Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2855: 2856 looking for the truth 3

Ye Shaoyang feels like he is caught in a huge mystery.

Suddenly Chen Yue said, Ye Shaoyang looked up and went to the top of the mountain. There was a bamboo forest on the side, and there was a clear spring, which gathered into the stream and flowed down the mountain along the edge of the bamboo forest.

Ye Shaoyang clearly feels that the aura is full, and it is indeed a good place to practice. It is no wonder that the stone road always comes here before life.

The matter of digging a grave is naturally handed over to Ye Shaoyang, the man.

Ye Shaoyang dug for a long time, a little urgency, so he took a break for a while, went around and turned around, a person entered the bamboo forest, and came behind Chen Yue’s voice: "If you are convenient, try to go a little farther, don't tarnish here, but also Don't go too far, there is a landslide over there, don't fall off the cliff..."

Ye Shaoyang slyly agreed to go to the depths of the bamboo forest. Suddenly, a raised tomb attracted him, and his intuition attracted him to go.

There is no grass on the grave, indicating that the burial time will not be too long.

Ye Shaoyang squinted in his heart, thinking of something, and it was convenient to go to the side. He returned to Chen Yue and said this, and the three came to the grave together.

"There was no previous... There is no tombstone, no one knows who the grave is." Looking back, I saw Ye Shaoyang staring at her in a weird look, and asked "What happened?"

"That, will this be your own grave?" Ye Shaoyang said his own thoughts.

Chen Yue suddenly stopped. "I?"

"This place is only your Taoist temple. The residents in the mountains don't want to bury the dead here. And the grave is still loose. It seems that it is almost a month..."

Chen Yue looked at the grave and groaned for a long time and murmured: "If the grave is buried in me, then... who am I?"

This problem is quite weird.

"Isn't it, I don't know if I dig up the grave." Guagua Gu persuaded.

This life naturally has to come from Ye Shaoyang, a man who has a shovel in his hand and digs it up.

The work of digging graves was not easy. Even though Ye Shaoyang was physically strong, it took half an hour to dig up the grave, and a dark red coffin was in sight.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Chen Yue, Chen Yue was a little nervous, and did not stand on the side.

Ye Shaoyang inserted the tip of the shovel into the coffin cover and the gap below, and slammed it hard, and opened it, which means that there was no nail on the coffin.

Dig aside for a while, clean up the nearby mud, and then insert the shovel into it. As a lever, open the coffin cover to the side.

Three people look inside together.

There is nothing in the coffin.

Chen Yue took a deep breath and sat down on the side, muttering: "How could this be..."

Ye Shaoyang is also a foggy water. The two of them started to work together and checked it again near the coffin. There is really nothing, only the coffin of this one.

"Is this an explanation? I really didn't die?" Chen Yue said silently.

"You are a living person." Ye Shaoyang never doubted this. There are yang in the living, and he is a fairy. If you can't even sense the yang, you don't need to mix it.

"I think, all this is done by your master." Ye Shaoyang thought about the existing clues from the beginning, speculating, "First, you are a living person, but your master said that you have died suddenly and died in the village." Then, please help me to bury... At that time, you were indeed in the coffin, but after the burial, she dug the grave and made you out again. The folks did not know the truth and thought you were dead.

If I guess that's right, you just come out of the coffin before you enter the illusion space of Xingyue slave... Then soon after, your master is dead, and suicide, lock yourself in the house until we just Discovering her body... The sequence of events should be like this. ”

Chen Yue looked at him blankly and said, "Why should my master do this?"

"This has to ask your master." Ye Shaoyang slammed the body of the stone man.

"You... want to use Soul?"

Ye Shaoyang snorted and shook his head and said: "I just said that your master is a Taoist. Soul hunter is of no use to her. If she wants to say, naturally, what clues will be left to tell you the truth. If not, then I don't want to. you know."

Chen Yue looked at the body of the stone man, and suddenly stayed up.

"I don't know why your master did this, but you can think of motivation. It is to create an illusion of your death, and to use the mouth of the villagers to tell others that you are dead. She informed the villagers to mourn, and deliberately showed them. At a glance, you are 80% who is using spells or remedies for you, so that you can keep a fake death during the burial process. Is this not difficult for her to do?"

Chen Yue was silent for a few seconds and said: "My master is practicing the whole truth, good at alchemy, wanting people to keep a fake death, using the lost soul to lead, and keeping her mana for a few days is not a problem."

"That's it. After the burial, the villagers dispersed. From then on, everyone knows that you are dead."


"I said, I don't know." Ye Shaoyang spread his hand. "But I have an idea. All of this may be deliberately done to anyone. You think, if someone comes to you, go to the mountain village to ask, everyone. Everyone agrees that you are dead. They are all irrelevant people. It is impossible to unite and deceive. Your master can't buy so many people. This makes people have to believe, and then your grave is still here. Generally, I won’t go to the grave to confirm it?”

When Chen Yue digested it, Ye Shaoyang went on to analyze. "Then she committed suicide herself. This is death. If he is alive, this person who is looking for you will definitely ask her about your death. She is afraid that if she says it. After all, this is the illusion of her arrangement. If there is a fake, there will always be flaws. Only her husband is dead, and she is really dead.... Well, these are all I guess."

After talking about this analysis, Ye Shaoyang’s heart was slowly a sense of accomplishment, and suddenly found out that he was also very smart.

Chen Yue thought for a long while and asked: "Because you are worried about leaking secrets, you have to commit suicide. What a serious matter, is it worth her to do this, and fill in my life?"

"I don't know, but I think that the person who is looking for you must not be for anything good. If I guess it is correct... Your master is thinking about doing all this, and in the end it is to protect you."

Chen Yue heard this, and the tears immediately came down again. One hand covered her mouth and resisted sorrow.

"Mother, if this is the case, don't be too upset, or find a way to figure out the problem first." Guagua pulled her with one hand to comfort.

(Recent neurasthenia, lack of sleep, just write a chapter, sorry)

(End of this chapter)

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