Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3047: The 3049 first victim 1

Shake the fairy to shake his head and said: "How can this be done? Every time I help you to go in with the array, the students are also confidant disciples. The disciples are also following me in the past few days. I don't have time to lead the way. of."

The two sisters hesitated, shaking the fairy suddenly looked up at Lin Sansheng, not too polite to say: "You know who the traitor is, just say it, don't sell it!"

Lin Sansheng looked at her with an intriguing smile on his face and turned to look at other people. He said, "This is why I didn't tell you the truth in advance, because unless I grab her handle, I would say the name. You will not believe it."

Lishan’s old mother said: “You will say it first. If there is evidence, we will not believe it.”

Lin Sansheng held the heaven and earth ruler and slowly lifted it up, pointing to the shaking fairy.

"I?" Shake the fairy and stay.

Lin Sansheng did not speak, pointed to her with the rules of the heavens and the earth, and his expression became more and more firm.

Instead of shaking the fairy, he smiled and said coldly: "Lin Sansheng, it doesn't matter if you splash the dirty water. If there is a kind of evidence, if you can't get it, don't blame me for being polite to you. What are you? Marshal, I am not good at bullying!"

A few people immediately looked at Lin Sansheng. They are the masters of the seven peaks of the Stars, and they are also disciples of the swaying fairy. They are also famous in the air. Master is humiliated, and of course they do not.

"I don't have any evidence, but I have to pick you out, otherwise you will be confused. I don't know when we will slap us from behind."

Shake the fairy to open, Lishan old mother blocked in front, Chong Lin Sansheng said coldly: "I don't know what you are playing, but this means it is really bad. You want to provoke our sisters to disagree, so that they can benefit from it. But you have miscalculated the abacus... You have to say other people, I might even think about it. In the empty world, who doesn’t know that she is my sister, she can betray me, kill me and don’t believe it!”

Shaking the fairy on one side hangs his eyes, but his eyes quickly return to nature.

"Dead -"

The son-in-law suddenly launched an attack.

Before Lin Sansheng and Houqing talked, everyone was distracted to listen. She also convinced the offensive. Lishan’s mother and other people just looked at her. Only then did she have time to talk to Lin Sansheng. She never thought that the son-in-law had been accumulating momentum. Suddenly Attacks attacked.

Lishan’s mother returned to her heart and hurriedly summoned everyone to suppress it.

The niece turned into a **** hurricane. The offensive was several times sharper than before. She almost rushed to her, but the octagonal beam of light still controlled her. Lishan’s mother just had to catch her breath, suddenly her eyes flashed, and her eyes flashed. It was blurred at once.


Shaking the fairy pushed her abruptly, but it was still a slow step. The blood was passed through the old mother of Lishan, and her body was heavily beaten and landed on the ground.

The son-in-law escaped.

Everyone is on the spot.

Lishan, who was lying on the ground, gasped for a big breath, and there seemed to be a layer of blood on his face. Nothing could be seen.

Shaking the fairy held her in her arms and burst into tears.

There are many pictures in her mind.

Just a few days ago, the son-in-law found her and told her the whole plan.

"After the incident, we unified the world, when you are the master of all this." The son-in-law touched her face and smiled with a sinister look.

"You let me lead the way, let me be a traitor, it doesn't matter... I have already done this, and I can't wash it anyway. But you let me harm my sister, that is absolutely impossible!"

Nvwa smiled and said: "Your sister is not dead, you will always be the second number of teaching, and then she will know all this in the future..." said her hand to her.

Shake the fairy to open her hand and said: "You will kill me, I can't do it anyway."

"How can I be willing to kill you." The son-in-law shrugged. "Well, then, at that time, I pretend to be restrained, and then violently, you will help me in the dark, remove the infuriating, let the law appear temporarily. The gap, they will not expect, when I break through the line of defense, you will help me to give you a sister to come up, broke the pear body of your sister, let me hurt her...

Don't be excited, listen to me, what I want is to break the line, I won't kill her. On the contrary, in order to repay your help to me, I can leave her life, hurt her, and let her stop fighting, you There was also a reason to take her out of the battlefield, and wait until all the dust settled... She also had to accept it all? Beauty, I am thinking about it for you. ”

Shaking the fairy inside hesitated for a long while, said: "Are you sure not to hurt her?"

"Just hurt her, not to die."

"Can be seen by others."

"You pretend to push her away, secretly force, who will find it? At that time I thought it was too much for me to start..."

Shaking the fairy bites his lips and eventually has to accept such an arrangement.


But now, she is holding her mother, Li Shan, can feel the instinct of her body is decreasing, her face is gradually pale...

Shaking the fairy suddenly understood, Hou Qing lied to himself!

She did not keep her hand on Lishan's old mother. Now, Lishan's mother is dying.

And myself... Because it broke the pear flower body of Lishan’s mother, it also became an accomplice, otherwise Lishan’s mother would never be killed by the son-in-law...

"You... I am in charge of the mountain gate, cheats... in my Zen room..."

In the face of several of his own disciples, Li Shan’s mother said, muttering.

"And, don't investigate the traitor again. I know who she is. I forgive her..."


Shake the fairy inside, and collapsed. He held the hands of Lishan’s mother and gritted his teeth to tell the truth. Lishan’s mother interrupted her and said, “I know what you want to say, shake the light, and you don’t want to Tracing this matter, everyone has made a mistake, I believe... she is not intentional, I know her, she is a good boy, she may have a chance to turn back... At least, can't let me die... Our sisters, there must always be someone who can hold on. You remember, if you live, there is hope..."

Shake the fairy on her, and weeping.

Lishan’s mother turned to several disciples and said: “From now on, before the new leader of Lishan can be alone, everything on the mountain gate, all listening to the light, and...”

She was mad at the hair, and then there was no movement for a long time. It wasn't until the fine cockroaches flew out of her mouth and nostrils that everyone knew she was dead.


Sister, you obviously guessed that I was a traitor. Why didn’t you say it?

I hurt you, help outsiders kill you, why do you want to protect me, why, why are you doing this?

(Today my uncle is in critical condition, need to take care of the patient, write a chapter, and leave some energy)

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