Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2937: 2938 enemy, I am widowed 4

"Ye Shaoyang, if you are willing to go it alone, today I am afraid I can't get this sea eye!"

After the imperial spirit finished, another part of the commander began to attack the squad, because the western phalanx had been hit by a gap, and the crack quickly spread to this side. When the squadron was broken, the ghost soldiers suddenly came up, Ye Shaoyang’s side I also prepared for the battle early and rushed up with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai showed his true body, drilled into the water, the huge tail stretched out of the water, forced a roll, and immediately a scream, a lot of evil things were caught in the water, broken, and the white was so tumbling in the water, constantly Strangled the opponent.

The imperial spirit looked in the eyes, turned into a black gas, drilled into the water, entangled with the white.

More evils, began to land on the beach.

Ye Shaoyang rushed up with the seven-star Longquan sword. Under the slash, the other side died and wounded, but more ghost soldiers continued to flow. This is not a fight at all, but a killing.

The soldiers on the island behind him quickly joined the battle.

Ye Shaoyang took the time to look at the left and right sides, and they all fought. My heart was very puzzled: How could the island’s defensive squad be broken so easily? Did not see what happened to them.

Could it be... What is the strong hidden in the dark, breaking the law in advance?

Metaphysical master?

After all, it is at sea. If someone is hiding in the water, it is not easy to be discovered.

However, even if you know this, it will not help the situation at the moment. Although they fight to kill the enemy, there are too many people on the opposite side. There are always fish that slip through the net, rushing over them and rushing over the high platform.

Ye Shaoyang was in a hurry, but he didn't have a good way. He could only try to intercept it. Fortunately, Lin Sansheng stood on the high platform, commanding several of his men, and the four men of Ahuang, forming an encirclement and dying under the stage. The evils that went to the front were solved.

Ye Shaoyang was killing the enemy, and suddenly a black shadow passed over his head. When he looked up, it was the huge imperial spirit. With a large group of men, he flew over his head.

"Heaven and Earth!"

Ye Shaoyang volleyed three dark gold charms, trying to stop the imperial spirit, but the imperial spirit did not look at it, and all the people behind him gathered immediately, and contacted the dark gold gods, the magical power of the gods quickly broke out and immediately killed. A whole lot.

But these evil things that are not afraid of death continue to fly, take the initiative to enter the spiritual range of the rune, continue to rush, and continue to be killed.

Finally, the spiritual power of the magical symbols was exhausted by them. Although they did not know how many evil things were killed, the imperial spirit seized the opportunity to fly over. Ye Shaoyang stunned and waited for him to intercept in the past, it was already late.

A figure, broken up, is Wu Jiawei, holding a sword, fighting with the spirit, Yu Ling once again turned into a black gas, and he fought a few rounds, Wu Jiawei some can not stop, but Yu Lingzhi is not in him After finding a flaw, after he forced him back, he continued to fly toward Gaotai.

When he got to the bottom of the high platform, he re-applied his skills, so that the hordes of ghost soldiers around him were entangled in A Huang and others, and they flew to the high platform.

Lin Sansheng had no choice but to go forward and shouted: "What are you doing, can't you keep it?"

The black gas was in front of him, re-aggregated into the image of the imperial spirit, not much to say, fight with him.

Lin Sansheng took the rule of heaven and earth and struggled to resist it, but he was not an imperial opponent, and he could barely protect himself by taking advantage of the powerful spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. At this time, Wu Jiawei arrived, and the two men attacked and forced the imperial spirit to resist. At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the dim sky above, as it descended from the sky, getting bigger and bigger, and landing on the high platform. It was only when everyone saw that it was a golden Buddha statue, and it was straight down when it was empty.

"Go away!"

Lin Sansheng took Wu Jiawei away. Yuling looked bad and wanted to escape. But when he was covered by a Buddha, he couldn’t move at once. He had to turn around and greet him. He hoped that there would be a chance, and he still thought more. The Buddha light from the Golden Buddha easily solved all the offensives. Under the pressure of the Golden Buddha, the Royal Spirit quickly became a black gas, and then penetrated by the Buddha.

It’s as if the light dispels the evil, the black gas that was originally black and bottomless like an abyss, was dispelled a little bit, and finally turned into nothingness, only the little stars of the stars flew out and flew into the ancient wells on the high platform, and then Not seen anymore.

The people were shocked.

This huge golden Buddha is obviously the body of King Kong Sanzang. It is not the strongest of the Tao. The Yuling, even Wu Jiawei and Lin Sansheng are not opponents. The result is so easily killed by King Kong Sanzang. This is the gap of strength.

"They contracted and retreated to the shore. The four of you continued to attack in the water and disrupted their formation!" Lin Sansheng told him to go down. Everyone immediately retreated. According to the previous plan, he was centered on the island and became two on the island. A small circle, the outer circle is a member of the Ghost Federation and the island soldiers. Lin Sansheng and Xiao Jiu’s men also joined in and killed the ghost soldiers on the shore.

Ye Shaoyang, Xiao Jiu, Chong Hezi, Sibao, and Wu Jiawei, composed of the inner circle, always pay attention to the situation of the outer circle, helping them to reduce the pressure, while eliminating the fish that slipped through the outer ring.

Mu Han and others, originally still self-sustaining means, do not want to join forces with Ye Shaoyang, insist on single-handedness, and now forced by the situation, they have to join the outer circle of defense, lest it be regarded as a live target.

"The above is like this!" Ye Shaoyang turned back and shouted at Lin Sansheng.

"There is still half an hour, stick to it!" Lin Sansheng added another sentence, "We are very passive now."

"Passive? There is a big monk, what are you afraid of?" asked Sibao curiously.

Lin Sansheng glanced at him and whispered: "It didn't take long before I started playing. The Sanzang Master was forced to shoot. Do you think it is a good thing?"

"You mean..."

"How do you know that the other party does not have the strongest in this realm?" Lin Sansheng said in a word that everyone was speechless. He looked around at the battle with sorrow and sighed: "I thought that it would be the island law, you can stick to it." For twenty minutes, I didn't expect the opening to be broken. Obviously, the other party had an extremely powerful strong man. Hiding in the dark, the Sanzang Master showed up first, it was not good... but it has been here, and it has only died."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden commotion in the perimeter line. Everyone looked together and found a blackened... monkey in the middle of a pile of evil things?

This thing has a cautious face, a huge body like a silver-backed orangutan, a grin and a mouth, constantly impacting the perimeter line. When everyone looks at the past, he has already caught an island soldier, tearing it in half and chewing it in his mouth. The picture is very horrible.

(End of this chapter)

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