Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3031: The 3033 city pool change owner 1

A man in white plain clothes, sitting in front of the chessboard, burying his head in black and white, seems to be studying the endgame, holding a white hand in his hand and making a decision.

After the wind came in, he did not lift his head. A hand clicked in front of him, indicating that the wind was sitting opposite, and the wind then sat down.

"Help me see chess?"

"The chess piece is only alive and kill, where can you see the game."

The white man chuckled. "You haven't been a chess piece."

"Before today, I thought I really jumped out of the board."

"now what?"

"I know that it’s just a trick, you are still inside the board."

The white man smiled again and he looked up.

The face that looks very ordinary, even a bit delicate, just like the water, makes people completely invisible, and dare not try to peek.

He is the first emperor of the three realms (at least tied for the first time). From the perspective of power, he is the boss of the capital city, and the strength is the super-class powerhouse.

Those who have never seen him, in the imagination, this great emperor should be a very majestic person. Whenever everyone sees the three kings who have to kneel down, no one can imagine that he is such a gentle image of a scholar. .

However, if someone thinks that he is an easy-going modest gentleman, then it is even more ridiculous. The Taoist style was once his apprentice. He deeply understands the ability of the great emperor. He has long been detached from creation, ignoring all rules and even the so-called heaven. It was also built by him.

The appearance and appearance have long meant nothing to him.

He is a trinity.

What he sees today is only his side as a human being.

In Daomen Xianji, he is Ziwei Tianshen, in the Yin dynasty, he is the master of the city, in the human cycle, he is Lu Zu Chunyang.

There are very few people who know his identity.

When he saw Guangzong Tianshi in the same year, he was recognized by his identity and said the phrase "I don't see Lu Xiucai in the past". It is a hint, not that he is Lu Chunyang, but that he is a pro-disciple of Lu Chunyang.

When I mentioned Lu Chunyang with the wind, I said that I saw your identity.

"The world is like chess, every step has thousands of changes, people who play chess are often also strained, not the final game, no one knows whether to win or lose."

Lv Chunyang Road:

"You have jumped out of the board. You are coming now, it is with me to play this game. How to take this step, in yourself."

The road wind only looked at the chessboard, black and white, and the chessboard changed: the four surrounding lines became the city wall, some pieces were tight together, and they became the shape of the Temple of Heaven, some became the reincarnation division, and the middle Tianyuan Became the main hall of Pluto...

In a blink of an eye, Bai Zi became a soldier who fought **** battles in the city. The sunspots became the invaders of the Taiyin Mountain, and they wanted to kill each other in the city.

Lv Chunyang reached out and brushed it on the board. The board became a big and a thousand pieces. The pieces of black and white pieces became a city. The lines of the board formed a line of mountains and rivers, carefully staring at a piece. Look, as if it is zoomed in immediately, it is placed in infinity, black and white world, and it is infinite.

When he looked at it again, these were gone again. There were only black and white gas on the board, and the rotation was constantly twisted over the board, like a picture of a pair of fish that had changed shape.

The road wind suddenly realized that Lu Chunyang said that the world is like chess. It is not a metaphor or a force. This chessboard really covers the world. Strictly speaking, it is probably a model of the three worlds, but it has a special connection with the real world.

The Taoist efforts to remove these associations, staring at the chessboard, and whitening in the middle of the disk was surrounded by black chess, although there are still a few breaths, but the eyes will be blocked, but there is white chess in the distance, but afraid It’s too late.

Isn't this like the situation at the moment of the capital city?

Daofeng studied the chess game and said: "Nine deaths have been born. At this time, only in the middle of the plate, but it seems that it can't be done."

Go is like this, the purpose is very clear, but the real situation is often complicated, and the next step is to lose. Just like this situation at the moment, knowing what to do, but whether you can make a real eye, how to do it, the key lies in where the first piece is placed. This step is wrong, and how to go later is no good.

Lv Chunyang was undecided and said to the Tao: "You are this move. How to go, I hope you choose."

Then he put down the white child, put his hands on the knees, and looked at the wind, quietly said: "Others because I am omnipotent, but if a person jumps out of causal reincarnation, everything about him can not be deduced. Since A pair left, he has become a mystery."

The wind is listening.

"I know that there is such a battle in the morning and evening, and I have buried a lot of foreshadowing. I want them to be connected in series. A pair has done a lot." He pointed at the black and white piece on the board. "Finally, the two wires were twisted. Together... my agency counted it, but it still took a step."

"You didn't count, I will jump out of the board with Shaoyang."

"It’s all done, but what? It’s not one of countless possibilities. I tried to stop you, but it failed.”

Daofeng thought that before the Yin Shi made himself a wanted criminal, he also tried to arrest Ye Shaoyang. These were probably the remedies he had done, but he later bent on his own way. After the testimony, he completely jumped out of his control.

"I can understand what you are doing. You are the great emperor. You have to think about the people of the three realms. It is not a thing for you to sacrifice someone."

The road calmly said, "This is not selfish. I do everything, but also to defeat the ghost king. I can sacrifice, but it must be my own will, not to be a cannon for others."

In front of the great emperor, those who dare to speak so unkindly can't find a few within the Three Realms. Lv Chunyang was not angry, and the corner of his mouth still had a touch of smile.

"The status quo of the capital city, you also saw how to do it, in yourself."

"I have thought about it for a long time."

Lv Chunyang stood up and walked slowly into the yard, and the wind followed him. Lv Chunyang looked around and looked at the plants in the yard. He sighed: "It’s a pity that such a good yard."

"When A double is coming, I have to tell him to leave this yard for me. He has stayed here after all. You said, will he promise?"

Daofeng thought of the days when he was listening to his preaching here, and he felt a little bit: "I will live up to expectations."

At this time, the messenger suddenly pushed in the door and fell down on the ground and said: "The ancestor, the big bodhisattva just sent someone to inform, the Taiyin Mountain thief broke into the Chujiang hell, trying to save the **** prisoner, the big bodhisattva together with the Chu Jiangwang Together with the princes such as Equality King, they have already turned the **** into a boundless world, but there are still a large number of prisoners who cannot transfer, fearing that they will be plundered for the thieves..."

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