Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2938: 2939 General Assembly Battle 1

A few soldiers went up and slashed the weapon with a rune-bearing weapon in his hand. The gorilla was not afraid of pain. He grabbed one of his hands and took it to his mouth. He bit his head and smashed his head toward the front. Rush into the perimeter defense.

It happened to be the direction in which Mu Han and others were in the same direction. A group of people immediately resisted death, but the general gorilla of this "gorilla" was too fierce, directly displacing the formation, and killed two people, trying to rush toward the high platform.

Four treasures and others quickly rushed to support, gathered the power of many people, finally trapped this guy, Mu Han is really unambiguous, a ladder cloud, from behind to climb the back of the gorilla, the orangutan immediately extended his hands to catch He, Mu Han flexible to avoid, a few rushed to the neck of the orangutan, silently recited the spell, the hands of the heavens and the earth in a moment of illusion of the blue-white aura, under his scream, forced to cover the orangutan.


A screaming scream, the orangutan violently shakes up, bounces Mu Han and falls to the ground, his huge body rolling along the coast, everyone hurriedly avoiding, but the teeth are dead and not falling on the shore. Finally, it fell into the water and was directly carried by the water into the sea eye below the floating island.

"This is a mountain that has become a fine mountain, and it has a top half of the ancient beast!" Wang Daoqian shouted excitedly, his eyes deliberately smashed Ye Shaoyang's side. "The Lord is amazing!"

Mu Han also stood up and slammed the bangs with his hand and shouted: "Don't be afraid, keep with me, just hold the ceremony to Xu Gong!"

He really regards himself as the protagonist of today.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene, and his heart was very disdainful.

After the mountain hangs, there is no strong evil in the future. Although the number of ghost soldiers is very large, the offensive effect is not great. Instead, the party that united the defense gradually stabilized the situation.

But Ye Shaoyang is not happy at all, but instead reminds everyone to be vigilant. He worried that this was the calm before the storm.

"Xu Gong, look like this!" Ye Shaoyang turned back and shouted a slap on the high platform. Guagua immediately flew to the high platform, just to see Xu Wenchang painted the third piece of Lingshi, and looked like a prostration, so he asked him how.

"There is this one, it’s fast."

Xu Wenchang held the pen in his right hand and touched a incense burner in his left hand. He took a strong breath and a blue-green smoke emerged from the inside. He was sucked by him, and his look eased and continued to draw the last piece. Guagua flew to Ye Shaoyang and reported the situation to everyone.

"The last piece, that is twenty minutes! It didn't cost much." Sibao said with a relaxed tone.

"Don't relax, I think the real battle hasn't started yet."

Four treasures frowned: "This hasn't started yet? What is the beginning?"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, but pointed his finger at the distance.

A huge black spray, tumbling from the sea, under the finest look, is not a tidal wave, but a black-pressed ghost soldier, as if it was drilled from the water, madly pounced on the island.

I swept over and saw many evils not encountered in the first wave of battles. Many of the generals of the haze, as well as the Furen, showed that the strength of this evil spirit should be above the previous one. In the gap between the objects, everyone suddenly found that the sea water became blood red. At first, Ye Shaoyang felt that it was Xiaobai. They had too many evils to kill them. They dyed the blood red and carefully thought about it. Among these evil things, At most, only one-third of them are demons. Ghosts and evil spirits are bloodless. Just these monsters, how can you completely dye this vast sea area so red?

Just thinking, suddenly in the sea in the direction of the opposite direction, a huge wave vacated, revealing a huge object of long strip shape, not Xiaoqing or Xiaobai, but... like a slap in the air, all over the body Bright, faintly reddish, tens of ten meters high, the tank is so thick, there are several cracks at the top, suddenly open, is a mouth split into several flaps, each with yellow fangs The size and size are dense, and the top is still full of mucus. It is so disgusting and disgusting.

"Fuck!" The four treasures snorted in disgust. "Is this a fine water, so disgusting."

After the evil thing was drilled out of the water, it immediately swam towards the shore, and the green mucus was constantly sprayed in the huge mouth. Everyone knows that this mucus is not a good thing, one by one.

The mouth was further opened. In the "throat", a figure appeared. It was a woman, her skin was red, she didn't wear clothes, but her hair was long, she had been long to the heel, and she wrapped up most of her body, each hair. They are all squirming, like a tentacles, and they can’t seem to be horrible.

The woman suddenly opened her mouth and made a sob crying. The voice was particularly harsh and made people goose bumps.

"The blood pool Raksha! It is the blood pool Rakshasa!"

I don't know who is calling first.

Everyone is ashamed.

Taiyin Mountain has always been mysterious. Most of the evil things don't know the name in the outside world. However, in the only known names in the Three Realms, the blood pool Rakshasa is almost behind the right.

The five major Rakshasa in Taiyin Mountain are headed by the blood pool Raksha, and the fierce name is broadcasted by the three circles. No one knows, but for everyone present, it is the first time to see this legendary comet, who can recognize her. Mainly through physical features and her special crying.

The blood pool is crying, everything is going to rest.

The spell community has been circulating this sentence. I did not expect that I met here today.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, this is to hear Mu Han shouted: "There is a kind of landing, I will come to you!"

Blood pool Raksha stood on the head of the giant otter, overlooking him. The sharp voice said: "Are you Ye Shaoyang?"

Mu Han gave a slight glimpse and said: "My name is Mu Han, but it is the new ally of the world's magical world. The son of the heavenly election, it is more than enough to deal with you, but not to come to die!"

Blood pool Rakshasa burst into tears: "What son of the day is not enough in the eyes of this palace, Ye Shaoyang, where is Ye Shaoyang!"

Four treasures laughed: "Zhang Zhang teaches, you see you mixed, even a sinful thing is not waiting to see you, haha!"

Mu Han's face was white for a while, and there was no way to attack.

The four treasures called, the eyes of the blood pool Rakshasa, and asked: "You are Ye Shaoyang?"

Ye Shaoyang, on the edge of the Sibao Dynasty, gave his mouth and said: "He is Ye Shaoyang, but if you want to play with the family, you can."

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly said: "You come to you, I don't fight with mental illness that can't even be laughed at."

Members of the Ghost Alliance are laughing.

The blood pool Rakshasa was furious, but the expression of anger was still crying, raising a huge tail, slamming on the water and picking up a huge wave.

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