Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3066: The 3030 last enemy 3

He is not the first tragic beast.

Their ancient spirits and beasts are congenital demigods. They are everywhere in the Three Realms. No matter which force they join, they are the top ones, but in front of the Promise Ghosts, they are so vulnerable.

Seeing that there were people who were dying, Ye Shaoyang seized the wind and said: "This is not the case. We have to find a way to rush to him before we can deploy."

"I have observed that this yin and yang are derived from the four images, and the derivation of the gossip. It is the most pure heavenly spell. It is a total of twelve layers. Let's do it together, send them in, and use the sword array..."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it: "It's not that you need a zombie control, where to find it?"

The road was silent. Originally, he arranged the cold jade to make the pine grain ancient sword. The cold jade is essentially a zombie. It is a good candidate. Now, the cold jade is dead, and indeed there is one less candidate.

"Get in and talk about it first!"

After the wind was finished, he used a whip to open a wave of air and rushed into the second floor.

The first layer is the outermost layer of the twelve instincts. The power is not that big. At least two people can still talk. After entering the second floor, the power is enhanced several times. Not only that, the wind feels His own movements have slowed down, but he can barely support it. He will insert the whip into the ground. It is an eye in the squad, which can prevent the flow of yin and yang.

Ye Shaoyang immediately followed up and made a legal battle. Everyone behind them followed. Then enter the third floor, the power of the squad is not so big, there is a hurricane blowing on the body, as if it can blow into the human body, this feeling is hard to say, will not cause damage to the human body, but very uncomfortable . The road is hard to support.

After the 12th yin and yang array, the Promise Ghost King no longer took the initiative to kill, but looked at them with great interest.

"In the same year, Ye Fashan came to kill me. I also arranged for him to give him a big battle. He even smashed the innocence and died on the ninth road. It is a pity. You are the future person, I don’t know if you can surpass you. Ancestors?" The Promise Ghost Wang looked at Ye Shaoyang and said with a little expectation.

Ye Shaoyang said nothing, stepping forward with difficulty and entering the third...

As if it was falling in the sky, as soon as it fell on the body, it immediately became ice. The snow became bigger and bigger, and soon a layer was piled on the body. These snowflakes fell on the body as if they immediately took away the heat, and the chill instantly invaded. in vivo.

Ye Shaoyang tried to reach out to get rid of the snow, but the hand could not lift it! It is not impossible to move, but the air seems to be solidified, and it is particularly difficult to lift the hand.

"Go ahead, don't stop!"

The road wind is also stepping forward, the lotus blossoms on the top of the head, covering the whole body, but the light from the lotus is getting smaller and smaller.

The followers came up with their own methods to resist the terrible cold.

Ye Shaoyang struggled to lift his feet and walked forward. The movement was as slow as the eight-fold slow-moving video. It was only a few steps away, but it took a few minutes. When it came out of the second road, it was almost frozen. It is.

Entering the third road, the chill of the body disappeared, but it was not enough to slow down. It was blown into the air by the wind. Ye Shaoyang quickly fixed the figure and tossed it for a long time before he barely inserted the seven-star Longquan sword into the ground to fix his figure.

The intensity of this wind is so great that it almost blows off the flesh of human beings. Ye Shaoyang stayed up to Xiaojiu. The two men were together and felt a little better. They came in by the wind and other people, stood together and opened up a small space to block the wind, so that more people came in.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. In the second way, several people have been completely frozen. Looking at them one by one, they are all close-fitting disciples around the empty world. They are not strong enough to support them...

After entering the third road, several people were blown up. If the people who did not stand still took them, they flew around the circle, and the body gradually became powdered. Then the soul was blown away and turned into fine, still Flying above the sky.

"Our people are all right!" Ye Shaoyang asked nervously.

Everyone answered nothing.

"Remember, everyone has to go together, so it is safer, no one should leave it!"

Ye Shaoyang finished, entered the fourth road, the fourth water property, as if floating in the sea, one after another, the waves hit, Xiaoqing Xiaobaimeihua oranges immediately appeared in the real body, swimming in the water, blocking the giant for everyone Waves, cover them forward.

After everyone passed, the four men almost exhausted their strength and rushed to the other side.

The oranges can't swim.

Xiaoqing, Xiaobai and Meihua took her and tried to move forward.

Ye Shaoyang and others have entered the fifth.

The twelve terrible places are the most terrible places. They didn’t know at first, but later they realized that it was not just a terrible element in every way, but one after another, there was no chance to breathe in the middle. With a sigh of relief all the way down, at first, you think you can do it. When you find that you can't do it, it's too late to think about going out. Once you relax, it's a dead end.

The oranges struggled with the giant waves, covering everyone, and when they were going to pass, they were all exhausted. Oranges are usually lazy, not good to practice, the worst is her. The fish won't drown, but at this moment she really has to drown.

Three people took her, and they struggled hard in a wave of waves, and soon they would not.

"Let me let go of it..." said the orange weakly, trying to let go of his hand, but the three were firmly clutching.

"Let me go... wait until you see the little wolf and tell him how I died. Maybe she can wait for me for hundreds of years..." The orange consciousness began to blur.

The fifth road is the sea of ​​fire. The pain of burning fire is unbearable.

Ye Shaoyang had already walked halfway through it and found the danger in the fourth road. He turned and went to save without hesitation.

"Are you crazy, this is equal to finding death!" The wind stopped him.

"I can't watch them die!" Ye Shaoyang pushed him away and went back to the fourth road. He went straight down and quickly came to the front of the four people. He said that the oranges were carried on the body, let Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Meihua Open the road ahead, how much to block some huge waves, and walk with oranges.

"Boss, why are you coming back..." the orange that was waking up asked weakly. Of course, she understands that these twelve instincts are going to be completed in one breath. They are all supported by mana. There are seven behind them. If he folds back, it will cost a lot of mana and it will be even more dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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