Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2714: The 2715 chaos 2

Certainly, it must be somewhere.

Gossip, two generations, the Bodhi tree, the mountains and the sea, the four elephants, the roots...

Ye Shaoyang thought hard about the meaning of these four sentences.

Is it a spell or a whisper?

Zero world, Tian Abandon Mountain.

There is a deep red liquid that constantly flows down from the top of the mountain. The liquid is deep red. Like the burning blood, it keeps boiling. Some of it is evaporated and rises into the air. It will not form for a long time, forming a thick cloud. Abandoning the whole mountain shrouded in, adding a bit of blood and strange atmosphere.

This is not only a visual effect, but the constant flow of liquid, and the vapor of evaporation, is the blood of the minister, containing the power of the ancient beasts, for the evil spirits of the corpse and the wet world. The most nourishing nutrients, at the same time, for all creatures except the zero world, is a terrible poison, which is far more toxic than the dark forest.

At this moment, a group of zombies, as well as evil spirits, gathered on the steps leading to the top of Tianshan Mountain, posing various strange postures, greedily absorbing this **** spirit, intoxicated by each look, like a pumping The same as the smoke of humans.


Sitting at the highest point is a flying stiff, suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly stood up, the wings behind him slammed open, and scolded: "Who is up the mountain!"

The guards behind him also stood up together and put on a state of defense.

Two figures, coming out of the thick fog, are women, coming in tandem, the front wearing a linen dress, long hair up, forming a unique hairpin, the latter wearing a black Clothing, tightly bound to the body, looks like the kind of tight-fitting leather worn by some women in the pursuit of avant-garde, full of temptation and wildness.

The former aunt was almost pushed forward by the black woman behind.

"Is it an evil spirit on the front line, what captured the prisoners?" An evil spirit looked up and said. Because of the fog, I can't see the appearance of the person.

A flower snake around him smiled and said: "Hey, this woman's body is not bad. I don't know what kind of evil spirits. If the next time you make meritorious deeds, how will the generals reward him with me?"

Snake sex, this flower snake looked at the black woman's exquisite side, immediately stunned, staring at the top and bottom of the key glance, see the general did not care for himself, turned his head and looked surprised, that flying stiff Actually squatting on the steps, shivering.


The woman in black is approaching now, flying stiff and lowering her head, and trembles: "Seeing the saint, the villain does not know that the saint is coming, the sin of death..."

Holy Virgin! !

When a few evil spirits heard it, they scared one by one. The flower snake essence is even more so far away from the sky, and it can not be moved directly on the ground.

This woman who has been swindled by herself for a long time and speaks out is actually the saint of the corpse: the son-in-law.

The son-in-law looked down at them and said, "Where are they from?"

Flying stiffly, he explained: "They are all evil spirits of the dead water pool. They set up military power on the front line. According to the example, they are here to learn the essence of blood, and the villain is leading the team."

"According to the example, according to what?"

"Returning to the Virgin, this is the rule that God has set a day before. Anyone who has set up a second-class military service on the front line can come to Tianshan to absorb the blood of three hours to encourage everyone to fight for the enemy..."

The niece snorted and walked to the flower snake. She has bare feet, five toes like a white jade, wearing a pair of sandals that look like humans. The toenails are red and full of wild temptations.

This is a pair of women who are absolutely marked, but the flower snakes are still dare to think about it at this moment, and they are shivering and waiting for the foreseeable fate.

The son-in-law lifted his chin with one foot and glanced at it. "What did you say before?"

Flower snake fine hoes. "The villain lost his words for a moment, rotten his tongue and asked the saint to sin..."

"If I kill you, are you not satisfied?"

"Being able to die under the hand of the saint is also a blessing for the villain, and there is a whisper in Anan!"

"It's quite a bit of a talk." The niece stunned and smiled. He took another step forward, put his toes in his mouth, opened his mouth, and bowed his head into a corpse, and the snake snake shuddered. In the knowledge of the gods, it seems to have been branded. At the same time, there is a force running through the body, flowing through the meridians, and several acupuncture points that were previously unreachable are forcibly opened by this force.

"Wow..." The snake snake spit out a poisonous blood, but immediately felt that it was a skyrocketing, and it seemed to have improved more than one realm.

He looked at him with a stern look, looked up at the son-in-law, and did not understand why the son-in-law had to do this to himself.

"All with me!"

Nvwa said to Fei Zhuang and others. This group of zombie evil spirits immediately thanked and rushed down the mountain.

The niece bowed down and smirked, and smiled a little evilly. She said, "I am so beautiful?"

"Ah, the villain can't speak, don't dare!"

Where the flower snakes dare to speak back, kneeling on the ground.

"I see your body is flexible, the bones are also good, looks... um, you have a bit like the demon road in the long, it is very good for me, you give me a mount, you will not?"

"The villain is willing to swear to follow the saint!"

When the snake snake listened, he immediately kneeled on the ground and thanked him. He also knew that when he was a mount, he lost his freedom, but compared to death, this is a great gift. Besides, he can be a mount for her. The benefits are definitely indispensable. Just now she helped her to use the corpse to get through the meridians. This is an example.

The son-in-law smiled and said: "There is a real body."

The flower snake rushed out to show the real body. It was a snake with a length of several meters. The two patterns of red and white alternated, and it looked quite scary.

The son-in-law first threw the lord on it, and jumped up on it, riding his legs on his neck and ordered: "Go up!"

Flower snake essence immediately emptied, went to the mountain, and came to the top of the mountain in one breath.

At the highest point on the top of the mountain, Dufeng has disappeared. Instead, it is a deep pool. In the middle is a boiling blood that is constantly rising upwards. A white jade is floating in the middle, releasing a green light and gathering upwards into one. The shape of the fairy peach, a girl sitting in the middle, with a red veil on her face, can't see her face, sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed, seems to be raising interest.

The transpiration of blood around the area, surrounded by "Xiantao", infiltrated into it, like the same smog, connected to the girl's Yintang. The girl's Yintang office seems to have opened the eyes of the sky, showing the imprint of a golden plum shape, constantly illuminating rhythmically, and constantly darkening.

(I wish you all a happy Children's Day in advance, starting tomorrow to participate in the Great God Salon, to the new horse on the 7th, but also to relax, try to ensure that the update, tomorrow night glory hall red envelope, if I forget, the day after tomorrow, about eight o'clock Until nine o'clock......)

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