "Go, go home and get ready."

"I will go back with you?"

"Otherwise, are you going home to see the 70-year-old mother and the younger brother?"

Teng Yongqing smiled bitterly.

"I don't know where they came from, I don't see it. I will go home with you."

So two people and one pig, together with Ye Shaoyang's family.

After arriving home, Ye Shaoyang asked someone to arrange a meal. Under the careful reminder of Zhu Zhihui, there was no pork. Zhu Zhihui began to be somewhat restrained. Later, the old man gradually let go of his stomach, and the wind smashed a table of food.

Ye Shaoyang asked someone to arrange the bedroom and let them both live.

Zhu Zhixin was wide and fat, and he went to bed immediately after going to bed. Teng Yongqing certainly couldn't sleep, and went to Ye Shaoyang's room to continue the discussion.

"Shaoyang, I suddenly remembered that you wake up the pig demon today. It seems that there is no means to use it. Is it going back to the original shape?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly. "It seems like this..."

"Yes, you weren't tangled before, can't you make Mrs. Awaken? I think this is a way, you can give it a try."

"First correct it, it is not your wife..." Ye Shaoyang was entrusted to his chin and indulged for a while. He said: "It seems like this. If she can realize who she is, it is impossible to wake up. OK, I am tonight. Just try it!"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it. Guagua was sleeping with his so-called scorpion. Now that 80% has fallen asleep, it is not convenient to start, but it is possible to start with Biqing.

Ye Shaoyang let Teng Yongqing go back first, changed his pajamas and came to the front of Biqing's bedroom. He found the lights in the room, so he knocked on the door. After clearing the door, Biqing opened the door and smiled. "You want tonight. Sleeping with me?"

"Amount, forget it."

Ye Shaoyang went in and looked around and said, "What are you doing?"

Bi Qing went to the bed and picked up a book and said to him: "I am reading."

Ye Shaoyang took the book from her hand and saw it as a collection of poems. Then she turned two pages and said something awkwardly: "That, let's go to bed?"

Bi Qing smiled shyly and said: "I am looking for a doctor to open a prescription for the nerves of the gods today. With a few doses, I let the Miao children fry for one night and just give it to you."

After saying that I went out, after a while, I came back to the steaming soup for one night and handed it to Ye Shaoyang.

The syrup is black, very sticky, smelling a strange smell, and I don't know what it is cooking, but Ye Shaoyang also believes that Biqing will not harm himself, but it is difficult to drink, but he has to drink it and drink it. At that time, he did not see it, and there was a sneer in the corner of Biqing.

After drinking the medicine, I naturally go to bed. Since they are husband and wife, of course they have to share the same bed.

Ye Shaoyang felt that it was not right, but he came with a task. What he thought was that after she fell asleep, she would be the most secure and not easy to make trouble.

Then I have to pretend to be a couple.

Ye Shaoyang got into the bed with her and blew the lamp down.

Bi Qing immediately posted it, put his head on his arm, and spoiled and said: "Official, you haven't slept with me for a long time."

"Amount, this is not your bad health, you sleep, it is convenient to nurse." Ye Shaoyang finds an excuse.

Bi Qingjiao smiled and said in his ear that he said: "Occasionally, it doesn't matter..."

This... This is to force yourself to make mistakes.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking about how to perfuse the past. Suddenly, one hand stretched out from his pajamas collar and stroked it on his chest...

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her hand and shouted: "That, I can't help it. I am a little uncomfortable today. I have to sleep early..."

"Well, don't tease you." Bi Qing took out his hand and held his neck with both hands. He smiled and said: "Then we sleep, you don't touch me later."

Ye Shaoyang lay down again, but... the two were too close, the body was squatting, the soft feeling, and the faint scent that continued to emanate from her, stimulating his inner desire a little...

Bi Qing pressed for a moment on his chest and giggled: "It is what you said, don't touch me tonight."

"Amount, you are going to sleep."

"Well, I will sleep." Bi Qing kissed him on his cheek and put a leg on him, pretending to sleep.

No, no...

A group of fire burned in Ye Shaoyang's heart and gradually spread to the whole body. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly gasped, and it was hot and dry. A hand ghost stretched out from behind and grabbed something...

God! What am I doing!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that he hurriedly pulled his hand back. Biqing suddenly turned and pressed on Ye Shaoyang, his mouth posted.

Ye Shaoyang pushed her face away and gasped and said: "What did you drink for me, is there a problem with the medicine?"

Bi Qing smiled and said: "That is aphrodisiac medicine. Yesterday we went back to our hometown with my Ming. I thought at the time that we should have our own children, and you have not touched me for a long time, so... official, You have been from someone..."

Scorpio! What is this?

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to struggle, Bi Qing hugged his neck and put his mouth on it.

Ye Shaoyang was in a state of ecstasy, her hands held her waist uncontrollably, and then moved to her most proud part...

Do not!

In this way, I am afraid that I am going to be **!

Ye Shaoyang finally struggled to open a qing qing, took a deep breath and rushed away some desires, then slammed the hands of Bi Qing, clasped the veins, and poured the suffocating into her body for a moment...

Since she can't wait for her to fall asleep, she has to use it.

Helium came to the gas sea hole and forcibly collided with the mysterious seal.

Bi Qing shuddered and his body went soft.

Ye Shaoyang took a palm in her eyebrows, and Bi Qing screamed, and the spiritual power exploded in an instant, trying to bounce Ye Shaoyang's palm.

Ye Shaoyang is afraid of this. Biqing is the cultivation of the demon fairy. The strength is far from the monster of the pig demon. If it is hard, it may not be her opponent, but in the face of the danger of being lost, it can only I put it together, but fortunately, he was also prepared in advance. Before he came, he broke his palm and painted a character with his own blood.

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