Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2854: 2855 looking for the truth 2

The back door is a small arch and it is also wood. Chen Yue opened it in the past and the three went inside.

The Taoist temple has only one courtyard, the middle is a dojo, and all sides are tile houses. They are bordered together and look like a courtyard. There is a huge incense burner in the middle of the dojo. There is a incense rack on the side. It is full of wax oil, indicating that the incense is still here. Not bad.

Chen Yue looked around and shouted: "Master!"

A few words called, no one promised.

Ye Shaoyang proposed to find a place, so the three were separated, one person was responsible for a row of houses, one by one to find, when they encountered the door lock, they knocked on the door and looked at the window.

The row that Ye Shaoyang is looking for is all the bedroom. When they think of this Taoist temple, they are two of them. These rooms should be for the pilgrims. Some of them are far away, or they encounter heavy rains. They must stay in the mountains. These rooms are prepared for them.

Ye Shaoyang squatted in the window, and the facilities were simple. There was only one bed and one cabinet. I could see it at a glance. Ye Shaoyang quickly found it and came to Chen Yue.

"Nobody, unless someone is hiding in the closet." Ye Shaoyang said.

Guagua has also been found again, come back and tell them, there are kitchens and warehouses, there are no one inside.

Chen Yue stood outside the door for a long time, pushed the door hard, did not open, she reached out and explored the position of the door lock, grabbed the door handle and lifted the door, the door opened.

"So familiar?" Ye Shaoyang said.

"This is my bedroom. I saw this door and I remembered it." Chen Yue couldn't wait to go inside.

The furniture in the room is more than those in the room, but it is still very simple, the wall is a bit black, the ground is still cement floor, a wooden bed is placed against the wall, and a large sponge baby puppet is placed on the bed. Put a few clothes, the top is a few pieces of underwear.

Chen Yuehong walked over and put the underwear in the cabinet below.

Ye Shaoyang pretended not to see, wandered around the room and said: "This is where you live, how can you not even have a TV?"

Chen Yue went to the opposite low cabinet and pointed to the above and said: "There was originally a TV here. Because there was a total power outage at the top of the mountain, it was broken for a while, and I never bought it. I also don't like watching TV."

"What do you do ~www.readwn.com~ Ye Shaoyang found a bookshelf, walked over, and looked at the past, most of them are scriptures, or manuscripts, only written on the spine with a brush, morality, quiet Jingjing It is a Taoist classic, and there are some published books on the shelf on the side.

It is not a world famous book. It is a classical classic such as Mengxi Pen Talk, Shan Hai Jing, and Xiao Caotang Notes. The bottom row is a collection of poems and contemporary novels.

"You really have culture..." Ye Shaoyang said that he admire.

"There is nothing to do in the mountains, it is reading."

"No, no, don't be humble, it doesn't matter with the mountains. I have lived in the mountains for more than ten years. I don't have such a good study for you." Ye Shaoyang was embarrassed to scratch his head.

Chen Yue walked slowly in the room, and finally came to the window and opened the window to look outside. There was a rock wall outside, a small gap in the middle of the window, a bunch of flowers, and a banana tree.

"Don't bother me, let me calm down and think about it."

Chen Yue said, kneeling on the window, looking at the banana tree to start staying, after a while, she got up and walked to the outside yard, walking slowly, half a sigh, she suddenly took a deep breath, turned Looking at Ye Shaoyang, said: "I missed it all..."

Not waiting for Ye Shaoyang to talk, she walked quickly to a room, the room locked the door, Chen Yue stood in front of the door and said: "This is my master's room."

"People are not there?"

The door is made of wood because it takes too long and there are some big gaps in the middle. Chen Yuexi looked at the door for a while, suddenly burst into a tremble, kicked the door with force and rushed in.

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what happened. He followed him and saw a man sitting on the bed. Then he saw it and was shocked on the spot: the man on the bed was a dead body.

A woman in a long gown, her hair is half white, looks like she is sixty or seventy years old, sitting on the bed cross-legged, may have been dead for a long time, flesh and blood are dried, a face close to the bones, closed eyes, but I kept a motionless gesture.

Because it was winter, the body did not rot, but was directly dried up and became a dry corpse.

"Master -"

Chen Yue fell to the front of the body and burst into tears.

Guaguamo silently accompanied her and comforted her.

Chen Yue cried for a while, gradually calmed down and choked: "She is suicidal."

"It looks like." Ye Shaoyang said that if he killed him, it would be unreasonable for the murderer to make her a normal sitting posture, and she did not have obvious trauma.

"But she has no reason to commit suicide... My master has been cleaning up for decades and has seen everything, she can't commit suicide, it's impossible..."

Ye Shaoyang didn't know the stone people. He didn't know how to talk. He thought about it and said, "You will change your mind and see that she is so calm, I guess I will leave some last words. You can find it."

This sentence reminded Chen Yue that the current rummaging in the room, still did not find anything.

Ye Shaoyang advised her not to worry, to live here tonight, and find it slowly.

The two discussed it and decided that the deceased should be put into the earth. At this time, Chen Yue has recovered his memory. He went to the warehouse and brought a shovel to help Ye Shaoyang carry the body. The average person does not dare to carry the body. Mainly afraid of suffocation, but Ye Shaoyang is a fairy (the first few chapters said that Ye Shaoyang is a spiritual fairy, it is wrong to remember, and hereby correct), any suffocation can not touch him.

The three men came out of the back door. Chen Yue thought about it and decided to bury her in a place on the top of the mountain. She liked to clean it before the life of Shidao. As for Feng Shui or something, she didn't have any descendants, so she didn't pay attention to this.

From the back door, there is a small road that extends to the top.

Ye Shaoyang carried the body and thought about the whole thing. He felt more and more surprised: he had checked the body before, and the death time was at least one month. According to Chen Yue’s memory, she was missing more than a month ago (about how to disappear) She had no memory at all, and the impression was that she lie down and sleep well the rest of the day. After that, the memory disappeared and she was switched to the illusory world. At that time, her master was still good.

In other words, her master died after she disappeared, and it will not be separated for too long... Is there any causal relationship between these two things?

(End of this chapter)

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