Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3065: 3067 last enemy 2

When the words were not finished, the Promise Ghost King faced him and reached out, and the autumn inferior gave birth to an invisible force, rolling up the dust, and Qiu Mingzi tried to resist, but it was quickly rolled up by the power.

He hurriedly confronted, but it was only a delay, and when everyone reacted and wanted to save him, Akiko suddenly screamed, and the body was torn apart in the storm. The soul was intact, but was the King of Promise. Gently waved and received the hand.

A generation of squadrons, stunned by Houqing, actually died so easily in the hands of the Promise Ghost King...

The behavior of the Promise Ghost King greatly stimulated the rest of the empty world. In this case, instead of surrendering, they became even more enemies, and they rushed toward the Promise Ghost King.

The ghost king waved his sleeves, rolled up the dust storm, and erected an indestructible enchantment in front of them, blocking them all.

Then, looking at the empty-air coalition forces and zombies in the mountains and plains, he frowned and sighed: "The snails fight for length and length, it doesn't make sense..."

Hands-on, picking up the wind, blowing down from the peak, wherever you go, the two sides of the fight are all in the sky, black pressure a large piece, all blown into the invisible distance.

He did this a few times in this way, and all the troops were gone.

These big shackles who were blocked out of the enchantment saw this scene, and the heart was not only shocked.

Before the Promise Ghost King, the strongest opponent they had ever seen was the post-Qing, who was the master of the court, and the super-powerful, but Ye Shaoyang added the wind and could fight him.

In front of the most powerful evil thing known as the Three Realms, the Promise Ghost King, these hands that appeared casually after the appearance, made these big people feel deeply desperate.

They understand that even if they are together, it is not enough for the Promise Ghost.

"You, can you follow me." The Promise Ghost King turned and looked at them, his tone was very calm.

Everyone looks at each other, as the master of the empty world, they naturally do not want to let the empty world let people, but said resistance, they are not opponents, let alone the autumn car knows...

For a time, everyone was silent.

When they think of their situation, they feel helpless and ridiculous. Their opponents were Houqing’s corpse. After many wars, the casualties were heavy. They finally destroyed the strongest form of the Qing, watching the victory in sight, and finally killing halfway. Come out a Promise Ghost King...

"Not satisfied!"

In the silence, a firm voice sounded, and everyone turned around and saw that Ye Shaoyang came over, behind him, following the Ghost Alliance and the members of the Valley of the Wind. The wind is at the end.

Of course they are not satisfied.

Even if the opponent is the strongest of the three realms, they will fight to the end.

The Promise Ghost Wang looked at them, looked like a smile, just wanted to speak. Suddenly, dozens of people flew from the distant mountains. Everyone turned to look at it, but it was Bai Ze’s square candle, nine cloudy days, and other ancient animals living in Xuanyuan Mountain. .

Bai Ze looked at Ye Shaoyang and others and said with sorrow:

"Xuanyuan Mountain was destroyed by him. We escaped and heard that you are in the air. I thought that the ghost king might come to you and come over. You...do you fight to the end?"

"Of course." Ye Shaoyang said faintly.

"Okay, let's count us!"

These dozens of ancient animals, plus a number of sects who escaped from Xuanyuan Mountain, immediately stood behind the camp, and the empty worlds looked at each other and stood up.

A team of dozens of people has formed, with Ye Shaoyang and Daofeng as the head, facing the Promise Ghost King with a dying attitude.

They are the last resistance of the Three Realms. Once they fail, the Promise Ghost King will occupy the airspace and then occupy the human world and complete the unification of the main space of the Three Realms.

There is no way out.

The Promise Ghost King stood at the top of the mountain, overlooking this temporarily organized alliance, looking at the self-confident, seems to have some interest.

His gaze fell on Ye Shaoyang's face and said: "You are the descendant of Ye Fashan's pro-election. For the first time in centuries, your achievements are still far from the upper limit. It is a pity to die here. I am sealing you. For the head of the world, how about the whole spelling of the magic world, what is the same?"

"Thank you, I am used to being a man, I am not used to being a dog. And..." Ye Shaoyang stared at him and said coldly, "I can't stand to talk to you, but I am facing the body of Lengyu. You want to Negotiate with me and return the cold jade to me first."

The Promise Ghost King smiled.

"I arranged her to reincarnate for a thousand years, for the body of a perfect human form, how can I give it to you? Besides, I am not negotiating." He said slowly and without a tone:

"If you have a large number of people, it seems to me that it is no different from the ants. If you don't follow, you will have a dead end, but you have to think clearly."

The pony pulled Ye Shaoyang and said: "Whatever is with him, it’s all here, it’s it!"

The wind came to him, turned and looked at the crowd, saying: "Just do this, do your best."

After that, I took the lead and flew over to the Promise Ghost King.

Dozens of people followed, flew in the air, and Lin Sansheng was at the end, acting as a conductor. In this battle, the Ghost Federation had actually had drill arrangements, although it was not known at the time that the ultimate battle would take place in the air. But the fight is the same, the only thing that they expected is that the Promise Ghost is too strong, much stronger than they had imagined before.

The ultimate battle, opened the curtain.

Faced with the siege of dozens of first-class powerhouses (worst and second-class powerhouses), the Promise Ghost King stood at the top of the peak, without any confusion, and sacrificed yin and yang. The pure yang gas engulfs everyone in the middle, shaped like a peach, in which the music is fluttering, and the sacred sounds are bursting into the ears. Numerous gods emerged, and the thunder gods, the five-party fairy emperor, the eighteen arhats, and the Leiyin sages descended in the clouds. Although they were all illusions, the offensive was extremely fierce.

The atmosphere of the Taiyin is surrounded by the surrounding, swaying the sand, covering the sky, covering the whole mountain, dark as the night, cold and biting, with ghosts and ghosts, white bones, and the wind blowing, interspersed among them. .

With the completion of the Promise Ghost King, the yin and yang are in the air, and the gods are flying in the sky, launching waves of attacks. The two gases come one after another, and the heat is boiling for a while, and then it is cold and bitter...

The continually shattered souls and broken limbs were thrown off the yin-covered peaks, and the officers of the empty circles who had gathered together came to the bottom of the mountain to see the scores. It was shocking.


The avatar of the flamingo's bird vomited out of the blood, and the neck was broken and died on the battlefield.

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