Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2712: I came back to the 2713. 2

Often... often come, suddenly a bright light, a name emerges, Ye Shaoyang immediately said: "Is Changshu new permanent?"

The general always sneered. Maoshan is a large number of people in the world. He was also a man of the past, and he was known by his name.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are always familiar with the new horns. It is the 19th generation disciple of Maoshan. He is a militant life. He travels the world in his 30s and kills the ghosts of the Quartet. He is famous for his age. At the age of forty, you are alone... ...what is it, but it is a mage of the Northern Clan, who made a sneaky in the Yandang Mountain generation. In order to clean up the portal, you are alone, and the result is the same as that of the guy. Is that true?"

Ye Shaoyang recited the information about him in the classics.

The general always smiled coldly. "These things are well known in the world, and what can you explain?"

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and suddenly raised his left hand, pinching a French seal. The **** gently flicked, and there were red and blue flames that permeated from the fingers and entangled in the air, forming a faint slogan. And then slowly dispersed.

Chang General was still sneer at watching what he was doing. When he saw this scene, the smile gradually closed up and said coldly: "Who are you!"

"Say, Maoshan disciple."

"A nonsense!"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I just got this spell. You should recognize that it is an inner door spell that Maoshan doesn't pass. Is there a fake?"

The general always looked at him, sinking for a long while, and suddenly seemed to wake up and said: "You are my uncle, a hidden person in the people?"

Implicit? Who is his uncle?

Ye Shaoyang frowned and searched for his name in his mind. In the eyes of Chang General, he thought he was the default. He was more certain in his heart. He pulled him aside and whispered: "You should know your identity, you Since it is a sinister, you can't live with a Maoshan disciple. Unless you go to the mountains to recognize your ancestors, can you understand this rule?"

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes turned. It seems that his uncle, there is something unknown about it. Listening to the generals does not want to be known. He simply pushes the boat and says: "Brother, I am also trying to attract You pay attention, there is no way to pay for your crimes."

Chang General’s face eased down and sighed. “Well, you are his apprentice, and I have nothing to say. Your master has now reborn. You are his sinister. After all, it’s my Maoshan disciple. I still have to remember in the future. Born, you can't go to the evil path."

"The brothers learned the lesson."

General Chang asked: "What are you doing to the Yin Shi?"

"I didn't lie to you. I really came to see Xiao Langjun. I am a good friend with him. I dare to fake this kind of thing. Besides, it is a sinister, I can't be tired."

Chang General’s face eased down and said: “Okay, go, just can’t stay too long, if there is something, come back to me.”

"Well, the brothers take care, I am sure to come to you if I have difficulties."

Ye Shaoyang did not dare to say more to him. He was afraid of revealing the stuffing and gave Teng Yongqing a look. The two left in a hurry and went straight to the Temple of Heaven.

The Yin dynasty of the Ming Dynasty was no different from the hundreds of years later, but some architectural forms were different, which may have been repaired in the next few hundred years.

When I came to the Temple of Heaven, Ye Shaoyang asked the guard to inform Xiao Yiyun, and then waited outside.

It is already the second time...

I remembered the last trip, came to Xiao Yiyun to help, or the Republic of China, but now it is a blind man to the Ming Dynasty...

After waiting for a while, Xiao Yiyun came out and Ye Shaoyang’s eyes brightened. This kind of feeling of brothers was still very exciting, but unfortunately he did not know himself...

Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang is experienced. He pulled him aside. Like the last time, he said a few things about his most secretive things. Xiao Yiyun was shocked from the initial shock to the last half. Look at him slyly.

"No way, I am looking for you again." Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I can only come to you."

Xiao Yiyun looked at him slyly and said: "If you let me believe in you, you will pick two hairs for me."

"What?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"Any soul, body and skin, have a history. I have a soul-seeking candle in my temple. I took your hair and burned it. I know who you are, there will be no mistake. It’s just that the monarch is sitting today, I can Please ask him."

"Well, you take it."

Ye Shaoyang immediately picked a few hairs for him, but he felt incredible in his heart. He had never heard of the soul candle. He had never heard of it. When he thought of his last trip to the Republic of China, he came to him. How did he not use this method? Proof?

Seeing him without hesitation, Xiao Yiyun also had some accidents. He also asked Teng Yongqing to have hair, and then went in. After a quarter of an hour or so, Xiao Yiyun came out, his brow was locked, and he looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "You come with me. ”

Bring Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing to the back garden, there is a pavilion inside, Xiao Yiyun let them sit down.

"What do you see?" Xiao Yiyun met Ye Shaoyang and looked around, asking inexplicably.

"It wasn't like this before. It's not right. It should be said that after a few hundred years, the location of the pond here was a flower garden and planted some sea bream flowers."

Xiao Yiyun glanced at him a bit strangely and said: "I am planning to fill it up and change it into a flower bed... I just haven't told the grown-up."

"I just verified that there is no information on your life and death book. There are two possibilities. First, you have already proved that you have jumped out of Liuhe... It doesn't look like it. Second, you are right, you are crossing time. Come on..."

"Don't be inked, we used to be crossing, and less nonsense." Ye Shaoyang waved impatiently.

Xiao Yiyun looked at him with anger and anger. "How dare you talk to me like this?"

Ye Shaoyang sighed and smiled. "Don't come, the trick is a good brother. Even if I beat you up, you are not angry. This relationship, understand?"

Xiao Yiyun looked at him straight away and seemed to be pondering this relationship and said: "The birth of life and death?"

"Right, although you don't know me now, but you know it after a few hundred years, I am probably your only good brother. I mean the world, you have nothing to do with the genitals."

"This feeling is very weird..." Xiao Yiyun sighed and adjusted his mentality and asked him: "How did you come, can you tell me something hundreds of years later?"

Ye Shaoyang then talked with him.

"Hello everyone, here is the caring gossip growth association. Today, the actress who came to the eighty-eight-headed hair, and the story that had to be said between a rapper, the man is not handsome, how to describe it. It’s a long-lasting face that often appears in Hong Kong’s ghost films.

(At the end of the month, at the end of the month, the glory of the glory in the evening will be red, thank you for your support!)

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