Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3048: The 3050th first victim 2

The words that Lishan’s mother said last time reappeared in her ear, shaking the fairy to understand what it was.

She is forgiving her, not only that, but she also believes that she has a hard time doing this, yeah, unless so, who will poison her sister? However, even then, at what moment she knows the truth, what will her heart look like?

A misstep has become a thousand hate.

Because of the mistakes I made, nowadays, even the closest relatives are lost.

I killed my sister... I am a sinner.

There is no chance for redemption, but maybe, what else can I do?

Lishan's old mother died, and the few Lishan disciples fell on her body and cried. The rest of the big brothers are also very sad in their hearts.

A light flashed through her flesh and showed the deity: a huge snake.

Her true body is the ancient sacred animal, the snake, was taught by Dongyue the Great, and cultivated into a positive fruit. She led the Taiyi Sanxian brand, and explained the first one of Jinxian, the founder of Lishan... She, Madonna of Lishan It became the first dead man in this war.

The war has only just begun.

"Hehehe... This is the end of the game with me, Lishan old mother... What about you? I think you are still being defeated! Eighteen Gorefiends... Play with me!"

She swayed her head desperately, shed blood from her eyes, fell to her feet, and immediately became adult, followed by the female, and rushed toward the crowd.

The battle started again, but because the old mother of Lishan died, no one was in control, and the son-in-law also ran away, proclaiming the failure of the corpse, and the people could only support each other and deal with the shackles.

"Military division, we also have to avenge the Virgin!" Xiaobai said, not for anything else, only for Lishan old mother is like a snake, they can not help but have a sad feeling of rabbits.

Lin Sansheng stared at Houqing and said slowly: "What other means are you useless?"

Hou Qingdao said: "At least one more."

"Where is Linlin!" Lin Sansheng asked.

After Qing smiled, "Lin Sansheng, I respect you as a good opponent. I have a question to ask you. You know that the traitor is a swaying fairy. Why don’t you tell Lishan the mother earlier? This way, she is wary, maybe Don't die."

The people who were present at the scene heard it. They looked at the fairy who was shaking the light. The fairy was still bending over and holding the body of Lishan’s old mother, the giant snake, with no expression on her face.

Hou Qing smiled and said: "I will help you answer it, because you know that they are intimate, even if you say it, Lishan's mother must not believe, let alone you are an outsider, they will feel that you are provoking. In the meantime, this is one of them. Second, you want to use your plan - you will count on it, ambush it here, and kill me.

Therefore, you deliberately conceal the truth. At the last minute, you deliberately asked the Shake Fairy to let her appear in anxious situation. You know that even if you say it, Lishan’s mother will not believe, but the shaking will be unsettled. With the son-in-law to start with her...

You foresee the ending of Lishan's mother, at least, there may be an ending. For all this, you would rather sacrifice her, and there are those mountain gates that have been destroyed by me. Unscrupulous for the purpose. Lin Sansheng, in this respect, you really don't lose to me. ”

His remarks attracted the big men of the teachings and the Buddhism to look at him, with a doubt and suppressed anger in his expression.

Lin Sansheng replied: "You said so much, just to provoke dissension?"

"This is your plan. Why should I provoke it?"

Facing the eyes of everyone, Lin Sansheng said: "This is not the case, because the traitor is not a swaying fairy."

Everyone was shocked.

Shaking the fairy also looked up and looked at Lin Sansheng with astonishment.

Suddenly, she understood why Lin Sansheng said this:

Of course, Hou Qing is arguing, so that these big brothers feel that they have been shot by Lin Sansheng, and they have been kept in the dark for the truth, thus creating a suspicion with Lin Sansheng. Under the current situation, it is naturally impossible to treat him. Like, but it is very likely that he will not listen to his command again... The problem is that Lin Sansheng did not explain it at all, even if he had done so.

The clever Lin Sansheng thought of this method of paying the bottom: not acknowledging that he was a traitor. In this way, it fundamentally refutes all the accusations of Houqing, that is to say, as long as people do not believe that they are traitors, then the death of the old mother of Lishan will naturally become a vain...

Lin Sansheng is really a hero.

"I said that she was, just to swindle the real traitor, because it is the most impossible to shake the light, so she splashed her dirty water. Before the death of the Virgin, she said that she was not. This is the conclusion..."

Lin Sansheng is still explaining, his eyes are looking at the light fairy, and he seems to be righteous.

No one knows what he is thinking.

These motives that shake the fairy speculation do exist, but what she does not know is that he actually has plans. Before Li Shan’s mother died, she still tried to protect the younger sister. This made Lin Sansheng very moved.

He felt that he was jealous of his mother.

Therefore, he decided to help her last busy, do their best to hide the identity of the Shake Fairy, although in the heart he despised this person, so respect the choice of Lishan's mother.

It is right or wrong, it doesn't matter.

Sure enough, after listening to him, the look of the group eased a lot, and at this time the son-in-law led a **** demon to attack, everyone tried to cope.

"You just ask me, yourself, where is your last card, and where?"

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing also turned their heads and looked at Lin Sansheng with anticipation.

"Army, let's do it!"

Lin Sansheng reached into his sleeve and took out a reel and shook it in the air.

Shanhe community map!

A landslide and cracking movement, the aura flies, countless egrets and cranes screamed and vacated.

In a short time, a large cloud of clouds came from the horizon, and the colorful fairy stood in the clouds, overlooking it, and the seven Fengshui pagodas along the mountain were destroyed.

Caiyun Fairy was shocked and shouted: "Who is so bold! I dare to come to my Caiyun Peak!"

No one responded to her.

"What's wrong, dare not dare to show up?" Cai Yun Fairy looked around, could not see a figure, his heart suddenly a tight, said: "You are the person of Ye Shaoyang."

At this time, a lady came flying, and reported: "Master is not good, there are evil things to go to Xuanyuan Peak!"

Caiyun Fairy heard the news, Xuanyuan Peak is eighteen miles deep, and is the core of Xuanyuan Mountain. It is also a holy place. It was the place where Xuanyuan God practiced. After Xuanyuan God decomposed the Yuanshen, there was a more Wang Xianquan there. The spring water brings the rich spiritual power to Xuanyuan Mountain.

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