Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2707: 2708 is even more strange 1


Bi Qing slammed up, and both hands came to the neck of Shaoyang. This used the demon power. Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt difficulty breathing, but his right hand did not dare to loose it. He always stuck it on the head of Biqing and sprayed her suffocation. The left hand pinched the finger squat, and hit it in the hands of Biqing, and each of them could provoke an aura ripple.

If the pig demon before, it is estimated that it will hang, but Biqing is the strongest level of the demon, this degree of offensive, for her little effect.

Originally, Ye Shaoyang's means were only to interrupt the demon's operation in her body, decompressing her neck, constantly chanting a spell in her mouth, pouring more suffocation into her right hand, and transforming her suffocation into a smear through the palm of her hand. Spirituality, constantly into the body of Biqing.

A bright light, flashing from the body of Biqing, Biqing's body quickly contracted, showing the true body: a blue-green lotus with a white coupling.

Grasping the neck of Ye Shaoyang is the root of the coupling.

"Biqing, it is me, Biqing!"

Ye Shaoyang loosened his right hand, grabbed the roots of his neck with both hands, and dragged it out, calling her name.

The lotus flower does not break, and the whimper of Biqing is floating from the middle: "Justice, why do you want to harm me..."

It’s time, I don’t know who I am.

Ye Shaoyang was a little depressed. After thinking about it, he said, "You take the mirror first. Oh, you look down at your hand and your body. You should look at it first."

Bi Qing didn't make a sound, probably looked at his body, and then Ye Shaoyang felt the roots tremble, then suddenly loosened.

"Why, why is this..." Bi Qing whispered to himself.

"You are not my wife at all, you are coming with me, I am Ye Shaoyang, you are a lotus flower, your brother is a green cow Li Haoran..." Ye Shaoyang said something about her in a single breath, Biqing Listen, for a long time no words.

After a long while, she became a human figure again. She sat motionless on the bed and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a shocked look.

"Think of it?" Ye Shaoyang asked her.

Bi Qing took a deep breath and looked around and said, "Where is this?"

"Da Ming Dynasty."

"What!" Biqing screamed.

Ye Shaoyang put her hands on her shoulders and smiled. "To tell the truth, I can see you sober, it's good, I don't have to be a husband and wife again."

"What couple?" Biqing was alert.

"Speaking long, you listen to me slowly telling you." Ye Shaoyang sat down beside her and talked about everything she had experienced from the beginning. After listening to Biqing, the whole person was forced.

Suddenly, she looked at Ye Shaoyang coldly and looked at the back of the person.

"Do you... is it cheap for me?"

"Get it, if it is not the big brother, I will hold it, now I have been given it!" After such a toss, the potion of the aphrodisiac potion has already evaporated.

"Stop!" Bi Qing was blushing and picked up a pillow and licked it.

Ye Shaoyang evaded and said: "You are still the rhythm of the wife and the husband."

"You still said!" Biqing is even more angry.

"No trouble, you are dressed, I will show you a friend." Ye Shaoyang said that he went out and waited for a while. Bi Qing changed his long skirt and Ye Shaoyang took him to his room and saw Teng. Yongqing, Biqing just knows the truth of all this, and inevitably feels a lot.

Only melons are left now.

However, since this method is applicable to Biqing, it is also useful for melons and melons. The three people simply discussed it and planned to act tomorrow.

"Right, when do we leave for Beijing?" asked Bi Qing.

"I originally wanted to go tomorrow, but I suddenly thought that I should contact the magical circles here. I want to know what kind of situation the magical world of this era is," Ye Shaoyang said. "I think if we finally want To deal with the Holy Spirit, you must rely on the power of this world of magic, or else rely on us, afraid that it can not do anything, you say?"

Both agreed.

Teng Yongqing added: "At the same time, we need to constantly find those who are caught and wake them up, so that our strength can grow."

"That's right, just do it. Ok, let's sleep first tonight."

Teng Yongqing slipped back to his room.

Bi Qing looked at Ye Shaoyang nervously and said: "Where are you sleeping?"

"Do not worry, just do a couple of fake couples, sleep each other. Yes, you are now awake, you don't have to sleep."

Biqing looked out the window and said, "I am going out and seeing what the world is like."

"Well, be careful."

After Biqing left, Ye Shaoyang went back to bed and tried to go yin again. The result failed again. My heart was more confused. It seemed that I had to find a master of this world to ask.

The next morning, Ye Shaoyang woke up and found Biqing on his side, sitting in bed and staring.

"Hey, you won't be yelling at what I slept." Ye Shaoyang sat up and made a joke.

Bi Qing silently, looking at her face, apparently not interested in joking with her.

"what happened?"

Bi Qing slowly shook his head and said: "This world is not quite right."

"What do you mean?"

"There are fewer people, and... I don't think so. Anyway, many places are not quite right."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How do you know that something is wrong?"

"You don't forget, I really experienced this era, although I always practiced in the mountains, I didn't pay much attention to what the human world looks like, but... I always feel wrong, it seems that it shouldn't be like this."

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, Ye Shaoyang got up and went to open the door. The seedlings came in. The eyes swept in the room and saw Biqing sitting on the bed. He said: "No wonder I can't find you everywhere, Miss, you are not here. Resting in the next bedroom, how come here?"

Bi Qing looked at her confusedly.

"Cough, you don't care, you go to prepare breakfast."

Ye Shaoyang sent her away, and said to Bi Qing: "This is your dowry."

Biqing rolled her eyes and said, "I said, are you eager to stay here and not leave, there is a beautiful wife, and such a big family business, even the beautiful are so beautiful."

Ye Shaoyang spit out his tongue. "It's a pity that everything is not true."

"You stay here, it's all true, of course, except me."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Since I am awake, I know that all this is a fake, even if it is true, it is also a fake."

Bi Qing looked at him with a squint and said: "Shaoyang, have you ever thought about it, in case the world is real, and your previous experience...is an illusion, just like before I am awake, I still regard you as My man, at the time, I thought that everything was true. It was nothing but a memory. How do you know which memory is true? Which segment is fake?"

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