Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3064: The 3066 last enemy 1

"I just struggled in contradiction. When I lost you, I realized my heart. I thought it was too late. Fortunately, you are back."

Lin Sansheng, who is restrained and restrained, faces Li Linlin and speaks out his own words in one breath. He has never been so straightforward, but after he said it, he felt that he was much more comfortable.

Li Linlin was surprised first, then flung in the arms of Lin Sansheng, and he was no longer in his heart.

Lin Sansheng got up and looked down the mountain. After the death of Houqing, the corpses were also seen in the eyes. At this moment, all the six gods had no ownership and they were in a mess.

This is a great opportunity!

Lin Sansheng then passed on the order, and the three armies trembled with morale and struggled to kill the enemy.

The stalemate ended, and at first the corpses were still rebelling. Later they fled and the war became a massacre...

The members of the Ghost Federation and the Valley of the Winds are not excited at all. They stand behind Ye Shaoyang and look down on the cold jade.

With the last strength, Yan Lengyu spoke with Ye Shaoyang in the knowledge of God.

They recalled the past, those happy experiences together, and Leng Yuyu discovered that they were too little together, which is destined to be regrettable and have no time.

Fortunately, after all, there have been memories.

"Shaoyang, I didn't worry about leaving you alone. Now, I can at least rest assured." Yan Lengyu glanced at Xiaojiu and smiled.

Xiao Ji looked at her with ecstasy and couldn’t say a word.

Ye Shaoyang almost became a stone man, standing in front of the cold jade, letting the tears flow silently, he did not dare to wipe his tears, he wanted to see more cold jade, even if it was only for a moment, not willing to miss.

After all, the robbery is gone, and the world is empty.

Probably, is that the case?

Yang Gongyu came to the side of the road, grabbed his hand, and paid attention to the cold jade.

The body of Yan Lengyu almost melted in half.

But her soul is dimmed first, and seems to be split.

Waiting for her is a ghost.

"Cold jade!"

Ye Shaoyang fought unscrupulously and was dragged to death by Sibao and Wu Jiawei. Two good brothers are also crying silently.

Guagua is lying in the small nine arms, wow, crying.

Everything slipped in the most sad situation. However, when the figure of the cold jade faded and was invisible, suddenly her body jerked up and the whole body swayed with a black gold light.

This light is getting stronger and stronger, and almost everyone can't open their eyes.

"Cold jade!"

Ye Shaoyang tried to go up and hold her, but was shaken back by this black light. Ye Shaoyang stunned and tried again. This time, she tried her best and still couldn’t get close to her. She didn’t understand what it was.

Soon, the black light converges and gathers in the eyebrows of Yu Lengyu. It turns into a red dot like cinnabar. She slowly falls, her body stands straight, and her eyes are motionless.

"Cold jade?"

Ye Shaoyang screamed and screamed.

芮冷玉 did not respond.

Ye Shaoyang walked over to her and tried to grab her hand. At this moment, Yan Yuyu opened her eyes.

Everyone was shocked.

Her eyes turned golden, with a touch of black.

She didn't seem to see Ye Shaoyang, but turned her head and looked around, looking thoughtful.

"Green underworld..."

It is not the sound of cold jade, but the voice of a completely strange woman, such as the empty valley, without a little echo.

Everyone was shocked again, looking at the cold jade.

"Cold jade!"

Ye Shaoyang, with the last hope, called her again.

Yan Lengyu slowly moved his eyes slowly to his face, and his face slowly opened a smile. This is the kind of smile that Yan Lengyu can't do.

"You are the descendant of Ye Fashan..."

The gaze shifted again and moved to the face of the road. "Tsing Yi..."

"The Promise Ghost King!"

The road wind whispers in a rare way.

These four words came out of his mouth and shocked everyone.

For a moment, everyone understood.

True and false, the world has guessed for a long time, and even a few parties can't figure out the truth. Until the moment when the truth was revealed, they suddenly realized that it was really a reincarnation ghost boy!

It turns out that all the rumors are true. The ghost king can indeed project himself into the world through the body of the reincarnation ghost boy.

Ye Shaoyang had a colic in his heart and turned his head and looked at the wind coldly. "You said that the ghost king can cross the world. I ask you why. You don't say it. You already knew it."

The road is silent.

"You also know that you will sacrifice yourself... or this is a good discussion with her, you acquiesced her to do this?"

The road sighed and said: "This is her own choice. She knew her identity early in the morning. As long as she died, the ghost king could not use her body to cross... she just wanted to die and was worth a little. It’s going to be a fight, but it’s still a step late...”

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that in the last time before he came to the airspace, Yan Lengyu deliberately went to find himself and stayed together for that sweet day. At that time, I didn’t think much. Now I understand that she was already doing well. I was prepared to sacrifice, so I went to accompany myself.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and walked a few steps toward the Promise Ghost King. He silently said: "Give me the cold jade."

The Promise Ghost Wang looked at him and smiled slightly. "You are so infatuated, I like it. I don't want to kill you, let's go."

The Promise Ghost dynasty walked forward, and Ye Shaoyang stopped moving in front of him.

The Promise Ghost King raised his finger and flew over the wind and sand, blowing Ye Shaoyang to a few tens of meters away and falling to the ground. Xiao Jiu and others rushed to help him.

Seeing the Promise Ghost King walked over from the crowd and came to the top of the mountain. Those empty gangsters were standing here, seeing the Promise Ghost King coming, one by one, involuntarily retreating.

Although it is the body of the cold jade, but the body has an indescribable oppressive temperament.

The ghost king climbed to the top, overlooking the distance, then raised his hands and took a deep breath, muttering: "How many years have passed, and finally there is only one step in the world."

He turned to look at the empty circles in the daze below the peak, saying: "You are all empty creatures?"

Everyone was forced to ask him and he could only nod.

"In the future, you are all under my rule."

Everyone looked at each other under the shackles, and Akiko Akiko took a few steps forward and said: "The meaning of the ghost king is to take over the empty world?"

"No, not only the empty world, but also the world. From now on, I am the only god."

Akiko Akiko’s expression was sluggish for a moment, and he said, “I’m afraid I can’t be killed...”

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