Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3030: 3032 Siege 2

This simple and rude means... The general will only leave and go to tune.

After more evils followed the road, they tried to rush.

"His grandmother!" Zhong Rong was angry, his body grew several times, and he swung his sleeves into his sleeves. His mouth was pumped up, and he slid all over the mouth and chewed it. ring.

"Haha, come, come here to Grandpa!" Zhong Wei started work around, constantly grabbing the evil things in his mouth and chewing. He turned to see the wind and said: "Go, you know the way."

"The flood is rising, you can't support it for a long time. Within an hour, you will break the city."

By default, Zhong Wei is a bit tragic. "Do not worry, we old people, there are naturally places to go."

After flying to a beacon, I didn't know what spells were made, and the big seal opened a gap.

"Take care!" The road wind drilled in.

Zhong Rong restarted the seal and looked down the city. The flood grew a few meters higher. The huge waves slammed on the tower and the wall swayed more and more.

It won't last long.

After all, it is still here.

Zhong Rong snorted, seeing more and more evils on the gates of the North City, immediately flew to the body, a mad kill, arrogantly shouted:

"The sword is shining from the stars, and the wind is thundering when the wind is thundering. The head is carrying a non-human being, and what is high above the five lakes. Happy and happy!"

The wind turned back and looked at the tall body of Zhong Rong as the same **** of war, standing on the high tower.

He passed through the dead city.

The soldiers in the city walked around, sipping these souls and moving them to a safer place.

Seventy-two divisions all went out, some were rushing to the surrounding walls, and some were holding a bundle of books and rushing past. Once the city breaks, the most important thing is that these books and materials must be properly prepared.

Black and white impermanence maintains order in the city, loudly urging the work of the Cao Cao, seeing the road wind also stunned.

"The Great called me!" Daofeng hit an arch and they left.

When I passed through the entrance of the Temple of Heaven, I saw a few books, and I held books in my arms. I was accompanied by a pair of ghost warriors and went to the south of the city. Daofeng knows that these are the previous life and death books. It is an archive record. It is useless in peacetime, but it must be kept. If something unexpected happens, these are all materials that can be verified.

Cui Tianzi had already gone to the sea eye, and when they went away, there was no one in the Temple of Heaven.

After a road junction, the road wind saw the bullhead horse face leading a large number of soldiers, coming out from the military compound, all the way shouting and rushing to the wall.

The gods of the parade, flying around in the capital of the capital...

Almost everyone's expressions are very dignified, and there is a trace of horror in them. In their impression, the capital city is a solid and unpretentious thing. It is hard to imagine that one day it will be broken.

In their cognition, it is difficult to accept such a thing.

Only the reincarnation inside and outside the department, the guards are strict, the three kings of law, as well as several relatives of the Bodhisattva, are standing on both sides of the reincarnation, waiting for the final battle with a tragic attitude.

The six reincarnations are related to the safety of the Three Realms. Although the function is currently replaced by the South Sea Sea Eyes, it is still the largest passageway between the Three Realms. It is the first important point of the Yin Division and must be kept to the last moment.

The road wind came all the way to the Pluto Hall.

On both sides of the main hall, there were two generals standing guarded, and some gold armored warriors were arranged on both sides.

As soon as the road was approaching, they showed the look of alert.

"In the order of the Emperor, Tsing Yi came to see."

Everyone's face was amazed. Of course, they know who the wind is, and they know that he is the number one wanted criminal in the sinister world. He actually took the initiative, and the Emperor recruited him?

Without waiting for someone to open, the door suddenly opened, and a messenger came out and said, "The little teacher is coming with me!"

These followers around the Great are his re-transmission disciples in a broad sense. When they see the Tao, they are called the sorcerer.

After entering the door, the messenger did not say much, and took the road and walked through the hall to the garden.

It is a garden, but none of the plants are flowering, all grass, all kinds of vines, shrubs, etc., savagely growing, several low-rise tiles stand in it, and the vines are covered with the wall, the middle Reluctantly squeeze out a path that looks like an abandoned house, in stark contrast to the tall, majestic and reverent temples.

Few people know that there is such a place full of wildness in the depths of the Pluto.

In fact, there is another place outside the residence of the Emperor of the capital, but it is used for office and office.

There are only a few personal messengers and a few apprentices who can come here.

The road did not dare to practice, walking along the grass step by step.

The door of the house was open, and the door frames on both sides were slantingly slanted with two words: Heaven and Earth, one thing, one thing.

The wind came to the door, stood still, and heard the sound of a crisp fall, as if someone was playing chess.

"Come in." A clear voice.

The wind went in.

The room is very simple, like an ordinary farmer's family, a chapter of eight fairy tables, with a set of the most common tea set, the ordinary household use of large porcelain teapot, a few large cups.

There is a picture hanging on the wall of the door. There are mountains and seas in the moon, and there is a layer of fog. It seems like 3D, and the angles are different. The road can’t help but look at it. It seems to have heard it. The Sanskrit coming, in the fog, seems to stand a huge Buddha statue.

Buddha statue? How would it appear here?

The road was amazed, and there was another voice in the room: "This is the "Buddha Kaye Map", which was sent by the Great Bodhisattva."

The big bodhisattva is the king of the earth, and the road wind immediately understands.

The three maps of the world, the Shanhe community map, the Taiji twin map, the mother-in-law Jiaye map. Shanhe Society is trying to find himself in the hands of Xingyue slaves before the Taiji Twins. She is not known after her death. It is estimated to be in the hands of a big scorpion in Xuanyuan Mountain. This is the Buddha's leaf, it is the Buddha's treasure, the rumor is made of a Bodhi leaf, can directly enter the pure land of the mother-in-law.

What is the specific role, the road does not know.

"The big bodhisattva is still very particular. At this time, the map is sent. When the city breaks, everyone is hiding in, and Amon is coming, and there is nothing to help."

Also said: "You come in and talk."

The wind entered the inner room.

The interior is simpler. There is only a mat on the ground. There is a low stool in the middle that seems to be used by the northerners to eat on the raft. There is a chessboard on the side, and there is a incense burner on the side, and the smoke is constantly emerging.

(Today, I feel dizzy, take a rest day)

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