Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2713: 2714 chaos 1

Xie Yuqing looked at the beginning and turned off the video. Although the gossip has been hot recently, she is a gossip addict, but at the moment, she has no intention to look at this. It should be said that there is no mind to look at anything.

Xie Yuqing walked silently to the window, looked out for a while, then turned and said to Xue Qi, who was eating ice cream: "Snow Qi, you said..."

"Shaoyang will come back."

"I haven't asked yet!" Xie Yuqing protested.

Xue Qi’s eyes were removed from the TV screen, and she glanced at her: “You have asked twelve times today. When you open, I know what you are asking, so give you comfort, do you want to hug?”

Xie Yuqing angered: "Dead girl, he is also your master, why don't you worry about it!"

"I didn't say no, but I was worried that it was useless. Besides, he just disappeared, and he is not dead."

The word "death" made Xie Yuqing's heart tremble, and said with self-consolation: "No, he will never die."

"Yeah. So many big winds and big waves are coming, I naturally believe he will come back."

"But he has been missing for two days..."

One day ago, there was news from Lao Guo that Ye Shaoyang disappeared in the tomb. Then, everyone was completely chaotic. Zhou Jingru went to Zhang Xiaorui with them for the first time. She was also going to go, but Lao Guo Said that if someone wants to stay in Shicheng, if Ye Shaoyang comes out of other spaces (although she does not understand the meaning of this sentence), it is very likely to come to Shicheng.

Xie Yuqing was only in Shicheng, waiting for news.

Xue Qi finished eating ice cream. In the past, she comforted her. Xie Yuqing felt better. She decided to go out and do something to distract her. So she went downstairs, walked out of the community and went to the supermarket outside.

Unexpectedly bought a bunch of things, when the checkout, Xie Yuqing suddenly felt like someone was watching himself behind, suddenly turned back, a figure flashed from the shelf, she is not sure whether she thought about it or how, see There was no abnormality for a while, so I left the checkout. On the way home, this feeling of being peeped has always existed, and Xie Yuqing frequently turned back, but did not find the target.

Entering the corridor, Xie Yuqing made a bold decision. She hid in the corner and did not move. After waiting for two minutes, a shadow was projected from outside the corridor and slowly approached. I can already hear the footsteps.

Xie Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, and there were footsteps. That is human beings. As long as it is human, there is nothing terrible. Xie Yuqing loosened the wrecking nails in the pocket of the trousers, waiting for the footsteps to approach, rushing out, pre-empting, and getting stuck in the neck of the person, while looking at the faces of the people.

Then she was shocked by the whole person.

After a few seconds, she opened her mouth violently, took a breath, and screamed: "Shaoyang!"

Actually it is Ye Shaoyang!

Ye Shaoyang, who was licking his neck, looked at her with a sly smile on his face.

At this moment, Xie Yuqing felt that Ye Shaoyang’s face was so kind.

"Shaoyang! You are a dead man, where are you going!" Xie Yuqing was in his arms and burst into tears.

Ye Shaoyang hugged her and her body shivered slightly.

"I, come back." Ye Shaoyang buried his head between her long hair and took a strong breath.

Yes, he is back. After so much, he finally... waited for this opportunity, then, came.

Xie Yuqing hugged him, slowed down for a while, finally calmed down, looked up at Ye Shaoyang, reached out and pinched his face, said: "First come back with me, Xue Qi is still at home."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "I can't go up. I can't let people know that I am back."


Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "It’s hard to say a word. Now, they all think that I am trapped in the tomb. Even the Holy Spirit thinks so. I secretly come back and can hide my eyes and ears and do a lot of things."

Xie Yuqing groaned and said: "Do they know that you are coming back?"

"I don't know, now only you know it. When you go to drive, you tell Xue Qi to go out and send me home."

Xie Yuqing squatted for a while, let him wait, go back and get the key.


When he entered the elevator, Ye Shaoyang called her again.

"Try to be as natural as possible." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her. "And, I really miss you."

Xie Yuqing turned red and walked into the elevator. He smiled at him. "No matter what, you will be back, I am very happy."

After a short while, Xie Yuqing took the car key and received Ye Shaoyang on the first floor. She took the elevator directly to the underground garage. After getting on the bus, Ye Shaoyang instructed her to drive her car to her home.

"The four treasures? Are they all back?"

"No, I am coming back."

Xie Yuqing listened and looked at him with surprise.

"Do not worry, they are not dangerous. I secretly sneak out for my plan."

Xie Yuqing nodded. Ye Shaoyang said that she also completely relieved her. After all, she knew that Ye Shaoyang was not the kind of person who left his companions. If he could put them in the tomb, they must be safe.

"In the tomb, where is it, why can't they find you?"

"It's another space."

Xie Yuqing looked at him with a look.

"I can't explain it."

“Like the Shanhe Society’s map?”


"Oh, then I will know." Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and said, "Jingru has gone to Chengde. They are very anxious. Are you sure you don't say anything to them? They won't say it anyway." ”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "Not the same. If they know, they will manifest themselves subconsciously. What I want now is that everyone is not aware that I have come out. I am the first to come to you."

Xie Yuqing's face was slightly red. Anyway, as a sister, I was very happy to hear this.

Since Ye Shaoyang decided not to say, there must be her reasons, Xie Yuqing is not strong, but deep inside is still playing a small calculation.

"What are you doing now?"

"Looking for the mountain seal." Ye Shaoyang licked his temple. "I played in the ancient tomb and lost a lot of memories. I can't remember many things. That... Did I tell you what Shanhai printed? local?"

Xie Yuqing shook his head swayingly. "No, I just listened to you. I don't even know where Shanhai is printed." Xie Yuqing didn't ask him what to do with Shanhaiyin. She doesn't understand either.

Ye Shaoyang's brow is locked and it seems very difficult.

Drive back home.

When Ye Shaoyang entered the door, he immediately rummaged through the box to find the mountain seal. The result was nothing.

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