Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3069: The 3071 third world is the strongest 2

Ye Shaoyang almost went to him with tears. He touched a bottle on his remaining body, and opened it, and a smoked smell immediately came out.


Ye Shaoyang poured out three black **** on his hands and immediately understood that Wu Jiawei, this is early preparation... These **** are all made of corpse oil, and the corpse is so rich, ordinary people When swallowing, it is necessary to change the corpse. Wu Jiawei is a master with a strong mana. The corpse enters into the body to stimulate self-resistance. Therefore, he only commits suicide and turns the body into a body...

Three corpse oil pills were stuffed into Wu Jiawei's mouth.

Wu Jiawei's soul was attached to the body, and began to practice. He continued to seep out from both arms. Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes and saw that his two arms were engraved with runes.

It should be a certain secret method of his Lushan Mountain. Ye Shaoyang guesses that he can transform a body into a kind of ghost technique, so that the ghost body can also be used.

"You go to the array first!"

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the peak of the peak. The yin and yang two gas covered the peak. Nothing could be seen clearly, but he could hear the screams, and the broken limbs fell from the sky. The people who saw it were shocking.

The little nine-three took the magical symbol given by Ye Shaoyang and immediately went to find the position. Ye Shaoyang also found the dry place nearby, and put the seven-star Longquan sword on the ground, and put the magic symbol drawn on the hilt on the hilt. Opposite the sword.

At this time, Wu Jiawei also opened his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at him and couldn’t tell the complexity.

Wu Jiawei smiled and said, "I am now a ghost, I feel good, congratulate me, I can live forever."

Ye Shaoyang did not make a sound, and gave him the pine-grained sword.

Wu Jiawei took the sword and went to the other side to practice.

Five people, one person and one sword, in different directions of the mountain, the specific process has been practiced before, five people use the soul to open the printing, will be a body to be poured into the sword, not much time, each sword It has attracted the power of the elements of heaven and earth, and it has become hot and sparkling with different luster.

Jinmu Shuihuo, the most essential element of the five heavens and the earth, is the foundation of all things, and the most habitually neglected force. Once it emerges, its power is almost unstoppable.

Five gods of light, straight to the peak, launched a terrible blow to the Promise Ghost King.

After the five swords flew out, Ye Shaoyang almost collapsed, kneeling on the ground and looking toward the summit.

A huge shock wave exploded in the peak range, and the aftermath shocked everyone and landed under the mountain.

Ye Shaoyang saw the seven-star Longquan sword falling, flying to catch, the sword front is dim, Ye Shaoyang stroked the blade, can feel its weakness.

After summoning the power of the elements, the sword became the carrier, and this station is also the glorious battle of these five swords.

Among the nine instruments of the world, there are only these five swords, which can be used as a container of the power of the elements to evaporate the power of the elements to the extreme, and then they are hollowed out like the mage after the big move. Need to raise interest for a while.

"Good job, you should rest well." Ye Shaoyang put the sword away, whistled, and the friends gathered.

At this time, the force of the element caused a second wave of impact on the peak. The aftermath swept across the mountain. The strength was still full, and a large piece of woods was destroyed. Most of them were shaken to the ground, and the blood was overwhelmed. Even vomiting blood.

The crowd looked at the top of the mountain, and they could faintly see the figure of the Promise Ghost King, in a storm of five colors, and the body swayed and attacked.

Those empty gangsters who have not died, and the gods of Xuanyuan Mountain, have come to the highland where Ye Shaoyang is located, looking up together.

The strongest within the Three Realms, wrestling with the strongest force between heaven and earth.

"This battle has almost caught up with the battle of the wilderness of the year." Bai Ze said silently.

On the side of the candle, Jiuyin said: "I see the strength of the Promise Ghost King, and the Xuanyuan God of that year is nothing more than that."

They all experienced the battle of the wild, although they were all small, but they also witnessed the grand war.

The Promise Ghost King finally fell to the ground under the continuous impact of the power of the elements. After struggling for a few times, he could not stand up.

Everyone took a long breath and cheered and celebrated.

The Promise Ghost King... is defeated.

"The battle for a battle, the wind and the wind, the little celestial division, this battle is the first achievement! It is the watch of the world of magic!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled softly and suddenly heard someone crying behind him. He turned and looked at it. See Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Guagua are tearing their tears.

"Meihua sister and buns... I have sacrificed. I was afraid that you will be distracted and didn't tell you..." The orange fluttered in his arms and burst into tears.

Ye Shaoyang trembled in his heart and hurriedly spread his left hand, but he saw that the palm of his hand had lost the soul of both of them.

Tears drips on the palm of their hand where their souls disappear.

I didn’t even see it in the end.

The people who catch the ghosts are all sentimental together.

"Meihua sister finally stayed with me..." Xiaobai said with tears to Ye Shaoyang, "She told me to tell you that she has no regrets in her life, no regrets in her life... After five hundred years, she gathers souls and reborn, still I am coming to you..."

Five hundred years later... Ye Shaoyang’s heart can’t be described.

Xuanyuanshan gods, but also more than half of the death and injury, not to mention the heavy losses, the loss of these heavy, all the best friends have died in this battle, driven by the emotions of the ghost league, there are

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

"The ghost king is not dead!"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly looked up and looked at the top of the peak. Under the encirclement of the power of the elements, the Promise Ghost King stood up again and again. The figure was divided into two. The form was a man and a woman, surrounded by the air, one body dragging pure Yang Qi, a yin gas, rotates around the circle, as if the Tai Chi Pisces figure, resists the impact of the elements.

"I am afraid that he will not kill him!"

After the wind was over, he flew toward the top of the mountain.

"Danger!" everyone was shocked, but the wind has gone up.

Ye Shaoyang took the heart and chased it up.

"You go down!"

"Let's go!" Ye Shaoyang handed him a firm look.


Xiaojiu came out to catch up.

"Danger, you go back!" Ye Shaoyang's attitude toward Xiao Jiu is like a wind to him.

Xiaoji did not talk nonsense with him, grab him directly with his tail, put it on his back, and flew up to the summit.

The rest of the Ghost Federation and the Valley of the Winds are also coming behind.

In the process, the power of the elements of the Five Elements has not stopped the attack on the Promise Ghost King. In the five-wheel rotation, a wave of powerful forces is constantly erupting. The aftermath is as wide as the heat wave. The closer to the peak, the stronger the aftermath, and it is almost tough.

(End of this chapter)

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